What is the best State in the United States?
> Ohio
Like it was even a question.
does the hellhole hide our lads?
California gave the most votes to trump on a per state level with the exception of Texas.
They just gave Hillary more
1. Texas
2. Pennsylvania
3. Florida (northern half only)
4. South Carolina (very underrated state in general)
5. New Hampshire
Washington confirmed /lit/
Pennsylvania confirmed Best Commonwealth
That statistic literally means nothing though, it's only a result of California's large size and population. California also has more non-Hispanic white people than any other state, are you going to move there if you want to go to a heavily white state?
My son
I like how people take this image as fact like it isn't just something some retard typed up.
CA is the best state. just the major cities are suck.
>California gave the most votes to trump on a per state level with the exception of Texas.
That doesn't mean shit since we are a Republic. He only got 30% of the vote in California. Congrats, you live in a large ass state.
Btw your state was third in the most popular vote for Trump. Florida had 200k more votes for Trump than you
LUL, "how to catch pokemon" MICHIGAN
>what's the best country that the US forcefully prevents from leaving the union
The Republic of Texas
every state is the best so long as you subtracted the super liberal shit skin filled cities.
fact: wisconsinites are the most powerful race in the world
California is the best state. Was an awesome red state till the Dems took over.
Best place to live is anything below los angeles and above downtown san diego.
The major cities in CA are shitholes but the surrounding areas are awesome and not as bad as people say from the south or midwest.
>wisconsinites are the most powerful race in the world
>has to ask google on how to use google
Pretty fucking comfy here. Too bad for everyone else, we're full.
West Virginia
And Idaho
Luv me some big ass ballistic missile trucks
Lol these flyover states trying to talk shit on an actual contributing state
>Dems took over
They took over because of a Ronald Reagan
Lots of right leaners didnt go out and vote in the west. Many thought there was no point and or were Cruz type voters. Romney got more votes then Trump in CA. No way in hell there are more Romney type Republicans then Trump type in CA.
Next election you will see a bigger difference in CA for Trump. All he needs to do is visit a few times to get his popular vote up. He doesnt need it but he can completely dominate all talking points if he wanted to.
I can confirm that it is not Virginia.
More like Grey Davis. Reagan thought the border was going to be sealed because of Kennedy but typical Dem lied.
I dont blame Reagan. It was still Red till mid 90s.
>cheap land
>A1 women
>fuck your snow
>grilled alligator
>the Australia of america
>we have a spaceport
>fuck gainesville(who /'noles/ here?)
>best value universities in the nation
>tech sector is booming
>Tampa is an awesome fucking city(who /hydepark/ here?)
>college fucking football
need i say more?
Obviously this only applies to places north of naples. Anything below that is Cuban clay at this point.
Land of the midnight sun.
>how do i avoid rednecks
There are many majority white communities in CA. There is so much more to it than just LA and SF. The real problem is the government.
>the Australia of america
>learn to see better at night
Fucking transplants don't know how to use a flashlight?? Also don't come here
I feel PA is over represented on Sup Forums
Colorado. Skiing, weed, hiking, and offroading. Can't get any better than that, faggots.
which state has the least negroes and indians/pakis?
Maine. No other state compares.
I'd assume one of the Dakotas. Or maybe Oklahoma
People forget how big California is and how many pockets of red there is.
Grey Davis and his bitch Bustamonte opened up the flood gates for the beaners and crippled small business bad. Welfare and other indoc Dem tactics became full effect. CA was lost when this happened. Becoming a perm Blue state.
Time to start fighting back.
hell yeah
Do you live in Maine? I've always kinda wanted to move there.
New Jersey definitely
Better to be in a flyover State and one with a fucking open door policy to Mexico. Enjoy living in a decaying state full of faggots, border hoppers, and insufferable twats who invested in a none existing train while your state had to swipe the ball pits from Mc Donald's just so you can have some water in your reservoirs. I'll keep my non cali compliant AR-15 and fly over status.
elkhorn user reporting in
The Commonwealth of Virginia is clearly the best state in the union. Surprise no one has mentioned it yet.
>hot as fuck
>lots of meth heads(see south florida)
>everything wants to kill you
more or less
I moved to East Tennessee. Greatest place on earth. Low taxes, low cost of living, EVERYONE and their mother owns AR-15s and carries a concealed handgun. Literally every single white person I encounter, including 70 year old ladies.
The ones that are overrun with Mexicans...
Everybody north of Richmond has been ruining it bro... believe me I am so proud of our state but it's a losing battle. Too many DC dems infesting NoVa to call it the greatest any more.
Where are you hiding all the kids?
We need a wall
Weed brought in a bunch of useless junkies, and lol, you can't even buy an AR-15 from your brother. You'd have to use a gun shop as an intermediary. Oh, and you can't buy 16 round mags. Yea, some fucking state.
2. South Carolina
3. Kentucky
50. Guam
51. Puerto Rico
52. Post-annexation North Korea
53. New Jersey
i feel like ur gay bro
Please secede. I want to watch you die.
Kindergartens in DPS teach kids how to use Google via basic searches, this being one of them.
The United States is the best state.
You mean the weather is nice. You're obviously stupid, you give no credit to the amazing forests north of socal. Oregon is even better.
>how do I fight more than one person at a time
Only manly question of the batch
Maine, Vermont and West Virginia are all 98-99% white.
I do drink the hell out of some miller, y'all seem ok
t. texan
Help defeat ISIS YES KING SLAY!!!!!
>fight Russia
Goddammit, Lindsey Graham's cuckery is contaminating this state.
Not possible since the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the best state
>best state
>a commonwealth
you dont understand the immense taste of Ledo's pizza
I miss colorado
Can confirm that non-PA fags are in fact gay
you mean the dumb beaner flooded state with an average iq of 95
you can find multiple videos of people asking calis' simple questions and they wouldn't know the answer
pretty sad
fuck off fagget - I said surrounding areas as well dumbass. I never said anything bad about north cal. Best place in my opinion is where i stated before. You are in the center of everything you need. You are a quick drive to national parks, mountains, big cities - like las vegas, S.D.
Go eat shit and die.
Its comfy if you can handle the winters.
No, we're just outspoken, especially since we went red this cycle.
Dakotas, Montana, Utah maybe, New England states, most of Appalachia if you toss out the non-Appalachian portions of those states. Probably Oregon, too. Plenty of white strongholds left.
I think the Amish did it. They don't post on Sup Forums.
its pretty obvious
Remove Milwaukee tools from this it's owned by some chink company
Agreed Buckeye bro!
>posts marie antoinette lookout
100% sure thats in pennsylvania
its because Sup Forums wants an ethnostate much like pennsylvania, where there is the amish people (almost no degeneracy, mostly white, and a lot of them traditionalist)
>A1 women
Jesus, Florida women are shit. Never have I seen women so sunscorched and braindead.
Ohio: Michigan's Mexico
Stopped right there.
Honestly Florida. On the coast, it is so fucking nice. A lot of people talk shit on florida, they're jealous.
>fuck Mexico and the godawful spics
Kind of? Idunno. There's a lot of people here that hate the leftists ruining our state; but conservative, by California standards, doesn't necessarily mean the same thing it does elsewhere.