Serious question. What's the best approach to handling this situation? Strike after they strike? Strike now and hard? Don't take their bait?
So what the fuck should be done with Norks?
Laissez-faire and eat popcorn.
idk what leads to the maximum amout of chaos?
Russia and pakistan somehow get involved.
Spray and pray
That fat Norkie is gonna attack Japan if he isn't stopped and then my stories will be in jeopardy.
>So what the fuck should be done with Norks
and Cuba connection via proxy with Rusian Chinese controllers
remember this
DATELINE: July 15 2013
Panama stops North Korean ship carrying missile material from Cuba
North Korean ship Chong Chon Gang
Ricardo Martinelli said on Radio Panama on Monday that the ship was stopped on the Atlantic coast of the country, according to the AFP.
"We had suspected this ship, which was coming from Cuba and headed to North Korea, might have drugs aboard so it was brought into port for search and inspection," Martinelli said. "When we started to unload the shipment of sugar we located containers that we believe to be sophisticated missile equipment, and that is not allowed."
Martinelli told RPC the 35 North Koreans on the boat resisted police efforts to take the ship to the Caribbean port of Manzanillo. The crew was later taken into custody, and Martinelli said the captain had a heart attack and also tried to commit suicide during the operation.
right under the nose of the US
give me a break
>be good goy
>swear to destroy their government
>has 4000 nukes aimed at entire world
>holds massive life fire drills right next to their country
>holds massive mock invasion drills of north korea right next to their country
whatever we think, they will be glassed regardless. It has been in motion for several decades.
Serious question? Then naval blockade. Cut their commercial traffic. Yeah, will cause naval war, N. Koreans lose their navy while USA loses some ships and planes. But since it will not be land war will not lead to all out glassing of N. Korea if they then give up their nukes.
If they don't -- then they get glassed.
They're communists, so they should all be exterminated.
Nuke their nuclear and icbm launch, storage, manufacturing, and research facilities with B61's dropped from B2's.
Raid the mountains where they keep arty with F-15E's, F16's and B52's.
B1's over Pyongyang.
Nuke a port city every day until Kim capitulates. Nuke Pyongyang when you run out of ports.
Give half the country to chyna, and half to SK.
Very pragmatic, might be the best option
Love and peace
trust in Jesus
never give up
the rest is up to you
invest in aquaponics
Deal with them. Their offer was fair.
Maybe even offer to give up your own central banks.
Quit coaxing them in the war. Yes their countries and evil dictatorship blah blah blah. But at the same time you have sanctions of crippled its economy literally starving it's people. I've heard that these new sanctions would cut out one third of the entire economy, now if I were North Korea I'd be threatening the us too. If you wanted something done support South Korea and work a deal between South Korea and China so that China gets its resources and South Korea gets it's
I think they all dead
Trump looks to be taking the right strategy here. Obama ignored miniaturization, so they must be considered a larger threat than previously thought. Government overthrow and assistance to assure that they are assimilated into worst korea.
God I hope the next NK statement is, verbatim:
"Donald. We're not going to be your distraction from Mueller's outstanding and expedient investigation. Go deal with your demons on your own time, then, once you're in handcuffs, we'll talk with your successor. May the world be in Peace for all time."
How about leave them the fuck alone. If we had an ethno state we would be banting the US all the time too.
Dear Kim is basically doing that, but NK could make the fatal mistake of forgetting that our leadership is retarded and so are boomers, and that Jews benefit from random wars between goyim. The media and Trump's (((advisers))) will inevitably push us towards accepting a war. If NK is loud enough, and it's believable, then Jews will just do another false flag and get us stuck in more perpetual war.
Mass nuclear strikes on population centers. That way, the refugee problem is minimized
Kim wants to be invaded, it's part of his plan.
Remove drumpf from the office
>these fucking retards actually defending DPRK and suggesting that "leaving them alone" would solve anything
Their plan is to unite the Korean peninsula. The second we "leave them alone" they will invade South Korea in full force. They aren't fucking state just trying to survive, they want complete control. They will most likely genocide the South Koreans and enslave the rest.
Who knows what will happen from there. They already hate Japan's guts so they'll probably target them next and attempt an invasion. Then we'll be forced to step in again, but by then most of Korean people will be dead.
>but the jews want us to kill north korea...
No they don't, they want the current state of things to continue unchanged. Then they can keep selling weapons and occupying Japan and South Korea.
who team North Korea here?
