>saying "Allah doesn't exist" is hate speech now
This planet is finished isn't it?
Saying "Allah doesn't exist" is hate speech now
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Allah is the Arabic word for God, just like in Latin it's Deus. Christian Arabs say Allah as well.
I'm glad a judeobolshevist atheist was denied a platform for speaking.
>So this is the power of atheism...
He wasn't banned for his constant insulting of God or Yahweh or Jehovah though, they specifically cited his "offensive Islamophobia"
>it's Islamophobic to say Allah isn't real
This is stupid
agreed imam, im glad this blasphemous kaffir-- i-i mean cultural marxist!-- was banned from spreading such haram-- er, sinful-- speech against islam-- uh, er...
>siding with a degenerate atheist is okay cause he said mean things about muh islams
Thanks, Rabbi!
And imagine, a few years ago him giving a lecture or whatever at berkeley would literally be everyone there just waiting in line to suck his dick.
>Christian Arabs say Allah as well.
My Orthodox priest says Allah about 5 times during liturgy.
>allowing muslims to further become an untouchable protected class of people just because of your personal vendetta against some washed up pseud
thanks dude, youre really helping save western education
Atheism over Islam any day, Schlomo.
>This won't redpill millions of athiests.
fuck off cuck.
Dawkins is consistent in his rejections of all religions.
The problem is you know the leaders in Berkeley are nominally atheists as well - zero chance they believe in a Creator, an Afterlife, etc., yet they are so inexplicably determined to suck Muslim dick that they'll abandon whatever they may or may not believe themselves.
What country do you think you're talking about? I know you cuck aussies like to ban anybody who disagrees with your Emu overlords, but here in America we have freedom of speech and religion (or at least we're supposed to).
i'll let you work on your reading comprehension skills before i ever write a response to you, dumb faggot
>siding with degenerate jews is okay cause in their latest scheme to normalize the islamization of Western nations to ruin them, someone wo said mean things about muh god was involved
Ok, Schlomo...
>most empires last hundreds of years and leave the world a legacy of advancement, art, achievements
>even the Ottoman empire, islamic in its nature, lasts for about 500 years and leaves only one relatively small country islamized and fucked
>American empire lasts less than 100 years and makes the world an islamic hellhole
It's funny to me that people were okay with him talking about how Jesus and the Bible are bullshit, but as soon as he points out that Islam is also bullshit he's suddenly not welcome.
Quit acting stupid.
>degenerate atheist
Daily reminder Islam and Christianity are the same religion.
>this is real
wew lad, I must have missed this one.
As consistent as figures like Dawkins and Hitchens are, there's still a disturbing number of atheists that are implicitly pro-Islam. I mean, look at Rational Wiki's article on "Islamophobia" - it's the wiki by atheists, for atheists, in a frenzy to defend Islam from Christfags.
If this was true you wouldn't see the exact same group of people celebrating the Crucifix soaked in urine picture while calling for the arrest of the guy who puts a Koran in a toilet.
No, they are not.
I'm not even surprised at this stage these people are totally blind to the hypocrisy of their actions and words, of people think the world is a messed up place now just give it ten years of these people having influence like this
>zero chance they believe in a Creator, an Afterlife, etc.
In the US many atheists still believe in higher powers they just reject mainstream religion. Spiritual atheist or some nonsense like that.
we need a relgious purging. all religions are cancer and need to be wiped out.
This is up the same alley actually
What kind of shitheel Pope has such a hardon for Islam?
It isn't inexplicable at all, they just hate Christianity. If Dawkins spent any real time or detail going after Judaism he'd get the same treatment for being an Anti-Semite.
Meanwhile, tax dollars from the NEA went towards of sculpture of Christ being submerged in piss.
I fucking hate the left. If the world really is going to go to shit, I can't wait to see how Islam treats leftists.
>these are the same people who think atheists are inviting muslims in
Did he mean to say Mohamed and not "allah"?
um, it was just an ultraprogressive local radio station (KPFA) that rescinded their invitation to have him speak, not the city or the university.
Quit being gullible.
>>saying "Allah doesn't exist" is hate speech now
>Atheist hate on Christians saying God is not real. (Christians are peaceful so do nothing)
>lets in a bunch of Muslims (refugees welcome they are so peaceful!)
>Muslims rape, kill and terrorize (lets be more progressive and not offend their totally real god!)
>in Latin it's Deus
so if god is deus
and the metal horns are 2 fingers
does that make god metal?
lemmy really is god
autistic ramblings of some faggot loser
They are.
lol they don't even know what a non sequitur is. A non sequitur has to do specifically with the validity of an argument, i.e. its structure. It is a formal fallacy. (((rationalwiki))) thinks a non sequitur is any conclusion that sounds ridiculous, not realizing that to cite a "non sequitur" in such a way is only to mockingly express one's own opinion and an appeal to the stone fallacy. For example:
>1. If self exists, then God exists.
>2. Self exists.
>3. Therefore, God exists.
This argument is valid, (((rationalwiki))) would call is a "non sequitur." The only question of this argument is the soundness of its premises. It can't be rejected because "BAAAH the conclusion is ridiculous therefore it's a non sequitur." Basically, that site is edited and run by atheistic idiots who can't even into logic.
>Also, "rational" implies a priori knowledge which implies immaterial substance which contradicts their entire empiricist paradigm
I suspect deep down these people know they're wrong but hate God so much they don't care.
Remind me what Angela Merkel's party is called again
He does, actually. Regularly calls out the Jews for their 'God's Chosen People' shtick.
