This man is in his thirties to early forties.
There is a good chance he served six to ten years in the military.
He climbed up the career ladder in Federal law enforcement to a job position more exclusive than becoming a Navy Seal.
He is an elite sniper/counter-sniper positioned on the roof of the White House.
One of the first and last lines of defense against attack or assassination.
Every moment of his life lead up to this.
A mistake, a failure, making the wrong choice, any single thing could have kept him from this moment, as thousands of other people who could have been in his shoes fell short in some way.
But he is the one. He made it.
And his president is being protested by.. some kind of KFC marketing thing? Fuck if I know.
Anyway, post what he's thinking.
What is going through the mind of this sniper?
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No replies, not a problem I'll just bump the thr
ooga booga time fo dat kfc homie
I just try to keep my mind on the task at hand. Thanks for your concern
>post what he's thinking
fuck Drumpf, Hillary won the election...
That chicken is a nork psyop to bait trump into attacking. they apparently don't know he's on vacation right now
I know you're hoping the wind catches it and blows it over the fence so you have an excuse to shoot it. Because you're the hero America needs.
>white house so dilapidated trees are growing on it
jesus christ, america get your shit together
This God-tier Alpha's thinking:
>this kewl job gets me sooo much sweet tang from White House interns & various DC hawties I'd never do anything to fuck it up. Also, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!
>muh trees
Show your flag coward otherwise you're just a pathetic faggot hiding behind a loser flag
>muh flag
fucking americans...
Your post raises a good point:
There are others on that roof and clearly such an object is going to create extra work & headaches for people with complex & difficult jobs.
The chicken is meant to annoy Trump but he doesn't give a fuck. He probably won't even see it and would like that he's living that rent free in their heads if he did. But it's only hurting people who work hard and face enormous personal sacrifices while doing so. This is courtesy of the side that claims they are the real "patriots" now and have all changed their profile pics to an eagle with a vagina hat.
Spend money on giant Trump chicken with golden hair. Plan operation, execute.
Trump has been gone for 4 days and won't be back for two weeks.
>man I can not wait to fuck and eat the 5 year old after my shift ends....EAT THE PAIN
>"I'm getting paid so much for this"
He is thinking that the balloon is a diversion and the assassin will come from somewhere unexpected
They know, they're too pussy to do it while he's there
Trump isn't actually at the White House right now.
Remember when a rodeo clown was not allowed to wear an Obama mask?
If he was on duty a couple of weeks ago he was gagging. I had no idea that it was the White House roof outside the hotel window, and I was walking around with my 60 year old balls out while I was looking for a towel.
Sorry man, feels bad
Hm, I dont know what goes through the mind of brainwashed corporate mercernaries.
Fake news
Can't wait to get to home to watch the recorded game and have a few beers, tomorrow's off-day too so maybe more than a few
I dont know how slaves think.
fucking niggers just try and pull some shit getting my harpoon next month for those fucking land whales
>>fuck dude that WOD had me sore all morning, oh man can't wait to get off work and drink some Jameson with the guys from group
Wait what's going o
Someone should spray paint Kek in green on it
It is a Soros paid chicken
Perfect idea derail the chick and get everyone to think its kfc marketing liberals will be pissed.
Giant inflatable watermelon when?