America guarantees the right to pursue happiness-

but does not guarantee food and can one pursue happiness
while starving and homeless?

What is public housing and food stamps?

>What is public housing and food stamps?
Do you expect me to thank you for providing me with houses that are less than desirable, matter?
Just toss me some scraps, treat me like a dog.

The right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the right to keep your own property

To provide you with free food and shelter the government would need to deprive another citizen of their happiness. If you can't swim, don't demand people buy you floaties or drain the pool. Learn to swim or stay the fuck out of the pool.

No. We expect you to get off your lazy ass and get a job.

>The right to life liberty and the pursuit of happiness is the right to keep your own property
Rights are meaningless if one has no access.

Pursuing food and shelter are a part of that.

With shelter and food, that's all you need to pull yourself out of poverty, because of all the programs dedicated to employing and helping the homeless.

You can't really complain about the situation you're in when you're the sole reason you are there to begin with.

Gibs me dat fo free


>To provide you with free food and shelter the government would need to deprive another citizen of their happiness.
We need to make dues that happiness is equal. I don't want people to have less happiness than others.
Inb4 taxation is theft

Figure it out for yourself.

This makes no sense. You have access to what's yours, simple as that.

>Pursuing food and shelter are a part of that.
"You are free to pursue happiness, well, until you starve."
Lolbertarianism at its finest.

beggers cant be choosers. screw of leeaf

figure it the fuck out.
some people are too stupid and broken to figure it out. some people who can figure it out are too stupid to realize that stupidity is the problem.

Actually that's just the reality of the world.
Sorry that you want to pretend that the last 100 years is normal.

>some people who can figure it out are too stupid to realize that stupidity is the problem.
Implying that stupidity is bad

Its called evolution. A guy called darwin invented it. Read a book kid.

(pursuit) of happiness, not equal guaranteed happiness. why is this so hard for you to understand -.-'

>would need to deprive another citizen of their happiness
So? You have the right to pursue happiness, not to have happiness.

Why do you keep posting this slide thread?
Sage goes in all fields.

>Just toss me some scraps, treat me like a dog.

No problem. Enjoy the the welfare and public housing you fucking pleb.

Right to purse happiness, not the right to happiness.

You can pursue happiness. Meaning choose your own wife, employment and relocate yourself.

a lie unless you are a nigger

if you want something your supposed to earn it, not have it given to you

This, you have a right to live (as long as you do not commit heinous crime against others right to life), the right to liberty i.e. the right to be unduly burdened by government, and the right to pursue happiness unless at the expense of others happiness.

So children born into a wealthy family shouldn't inherit money?

>Believing in positive rights

You shouldn't even get that, you should be left to die. The right to pursue happiness does not guarantee happiness.

because a real american gets a job and works for his keep and doesnt bitch and moan when big brother doesnt give handouts

Because you aren't entitled to other peoples' labor or property.
Socialism is slavery.

hey leaftard

'happiness' is an emotion, and you cant guarantee someone feeling some way or another, you can just guarantee they have the means to pursue their happiness.

fuck a rolls royce would make me happy, am I entitled to one? no. am I able to pursue the means of purchasing one? yes.

try harder leaftard

Pretty funny thread at the current moment. I might lose my job making 1050 a week, to a Mexican anchor baby who will do a shit job, but the owner will save 1200 a month.

>other people's labor or property
>other people's

My dog, any dog really, deserves better. I'd never give her scraps.

>Pretty funny thread at the current moment. I might lose my job making 1050 a week, to a Mexican anchor baby who will do a shit job
>inb4 people are paid what they are worth
Not in today's regulated job market- case in point is Google's current debacle...the government currently makes a person's pay similar to how union members are paid- on the performance of the group...White men suffer because of this.

>My dog, any dog really, deserves better. I'd never give her scraps.
>poor people are worse than dogs
Nicely confirming anti-poor sentiment of conservatives.

Try learning our politics even to a 3rd grade level Leaf.
The state isn't ordained to provide us with a life. It only provides an environment for you to create your own or don't. Success is yours. Failure is yours. It's part of what makes us so successful. Ideally we would have no lazy-leech class.
You must have an environment where you might fail and even die. It's a strong motivator to keep striving because there is no safety net.
It's why you're fucked in this century and (we are too if we keep going left) if we turn our shit around we'll still be better than you in every way.
It's one of the reasons Canadians are so pre-occupied with the U.S. and our politics. You're basically our leech top-hat who happens to have real-estate next to the country that would be obligated to save your dumbass's if you do anything stupid or if anyone else tried to fuck with you.

You defend your "rights" as a way to achieve happiness, but such defense does not stand up to the demands of the expediency of the moment. If we are to grow into the future, we cannot stay rooted in the arguments of the past.

>Guarantees the right to pursue happiness
As long as you're a heterosexual white Christian male

So you're saying you're an idiot? Our rights (no quotes needed. They are ours. They're real.) were transcribed into law that were based on universal truths and are (basically) timeless. It's the whole structure of our government before it was continually eroded in the erroneous notion that we can "improve" on it. Every tweak we have done has opened up more and more cracks with more and more drawbacks and problems and then people like you blame those shitty cracks on the original structure, when it was 100% the fault of people thinking they're smarter than our founders philosophy. They aren't. Neither are you. Fuck off with your stupid world-view. I will relish watching the trajectory of Canada. Every time a white nation becomes safe and boring and prosperous they create their own problems by trying to fix the world or abandoning the facets that made them successful - as you're doing now. After you live in a country of shitskins and war'ing factions, and the kumbaya atmosphere fades in the coming decades - what do you think is going to happen? The INSTANT hard times hit (which is inevitable) you'll be at each others throats. It's hilarious how short sighted you fucking polite-faggots are. It's going to be the funniest thing that has ever happened to a nation willfully, ever. Enjoy your "good times" now. It's all down hill from here. Canada is fucking retarded. Stop talking about our politics, we don't give a fuck about yours.

As it should be.

The whole fucking concept of our government is that our government is interested with administration duties. Its purpose is to stay out of individuals lives as much as humanly possible. It's not to make our lives easier, whatsoever. It's the whole experiment. It's why we're special.
Our government was supposed to leave us to live our lives. Those lives aren't guaranteed to be good or easy or anything. It's simply a framework in order to us to live unfettered and free. So that we have legal frameworks to exact justice when needed. Anything else is fuckery and gets in the way of our pursuit of happiness. Nobody is guaranteed happiness. You simply are allowed to go find it for yourself. Most will fail. That's the dream though. If you don't understand that you should jump off a bridge OP.

Government is a private institution, like any other, and does not necessarily need to allow any rights. Just because we cannot, at birth, choose our government, does not mean that it is featured to act in a given way.
Nor does the fact that government operation/ownership is dissimilar to corporate entities (per Spooner) mean that a country, and its actions, are not valid/moral.

You have the right to persue happiness not the right to have everything handed to you. If you dont work and build yourself and your life then you are the cause of your unhappiness.


>As long as you're a heterosexual white Christian male

whoa, that's a little broad there, son

> italians
> pollocks
> micks
> catholics
> french

What part of "pursue" do you not understand leaf?

only an anti-patriot communist mongoloid would be deprived of happiness for saving the life of a fellow citizen