No, WWIII is not "just around the corner".

No, nothing will escalate with the NK situation.

This is a reminder to sage all HAPPENING threads because they are pure larp. Surely we have better things to do with our time, right?


>a fucking leaf
roleplaying about NK is fun and what this board is about


I've always thought it was weird how Sup Forums thinks that the world is falling apart and that WW3 is around the corner when in reality things have never been better.

We live in an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity.

nobody likes you canada

>surely we have better things to do
No, we don't. This board is the World War/Happening waiting room. 95% of threads on here are usually just distractions or daily news that we've been through about a dozen times.

How pathetic.

Don't care, we want to watch the world burn and if you don't like it, guess what?
You can get stuffed you stupid leaf.


how bout i sage this thread

..except you aren't going to "watch the world burn". Nothing is going to happen except those dirty dishes in your room will get moldy if you don't bring them upstairs.

Pol is right about everything but HAPPENINGS!!!!!!!

A sage is not a downvote

As said before on my other thread.

>They say a bunch of shit to get us to the negotiating table
>We give them a bunch of shit like food, medical supplies and stuff under the table real hush hush so politicians on both sides can all say they've won the standoff
>They go away for a while
>Suddenly they want/need more shit
>Dumbass average citizen can't figure out why they keep acting irrationally and crazy like
>They know the same trick will continue to work as long as American politicians aren't interested in a costly and pointless conflict
>In the meantime they demonstrate to the rest of the world that we can in fact be pushed around by a third rate nation, and thus they embolden others to do the same
>Suddenly they have nukes in the 90's thanks to Bill Clinton
>Game changer, new bargaining chip
>Suddenly they develop ICBM
>We can't really stop them from doing this, lest we risk millions of lives
>Now they have nukes, AND they can hit the U.S. Mainland or detonate in high atmosphere and cause EMP
>Even if our missile defense systems CAN reach them in low orbit/high atmosphere, they only have 60-80% success rate
>Time goes on, they build up a small arsenal of ICBMs and nukes to go on them
>Kim Jong Un to United States: Get out of South Korea tomorrow, get out of the DMZ, do not attempt to stop us, do not attempt to assist the South Koreans, do not violate our airspace, do not violate our sovereign waters. If you do, then we will launch an array of missiles at you, and detonate them in high atmosphere and disable your electric power grid
>Thanks to our DoD we know that an EMP would result in long term power loss, possibly longer than a year
>We also know effected area would likely suffer 90% casualty rate
>Government would totally collapse
>Kim Jong Un knows we could decimate him if we wanted to... but he also knows that it wouldn't be worth it.

Kim Jong Un has already won guys. It's only a matter of time. Embrace the new Juche World Order, goyim!

When all news outlets are beating the war drums like this, it is actually happening.
It's always been like this.

>nothing ever happens


>he doesn't know that peace time is a cover up for preparation of war

Bugger off you bloody sodding Leaf. WORST COLONY EVER.
*adjusts monocle*

Sup Forums where something is always happening but nothing is going on

As much as I hate leafs, I'm gonna agree with OP.

This shit will never hit the fan, the world is TOO globalized and interconnected for a major happening with a country that is armed with nukes AND is somewhat buddies with Russia and China

You've made threads like this for the past 24 hours. Why are you so fucking terrified of the prospect of Sup Forums talking about anything involving North Korea?

It has to happen eventually.

>We live in an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity.
We'll never get a proper happening with that kind of thinking.

This is my second thread like this you faggot and so what? If I can convince one of you Sup Forumstards pick your dirty clothes off of the floor it was worth it.

>this board is for shitposting
Ah, nu-Sup Forums

Are you even serious? The doomsday clock is literally minutes till midnight and has been for a while now. Everywhere shit is heating up, the economy is in the shitter, there is an influx of migrants around the globe, hell even china and inda are getting jiggy with it.
Now all this doesnt mean WWIII is around the corner but surely you arent claiming nothing is happening?

>No, WWIII is not "just around the corner".
>No, nothing will escalate with the NK situation.
I really have to disagree with you here.

WWIII is always just around the corner. It really wouldn't take many fuck ups to escalate into a full scale conflict.

The only reason why our society functions, is because we get our asses up in the morning and go to work.

Reminder you are here forever.

Upstairs? Where the fuck do you do the dishes?

Stop smoking weed. Nothing of significance is going to happen now or anytime soon regarding war.

You have been spending way too much time here and you are developing some kind of psychosis.

I was implying that user is a basement dweller.

If you do the dishes while you're in the bath you save time and water.