It seems like women are starting to figure out that male commitment isn't free, and it feels really really good...

it seems like women are starting to figure out that male commitment isn't free, and it feels really really good. am i a faggot?

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Elaborate, I'm a retard

it just seems like every few days, an article comes out complaining about men playing too many videogames and women not having enough men to latch onto

this image makes me wanna go neet
fuck paying taxes so whores can get free birf control for all the aids niggers they're fucking

It's almost like men are hardwired to not look for used goods and have a revulsion coded in at the genetic level when it comes to raising other men's children.

I'm very glad that Stacy got to enjoy her youth as much as she did, but I don't plan on being anyone's piggy bank.

the elites are in a massive campaign to discredit men.
just remember that most publications and newspapers are owned by a very small group of people

my advice is don't work, don't pay taxes if you can help it. play by their retarded rules

if you must work, try to get a womens job. Why do the hard work if you can help it? I don't see many female ditch diggers

Bitch I can't even find a job.

>and it feels really really good
Yes it does.

The only problem is that no modern women are worthy of that commitment.

Once upon a time you could love a woman. What nasty, despicable creatures they've become. Women's rights were a HUGE mistake.

I work 60+ hours a week and I'm active in my neighborhood community

I just don't want to bother with sex or relationships or anything like that, I don't consider that "Dropping out of society".

Sup Forums is a feminist board that thinks men should opt in to a corrupt society so women can be validated. Women are like angels according to Sup Forums. Even if Sup Forums knows a lot of women are sluts and whores, the fucking WORST thing a man can do according to Sup Forums is to opt out and not validate women and society.
Sup Forums joins the ranks of tumblr, reddit, and modern western society in thinking this way.

Something I always wondered is why there are so few women and people in general on dating websites.
Logically, online dating is the most efficient and easy way to meet people that you find attractive or share interests with. It minimizes the effects of rejection and allows you to easily connect with multiple people in order to more easily find someone that you get along with.
And yet, because so few women use it, it's become a lopsided game of men vying for women's attention.

To me, online dating seems like the perfect response to my loneliness, and it kind of baffles me that so few women see don't see online dating as a legitimate solution to their loneliness.
I don't want to be sexist, but this disparity between the sexes in online dating legitimately makes me wonder if women see love and companionship the same way as men.

>get back to working like everyone else
She says from her air-conditioned office while my only option is manual labor 60+ hours a week

>I don't want to be sexist

Congratulations, you're on the first step to realizing how you've been lied to. Your post gives me the impression that you have a very long and painful time ahead of you.

Women can't fathom love that isn't connected to physical material

>dropped out of society a few years ago
>no friends
>no women
>Decided to try to turn my life around at age 25
>Got 2 jobs
>Quit the worse job to go to community college
>Get 2 year degree in Physics
>Can't get into any decent 4 year school because I failed out school when I was 20 for an unrelated field (cumulative GPA is shit as a result)
>Incompetent women get promoted ahead of me at work, I get "employee appreciation" awards and "employee of the month" instead of raises
>Still can't get laid

Thinking about giving up again

Women don't need online dating. They mostly go there for attention and to get validated and just in case they stumble onto something better than their current suitors. That's why they tend to be so picky online.
>makes me wonder if women see love and companionship the same way as men
They just have a lot more demands on top of that.

If you opt out of society you're nothing but an animal.
>I got a scrabble game that said "GOOD DEBT" on captcha

Don't give up on giving up, user. You can do it, I believe in you. Quit your job.

There's too many surplus men and there has to be another war to correct the issue. Everyone implicitly understands this even if the reality is too horrifying to admit. Women are the only ones fighting it at this point.

What if we find a way to manufacture women and break the game?

Give young white men a reason to opt in then. Oh wait, nobody can do that. The people that opt out are just as much animals as those who opt in.

Why would this stop you from getting laid? I've known plenty of dumb ass blue collar types who manage to get laid. Hell, for a lot of trashy women just finding a guy who owns a car is a big milestone.

Get involved with your local Stormer Book Club or join some alt-right organization. That's what I did. Instant friends.

Do what makes you feel good men, whatever it may be. We man have done this for an eternity, clawing and taking what we want. Do what makes you happy and everything else will fall into place.

Maybe more women should play video games then :)

>get back to working like everyone else
I have a job you fucking cunt

get hookers, normal women are not necessary.

sex robots?

>Live 20 years as a man
>go on HRT become tranny
>End up looking good
>men throwing themselves and their wallets at me constantly
>Everyone acts like it's the most amazing thing when you can just do your job on a basic level
>given preferential treatment and people automatically assume I'm a good person
>working in male dominated firelds and not being a dipshit guarantees unlimited job security
>if anyone finds out you used to be a man it just counts for diversity points and people call you brave every 5 mins

Don't let anyone lie to you. This is, quite literally easy mode for life. This whole society is fucked.