My counterargument to that would be that Christians ruled Europe for 1,700 years and you never saw "Saracens Welcome" or "#NotAllOttomans" but the last half century has seen a revolution of secularism, and lo and behold look what happened
Merkel is not a Christian, nor is her party christian, they bare the name simply for politics.
I don't remember the name, but there's a page on rationalwiki that is basically a made up fallacy for having too many arguments in one post. It's both sad and hilarious.
It's just further proof that there is an anti christian conspiracy. Athiest is code word for anti christian, just as anti racist is code word for anti white.
And North Korea is called "Democratic People's Republic of Korea"
Names don't mean shit.
I'm curious as to why so few on the left aren't suspcious of the fact that prominent leftists are being treated like Far Right extremists, for criticizing a repressive, superstitious ideology.
Do none of them realize they are being blatantly co-opeted by Islamists?
It's dumbfounding.
>atheism is degenerate
You can practice religious stuff and culture, but surely nobody unironically believes in a magical space wizard here?
I'd side with any degenerate against Brown Muslims, provided he's white.
There you go! It's bold-faced hypocrisy at it's worst/finest.
That our world exists as it does would be impossible to establish according to the natural laws that currently rule it.
Atheism or belief in a magical space wizard is clearly a false dichotomy.
>atheists are a proble-
The Women's March on Washington was led and organized by a hijab wearing woman who lives in an arranged marriage, calls for Sharia Law and defends FGM. Thousands of women cheered as she went up on stage and said "We're going to declare Jihad on Donald Trump."
If someone had made that up, people would say the author was a fucking retard who had pulled an incredibly unbelievable and ludicrous scenario out of his ass.
You're not doing it right quit ruining memes you massive fag
They equate Islam with non-whites and they see Islam as a tool to destroy Western Civilization.
They no more "worship" Islam anymore than a Muzzie "worships" a stolen truck and nail bombs.
Pick one.
He also laid out some """""""Inconvenient Truths"""""""""" about race.
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
Cool now prove God exists. Then tell me who created him.
it's probably Saudi and other Gulf Arab States' money going into academia and democratic platforms and think-tanks. They wanted to undermine Christianity not Isl*m
militant atheists
>USSR league of militant atheists
>Communist Party of China
and so on.
Then who will enslave the brainless sheep afterwards? Someone has to brainwash to unwashed masses.
Presumably that's where old Karl comes in
so its ok if i censor you all i wish by conclusions of arugments that satisfy ME at least?
I pointed that out on a forum.
They were talking about DRUMPFS AMERICA and the Handmaids Tale.
You point out it's literal current parallels to Saudi Arabia, and feminisms current embrace of Islam and Saudi Arabia and they immediately screech about racism.
These commie leftist are so STUPID.
They will be the first killed by the Islamists once they gain critical mass.
Everything is hate speech to these wanna be Soviets.
Fuck em.
>the crusades were bad mmmm kay
>the only militant atheists are smiling and non-violent people
>forgetting every communist state to exist
Before blowing up the church
That's literally not what atheism means, inbred.
Go back thru the thread, my argument is that roughly 85% of society cannot survive without some form of direction, in this case spiritual. There are very few Plato brainlets out there.
I don't disagree with your premise. Just saying there are clear "religious substitutes" and Marxism is perhaps the largest one in history
Also here's more almond activation for the thread
Big Government, military fascism.
Dissidents will be shot.
God I love watching Dawkins get dragged by these people
As an Atheist, this is what "red pilled" the fuck out of me.
Well known YouTube Atheists were always slagging on Christianity, but never said anything about Islam.
I asked why, and they told me they were afraid of being branded a racist. I told them Islam is not a race. They never listened to me.
you obviously did not translate that yourself.
So Sup Forums told me Berkeley is run by government and Communists, seems like it isn't. Is there some sheik behind finances?
Honestly. Why do normalfags not realize the whole conflicting ideas the Leftards hold?
They bitch about everything Islam stands for, yet they will call for your head as much as a muslim if you dare to say something bad about Islam.
How the fuck
Le hat meme has ran its course and the christcucks are left with nothing.
It doesn't make sense to call someone racist for criticizing islam per se, but you also have to admit that islam in the west is an overwhelmingly arab religion and "belongs" to that group in public perception, hence they call you a racist.
I mean you can take issue with the wording "magical space wizard" but that's what god is
Which is why I sometimes get the impression that non-Arab Muslims are viewed as being "less" Muslim by other Arabs.
>Dark Dawkins Despicably Detests Delightful Deity
I mean they probably don't see them as part of the same group in some sense
Considering they literally were during the Umayyad Caliphate and I don't see why it will be different now a days.
>The dangerous delusions of dick dawkins
would have been better desu senpai.
They don't.
Saudi Arabia is home to two of the holiest cities in the Islamic religion. Medina and Mecca. But the country never got rid of slavery until 1962.
Muslims selling "castrated Africans" in 1960 was common practice.
>religion of peace
wtf allahu ackbar now
>trusting salon becuz muh jezus
Right, I expected something like that. I guess what I wonder is whether or not groups like Syrians and Lebanese see themselves as part of the same group in the west or not. Maybe they do on a tactical level.
Muhammed -- PISS BE UPON HIM !!
The left has officially booted atheism for islam. What a time to be alive
what a faggot
Mohammed was clearly more alpha than Jesus. I mean Jesus was even canonically a virgin and that meme is all about spoting the differences between the average low-test male and Chads.
You're free to poison yourself with whichever flavor of the poison you prefer. But as for me, no thanks. Fuck the abrahamic religions.
Abrahamism = brain cancer