>“I think rap music is the only vital form of music that has been introduced to music in a long time since punk rock. I would never attempt rap music. There’s no sense in it, the people that do rap music do it just fine. I’m usually offended by people like Vanilla Ice and stuff like that. People who really didn’t come from the streets. The white man ripped off the black man long enough. They should leave rap music to the African Americans ‘cause they do it so well and it is so vital to them. The main thing that bothers me about Rap is that almost all of it is sexist; it has no respect for women at all and that pisses me off and I can’t even consider it a vital form of music when it’s used like that. I like the comfort in knowing that the Afro-American has once again been the only race that has brought a new form of original music to this decade. ‘It Takes a Nation of Millions to Hold Us Back’ is one of my favorite rap albums ever.”
- Kurt Cobain.
“I think rap music is the only vital form of music that has been introduced to music in a long time since punk rock...
Cobain was such an overrated, whiny cuck. Anyone that an heros at the height of their popularity is canonized
In the biggest bang in the world
choose to impregnate courtney love
Yeah he was blue pilled.
Implying he wasn't murdered
By, of all people, a white woman.
A. Courtney Love was a fckin feminist. She had him by his balls... No wonder he took a shotgun to his head... He was being blue pilled daily by that cunt. Thing is, had he lived he would've eventually popped the red pill and found shag-ri-pol. Anyone that depressed is a future red pill acolyte. He was just going through is 20 something phase...
But they hope to the Pope, and pray it ain't dope
The follower of Farrakhan
Don't tell me that you understand until you hear the man
The book of the new school rap game
Writers treat me like Coltrane, insane
Yes to them, but to me I'm a different kind
We're brothers of the same mind, unblind
Caught in the middle and not surrendering
PS Black didn't event the music behind the rap. White engineers in Deutschland did. Niggs would still be using sticks on wood and beat boxing if it wasn't for the drum machine. Black's need to show respect for white ingenuity but lib tards cant think that far so they keep cowering in fear of the nig.
Why do you keep posting Cobain quotes on here? It pains me to see him torn apart by my fellow Sup Forumslacks
Implying that cunt (((Courtney))) didn't have him killed.
White women voted something close to 70% in favor of Trump dumbass lmao
Nice citation you dumb diaper wearing sperg
The problem with grunge and shit is that young white men see these guys and think that being a poet feelzcow is cool cos women want Kurt to fuck them but really women want to fuck anyone that's in the spotlight and the young guy just ends up being wojak
But Spanish women -are- as white as any other European women.
Spics are only nigger colored because they're like half nigger or something. South Americans, Cubans, and Costa Ricans are basically the descendants of Spaniards who fucked their slaves.
He's right.
Dont bring up the fact that when he died he had enough heroin in him to kill more than 10 people instantly. When junkies OD they always do with the needles still in their arms but Kurt managed to shoot up in both arms, put the needle away in a stash box, roll both of his sleeves back down and button them, then shoot himself with the shotgun.
inb4 muh high tolerance cause it's impossible to have that much in your system and be alive long enough to do what he did
Nirvana is one of those things that just wasn't very good. Malfunkshun/MLB, though...
Cool eyeliner faggot
Whoever that is in OPs quote should just kill himself
>hispanic women
>not also fat and disgusting
Fuck off faggot, grow up.
Around this time rap was great. It was still "fuck the establishment", even though there's much to disagree with. Now, it's take the stage with old white Hillary to show how #woke you are. Like I said, say what you want about rap, but back then, rappers were far from the skinny jean wearing faggots they are now.
What the fuck is wrong with you ? sexiest i think you didn't listened to all the hip hop or the real hip hop
There is a reason this absolute faggot died at 27.
Example, old pre cucked Ice Cube tells successful blacks to stop trying to be a liberal white fag and still try to act black when it's convenient, putting a "white bitch on your elbow" and literally (((them))), and live with your own people. I can agree with that.
Compare that shit to now.