There isn't beside their own self-projected necessity to do so. Read Ecclesiastes.

>am i a faggot?
nah, the women are starving for high-quality dick, but all the career men with real assets to lose won't touch them because The Handmaid's Tale came about in the opposite way. the threat to sexual liberation wasn't the white christian (((patriarchy))) who gave us gifts like representative democracy, social action, the protestant ethic, and ordaining gays/trans; it was gender studies, who gave us "all sex is rape," "male toxic aggression," transgender in the first place, and micro-aggressions.

better to have an empathetic moral objective, rather than a hateful political one. uniquely american to marry mainstream protestants to regular feminists, as the good churches are quite equal already. sucks that all the single mothers got cucked and men don't want that shit. with kids more than anything, if you want it done right you have to do it yourself

>if anyone finds out you used to be a man it just counts for diversity points and people call you brave every 5 mins

This isn't real though is it. People will laigh at you and at best treat you like a deaf metally retarded person. They wont think of you as a peron any more, just a thing to be pitied.

Sup Forums is no such thing, you're confusing some users' stance on things like MGTOW for an overarching theme amongst the entirety of the board. The problem with ignoring women and not at least making the case for TRYING to have a relationship with one is that we need those women to have our white children or we will cease to exist in the near future.

Pushing this woman blackpill shit here on this board, especially as it grows in popularity and media infamy brings newcomers here, is that it discourages men from ever even attempting to have children and lead lives conducive to furthering our ends of, well, not being brown countries by 2050. It's not just the mass immigration, we need to reproduce as well, WHILST we fight those enemies from within that are slowly genociding us with draconian immigration and foreign policies.

Friendly reminder that white women in the USA are the least likely to racemix group of all women in the country and that half of 19 year old girls are virgins. Go get yourselves a reasonable woman and put children in her, for fuck's sake.

They're Jews. You know it, I know it. Everybody knows it.

Sex robots, VR, shifting the actual birth ratio, whatever. What if we make women abundant?

1 Timothy 2:11-15King James Version (KJV)

11 Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection.

12 But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

13 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

15 Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety.

King James Version (KJV)

Pics or u lyin

That's fucking gay

This post was so brave BTW. You're amazing at posting.

I've never had any luck. I'm average looking with barely enough money to live on and no social capital.

Honestly it pisses me off how much of an advantage women have. Working at a warehouse and the women there maybe do half the work, yet are first in line for promotions and demand equal wages.

I know this is a bait slide thread and I'm saging appropriately but saying people aren't entitled to love is incredibly sociopathic. Every human except those with some psychopathic brain damage wants to be loved. Sure they may not always get it but when you say they don't deserve it you're saying you don't see them as human.

But the sex ratio in humans has always been 50/50 as far as I'm aware. If you would state enforce marriage there would be one man and one woman. And don't say it's the betas fault, without betas we would all be living in caves bashing each other over the heads with rocks for dating rights. No civilization.

What's the point of working if you don't get a wife and kids out of it? I'm 21 and I work my ass off and keep myself in shape so I can afford to raise and protect a family in my future. If I knew I was impotent or to ugly to get laid I would sit my ass down and play video games all fucking day as well. I mean what would be the point?


we all know it's just a man in a dress, living out a fetish, but we don't say so in person because it's impolite, especially behind their backs. I think a lot of trans eventually realize that they're only attractive to creepy fetishists, not 99% of people, and many an hero

>not being brown countries by 2050
"look around, son, at this sea of brown. if you can tolerate and not provoke them, I'll teach you how to do anything you want."

impregnating a 19-y/o virgin would be kind of cool, but ultimately it's another child to raise and it won't have the chance to get educated. sad! many such cases!

The gender ratio on most sites is relatively close. Match actually has more women than men as does eharmony. Site dedicated to hookups have poor ratios with men outnumbering women by a good margin but relationship focused sites are close.

Why do we have to work if everyone gets welfare from us?

when i left my girlfriend i finally played all the dark souls games...worth it

I can second this, I don't even take hrt I just dress up and I have men literally throwing resources at me it's fucking bizarre I'm not sure I'm even passable for God's sake

This. I've been working 30+ hour weeks and going to school full time while staying in shape for 2 years. In that time I've been on a total of 1 date. What's the point in me even trying anymore? I have friends who do nothing but sit around smoking weed and playing videogames all day and that seems like the way to go.

>self-projected necessity

I do "opt in" in every way except for validating women, I'm speaking from a position of knowing where these guys come from. They are /myguys/, it's time someone listened to them because all their complaints are valid.

>Read Ecclesiastes

I find the bible to be a very underrated book believe it or not. I find these red pilled excerpts of wisdom in there I won't find anywhere else. If you remove the human interpretation of it and try to think about it with your own mind in the moment it's quite a thing.


Sup Forums uses MGTOW most of the time as a strawman to insult men who have it hard in life for whatever reason.

>ignoring women

I don't think anybody here does that, the counter-argument is always "haha women ignore u not the other way around haha".

>is that it discourages men from ever even attempting to have children and lead lives conducive to furthering our ends of, well, not being brown countries by 2050

Sup Forums encourages race mixing and insists that many races which aren't white are in fact white.

> It's not just the mass immigration, we need to reproduce as well, WHILST we fight those enemies from within that are slowly genociding us with draconian immigration and foreign policies.

We need to end mass immigration, but if people like you want white men to be fathers, you can always start with yourself, while educating yourself on why so many young men opt out.

>Friendly reminder that white women in the USA are the least likely to racemix group of all women in the country

Yes, white men are bigger race traitors than white women, I'll give you that.

>Go get yourselves a reasonable woman and put children in her, for fuck's sake.

But have you done that?

They do use the word "entitled". They'll agree one might want it and that's not wrong. Or maybe even that they need it. They might agree most people are worthy of it. But that ends there.
If women are happy sharing Chads (either via concurrent hookups or serial monogamy) then so be it. There's no judging that.
Because of women's tendency to do that, there's an effective surplus of men.
>But the sex ratio in humans has always been 50/50 as far as I'm aware.
Usually a bit more men are born. That's because men tend to die more.
Men are supposed to fight and die. Only the best ones are supposed to breed.
If men aren't fighting and dying off, women's programming is still to only seek the best ones and share them.

A lot of those women are bots though.

I mean younger women. Not just 18, but below like 30.
It isn't just a meme, there are plenty of single mothers and divorcees on dating websites, but they're a different beast entirely from younger women who are lonely.

Who is "everyone else"?

Why would you commit to a society that considers you to be a threat but at the same time demands you to carry it's burden?

>If you remove the human interpretation of it and try to think about it with your own mind in the moment it's quite a thing.
That's Solomon's "Arc". He's the best suited for his position and the wisest but that does little to hinder the fact he's a human. And it comes through in the work attributed to Solomon. Great insight and information on God but littered with human opinions and perspectives.


Dating was a mistake. Allowing young, stupid people who are intoxicated by hormones to mingle and match up was an act of negligence. It is no wonder there are so many divorces and STDs in our communities. When marriage was a religious institution and parents had the final say in who you married our society was more stable. Government gets involved and turns it into a money making scheme. Families thrived and created kinships.

Honestly, the further we advance this Liberal governance the more animalistic our people become.

It's refreshing to see a post that points out the blatant hypocracy on this board from time to time.

Pol/ spends a good part of its time bashing contemporary women for being the entitled, self serving, succubi that they are, and proceed to tell you how degenerate you are for not trying to impreganate one.

Chads and normie sex havers go out and fuck all these women, jump ship and try to convince beta men to raise their unwanted children like the single moms do. If you're out having casual sex, you're literally preserving the modern condition we observe in human relationships today.

As for me, I'll continue to wizard, ignore all women and develop myself in the image of God. I'm not beta or letting the white race down for by not playing the game I never asked for to begin with.

Fuck you.

>Live 20 years as a man
You're still a man.

Bad advice, this stuff is usually cult like and full of criminals and psychopaths, pick up a hobby which makes socializing necessary.

I wonder what humanity would have been like without that Toba eruption population bottleneck

Historically, for every 1 man that bred, 17 women bred. What that means is that for every 1 man that bred, 16 men didn't. In other words, 1 man would have kids with 17 different women.

We're going back to our natural tendencies and instincts. What changed everything was civilization. Now that civilization is breaking down, we're going back to where 1 guy has kids with 15 different women. And dont > me with shit, the goal of the left is to tear down civilization and the cornerstones of it, which is why the social and sexual fabric of the nation is crumbling. That's what they were working towards, it's going as intended. The degeneration is proof that they are winning.

Archived that for you

>Thinking about giving up again
Well at least give up in style with an AR you cunt.

Fuck that. Let the white race die. We are tired of carrying the world.

There is no way in hell you are not a bot.

mfw I work two jobs, 65 hours a week. Spend no money on my gf. I smoke weed and lounge during the week and make her orgasm and laugh on the weekends. Life is good. Step your game up /pol. Not all girls are trash. You just have shit taste in women. Stop being fucking betas and figure it out.

This right here, im marrying mine. Then again, I took her virginity so she fuckin loves me

>very small group of people
Дa Джyз!!!

How does one find such groups on their area?