It is/was vital which is not to say that it had value but otherwise this is just Kurt Cobain being predictable
rap music is a modern minstrel show. thats why white kids love it so much
>only blacks come from the streets
t. white suburb kid
When the first post is the best post
>implying Super Junkie Courtney Love is the mastermind of a major celebrity "hit"
Every year I grow older, Nirvana lyrics get dumber. I'm glad he's dead.
What a faggot, the original whiny faggot. Truly a man 'ahead of his time'.
Patrician tier
>Afro-American has once again been the only race that has brought a new form of original music to this decade.
Kill yourself
Also niggers didn't event ANY music in America but rap music. That's a Jew conard.
Blue = white guys (see pic)
Jazz = Army bands started experimenting after the wars in Europe, and traveling in American bars of the South
Rock = Hillbilly Celtic rythms and notes. What is RockaBilly? Also the blues...
He was an absolute dumbfuck who would no doubt be a tranny if he were alive today.
I hate Courtney, but somehow she seriously got redpilled: breitbart.com
>I like the comfort in knowing that the Afro-American has once again been the only race that has brought a new form of original music to this decade.
A uniquely American view of the world of music. KYS.
The best thing Kurt Cobain ever released was the safety on his shotgun
Ice Cube's early solo albums are basically black Sup Forums, and his writing really is like somebody who browses Sup Forums, distaste of Jews and all.
Liberals can't stand it, of course. I think that's why Disney got a hold of him and turned him into a family-friendly figure.
Latin American countries are what the US will be in 200 years. Some countries mixed little/ (Cuba, Argentina,Uruguay) and some are 80% Indian.
What is with the recent surge in Cobain posting?
You are musically retarded if you think southern blacks had nothing to do with (if not a major part of) all three genres. Literally their only contribution here. Christ this retard is making me sound like blm niggerfag
Cobain is only idolized by people to young to have seen Nirvana. There was a shit ton of other bands that were better and doing it longer than them at the time.
I think southern blacks helped rock's development but it's definitely heavily based in Scotch-Irish folk music, old time gospel, and blues. I'd argue Hank Williams wrote the first actual rock song.
>Jazz = Army bands started experimenting after the wars in Europe.
James Europe was black and his army band was the one that started experimenting. You also left out ragtime and stride, which was primarily black men. The white musicians on record at the time can't shake a stick at the black musicians. The white audiences knew that too. But not wanting to hire black musicians, they hire white musicians wearing black face as a compromise.
>But Spanish women -are- as white
Handy was black. If you argue he was more white than black, Handy did not create the blues genre and was not the first to publish music in the blues form, but he took the blues from a regional music style (Delta blues) with a limited audience to one of the dominant national forces in American music. In other words, Handy did what Elvis did and took from black musicians.
This faggot cheated joining the 27 Club.
nice trips.. pic saved
The only whites in this fucking shithole continent are the Urgay and argies, the rest are fucking mutts.
A) It was only 53%
B) It was nearly entirely senior citizen white women who did it you deluded mong
real hiphop was revolution music for the lower class... it was a concern to the jeews, so they corrupted it only marketing the gangsta shit about drug dealing and killing each other.
>Cubans are all mutts
>cherry picking this hard
Those cubans left that shithole 70 years ago, the only "whites" are bastard kids of sex tourist leafs. I go to cuba once a year to drop off shit from a Mexican company.
Found two more non whites
First page in search, stop fooling yourselves guys.
>t. Someone who has never been to Miami
Most of the Whites went to Miami, dumbass. I thought you hispanics viewed whites in the highest social caste. When the communists seized their property, they fled.
I can't even count how many times he contradicted himself in that single quote
Found another.
Marcos married to a columbian, confirmed fake cuban
>Ice Cube's early solo albums are basically black Sup Forums, and his writing really is like somebody who browses Sup Forums, distaste of Jews and all.
Not it's basically a rich upp-middle class kid (Ice Cube) spewing goofy Louis Farakan rhetoric.
Farakan stole his best stuff from George Lincoln Rockwell, like a typical nigger.