>plenty of single mothers
Fucking this. As a 28 y/o male with a decent enough job (could do a single income family as long as we were careful with our finances), I can only seem to land dates with single mothers. At this point I'd be willing to go for it as long as they were willing to pop out a couple more, but nope. My last long-term girlfriend waffled about it for almost a year before telling me that she wasn't going to be my "barefoot broodmare."

The worst thing though is definitely bonding with the kids and then leaving. I just can't handle it anymore.

How did people date centuries ago?

because you fags get so triggered you give them clicks AKA ad revenue

*in their area

Beta as fuck. You do realize that women don't automatically get pregnant when they have sex? You sound like a home schooled kid at VBS. Fuckin zealot.

If you're average looking or below this is the best you can hope for desu.

>As for me, I'll continue to wizard, ignore all women and develop myself in the image of God. I'm not beta or letting the white race down for by not playing the game I never asked for to begin with.
It's sad that the death of the mystic hinder men like yourself who could sacrifice themselves to save millions. On that you should become a desert Hermit.

White guys all going on strike at the same time wouldn't be such a bad idea. The "great replacement" is all dependent on use. We could just let our countries go to shit for a short time and watch all the brownies scurry back to where they came from when the heat and utilities stop working.

Marriage was an innovation for violent societies. Before marriage all it took was a charismatic Alpha promising a bunch of betas a wife to get them to fight for him. By giving all betas a stake in society it incentives them to maintain society, contribute to it and fight threats to it.

You're right about the single mothers. Plenty of Fish should be named Plenty of Fat Moms of Mixed Race Children.

> Before marriage all it took was a charismatic Alpha promising a bunch of betas a wife to get them to fight for him
> Before marriage all it took was a charismatic Alpha promising a bunch of betas a mate* to get them to fight for him

Like OMG, ur sooo brave user. Such a well thought out and well written post, ur soo kewl!

albino black people are some of the most disgusting creatures on the face of this earth.

Miss the greater point by cherry picking much? It's about framing the system for hypergamy and degeneracy. There is something to being overly promiscuous and trying to settle down long enough to raise a child into adulthood. Not that I care much, though. I'm happy going it alone, humanity is a disease and I'm not taking much of anything seriously longer.

If you're content in life with access to a computer and the internet and living at home with your parents it means you've effectively opted out of the system which means you're not buying a lot of things and make for a bad consumer. Worse, you're probably getting neetbux from the government which means you're a deadweight to the system and not contributing tax dollars.

This pisses normies off big time because they believe you're breaking the social contract that states as a white man you will work yourself to the bone to benefit them so that Stacey can get a single parent pension and boomers can get their pension and Tyrone can buy purple drank with his food stamps and immigrants can flood the country and have babies while your hard work props up the education, defence and health budgets. If you sit at home, how can they pay for all this shit? The people getting the gibs sure as fuck aren't going to work for them, so it falls to the white man to do it, and that's the social contract they unironically believe in.

I eat well, have a laptop and net connect, go to the gym every day and play vidya, and I want for NOTHING. I couldn't be happier with what I have in life while waiting for society to collapse so that when I return to work that I get the fruits of my labour and not everyone else.

Fuck your social contract.

you can raise them properly, or they'll die alone.

parents should have 50% a say in marriage.
oh wait, let me correct me : FATHER should have a say ( mother would choose the hardest parasite; thats reason 3454564567 who females MUST not have rights )

I had one that went through school with me growing up. He was a likable guy, but naturally was wary of people. He was a top-notch fighter because of the bullying. I have to commend him for not laying down, but rather kicking some ass. Rare to find that style in the land of cucks anymore.

>save millions
who the fuck would want to do that shit

It's just skin color. PFFF yeah just skin color

never said it was, white skin doesn't stop you from looking like a nigger. but it does somehow make you look uglier

>go to the stormer book club info page
>under "firearms training" is the infamous Sam Hyde rifle picture

honestly i think a lot of us "beta" males are pretty strong and resilient. i feel like anyone that managed to find their way here and made a conscious decision to improve themselves is a winner, even if you don't have the "results" yet. i can't speak for everyone but my childhood and early adult life have been a fucking nightmare. if you're managing to pull yourself together in this hell of a society then you're stronger than your father

This is what happens. As stated in a legendary turkpost, society used to reward EVERY man a woman for his labor, the women he got coresponded with his genes and social class. This is the most effective way to get a strong work force. I currently wageslave in a factory, I could do this for the rest of my life if I had a family to support easy, but I don't and probably won't so there is no point. I am not the only one who thinks this way.

Between feminism, sexual liberation, and women working society has created a completely male underclass.
It's not even civilization, as the Germanic tribes were monogamous.

Can anyone else make it switch directions pretty easily?

This comment needs to be on every one of these posts.

Perfect summary of the situation

Girls chasing after older men who already have college aged kids disgust me.