Youre fucking retarded mexishit, you do your deliveries to the west coast which is where the orientales aka niggers are. Rather be mulato than a disgusting short sub human ape.
rap is literal crime propaganda.
should i even bother competing to be the world's biggest criminal mastermind?
>t someone who has never been to cuba
I have to go to that nigger infested shithole once a year cause my boss thinks i like those niggers since he saw me talking to some cuban beggars in front of the building (i was telling them to fuck off). Fucking pretentious niggers i fucking hate them so much.
why should i care about what a faggot who couldn't deal with life and is eternal pain say?
You do realize Elijah Muhammad was teaching all of the exact same stuff as Rockwell at the same time right? That's why Rockwell was invited to speak in the first place. Farrakhan was a disciple of Elijah Muhammad.
this whole country is a big me-
white power!
No shit all the nogs stayed in Cuba, they got an increase in standard of living. Also, why would I go there when the Cuban military runs tourism.
nice cherry picking. pic related is the most famous cuban export.
hey man, kurt would listen to linkin park underneath the bridge
He has nigger on him.
Not Gloria Estefan?
Beastie Boys make vanilla ice look like an amateur when it comes to cultural (((appropriation))). Shabas goy suge shook vanilla down for the j mafia. kys cuck. Oh nm well whatever.
Looks to be the same ethnicity as some Spaniards.
>You are musically retarded if you think southern blacks had nothing to do with (if not a major part of) all three genres.
I didn't say nothing to do with it. But it sure as fuck wasn't slaved using $5000 in insturments composing music in their fucking barns.
Blacks exclude the South was home to Latinos, Eastern European music, Celts, Anglo-American established music notations, and of course blacks.
Blacks take FULLL fucking credit for all of it. Little Richard takes credit by himself for rock n roll when he was stealing songs from a guy who was doing it before him Jerry Lee Lewis
Public Enemy came out and said "Elvis stole black music" and then it became part of our culture when in reality Elvis came out of the Southern Rockabilly tradition which predates pop-rock'n'roll.
Nigger please.
I go to Cuba every so often, yes they are poor, but its pretty comfy. I fucking hate Mexico...
NVM he has a Filipino Mom
Stop, just fucking stop.
Better example
I go because my boss is an asshole and sends me, he knows that i don't wander and drop the shit he sends to the hospitals and return to the "hotel" i fucking rather be on a fucking hammock in Huatulco where there are no niggers.
>tfw let the Cuban mulatta girl of my dreams slip through my fingers
Two more negroids.
Celtic melodies + African rhythms, rock music is Afro-Celtic and you may as well deal with it.
they didn't hire black faced whites because whites can't play drums. They had black face on because they were making fun of niggers. It became an actual trend to just act like niggers (Jews).
The greatest dummers in the world have always been white. Name one famous nigger drummer.
Even niggers rap beats are shit compared to white electronic/progressive music. They steal from old Motown and rock records and put some black hooker singing in the background. It's for stupid people.
You like rap? Not just a few song but all of the genre?
You're a fucking idiot. It's a barometer of how stupid you are.
No shit there are niggers in Cuba, it was a fucking sugar colony. I am saying there are a significant number of white Cubans.
Look man, Kurt was a fucking idiot. Don't put too much stock into anything he said or did.
>Black didn't event the music behind the rap. White engineers in Deutschland did
>Being this much of a delusional stormnigger
Kek. Why even try to take the credit for rap music anyway?
>Celtic melodies + African rhythms, rock music is Afro-Celtic and you may as well deal with it.
Show me ANY evidence that people stripped of their heritage, mixed race, no language, no culture, no clothes, who had no writing, no instuments, and camr from a monkey land that had no intrustments that matched the white man instruments (current instruments), and no fucking education in music actually brought African music over here.
Show me you fucking tool of the Jews!
>nbr black people invented saying "da Bomb!" stop saying "da bomb" white people!
>implying I care what this whiny, race-traitor cuck thinks.
I think you are having a nervous breakdown right now.
>"I would never attempt rap music. There’s no sense in it." - Kurt Cobain