We literally invaded and killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqis and blew up their schools and hospitals without a shred of proof that Saddam had WMDs and now this little goofy ass slant-eyed chink openly defies the international community, popping off missiles and meanwhile our country can't figure out which bathroom to use
China is the cause, North Korea is the symptom. North Korea won't attack us first for the same reason every other nuclear armed adversary hasn't attacked us.
However, they are an important chess piece in China's scheme to expand their influence so inaction isn't an option. My solution would be to arm Japan and South Korea with nuclear weapons, then China will be shitting their pants. Tell them to deal with North Korea or the missiles stay. Cuban missile crisis 2.0.
Fucking kill them.
super shock and awe
1. gets rid of faggot norks
2. sends clear message to world
Nothing is going to happen out of this situation.
If you say "gullible" really fast it sounds like "lemonade."
Digits for chaos
South Korea and Japan do not want nukes. so you're suggestion falls flat.
>North Korea won't attack us first for the same reason every other nuclear armed adversary hasn't attacked us.
We were literally in a hot war with them when really only Russia and us had nuclear weapons. Now, for some reason, you think they won't do anything despite being much more powerful and also holding nuclear weapons.
NK is /ourguys/
Anybody who disagrees is a MAGApede kike
Have US ops remove Kimmy and replace him with a worse leader, like they have with other countries.
Somebody should just give fatty a snickers bar.
US will not allow them to keep their weapons. NK must disarm or be destroyed.
you already did allow them to keep their weapons, they are nuclear armed already.
Nook the gooks
The leaf is right. We've had bases and nukes stationed in JP and SK since the 50s, they are effectively US puppets. Arming them wouldn't matter.
Accept their right to a nuclear deterrent. They won't shoot first, we shouldn't either, and we can live with MAD until one regime implodes or we finally negotiate a peace treaty.
It's simple... Park long range radar that covers most of China and missile defense in SK permanently. Provide the south Koreans with nuclear weapons. Rip up the treaties with Japan and allow them to remilitarize. Provide Japan with nuclear weapons. Make it clear to China that those weapons stay in place until they remove the current NK regime. Hard ball is the only thing the Chinese understand and they will flip their shit if their #1 enemy Japan had nukes.
The best approach was the previous approach.
Now it's just tard vs tard.
We all just have to deal with the dummies because we're dummies at this point.
space weapons is a happening
WW3: The Chaos War is imminent
Don't take the bait.
I suspect the jews want war to steal the Best Korea's rare earth
Nuking them, and making fun of them on twitter
Accidentally hit Beijing it is then
Let the dog out.
if doubles NK will fire the first nuke
roach was right!
Do nothing. Completely ignore norks. No more sanctions, no more attention.
>this kills the nork prince
Americans already acting like NK did something wrong. Insecure about others having nuclear capabilities? Everyone deserves right to defend themselves
Does all of this shit sound eerily pre-Iraq to anyone else?
haha i hope you will destroy each other faggots.
death to america. and notrh korea.
Their staple diet is dogs. I love dogs. I say destroy them.
No. Trump is just dumb.
Fucking dirty turk
>yfw they nuke california
>yfw US retaliate and nuke the norks
>yfw off target and hits china
>yfw china launches nukes at US
>yfw US launch back
I'm really liking this word
Advances in A.I. drone fleets, Robots soldiers, Spaceships, Anti ballistic weaponry, are all coming in within the next 50 years. America best move is to wait.
Not start the war would be a good start. Kim isn't going to nuke anyone, he's being aggressive with his rhetoric because he's trying to keep the status quo of his country. With all the stuff from outside coming to NK, the atmosphere in there is slowly changing. The war threats are only made so that people outside NK can't communicate with the Norks and spread their western "propaganda". The best moves are either to do nothing or just call Kim out on his bluffs.
If doubles Kim is gonna lite up some faggots in San francisco with a nuclear holocaust.
every1 dyes
Kill them all
>Give half the country to chyna, and half to SK
So make Middle Korea?
>Strike after they strike?
Only fully logical way to go. Only strike in response, but don't respond appropriately; rather, respond with twice the anger and damage.
Or just keep threatening each other for the next two or three decades while nothing actually happens.
Trump should go to the dmz, sit in that little conference room they have on the 38th and wait for Kim to show up for a one on one meet.
Either they shell him and get wiped off the map or they negotiate, either way trump is instantly remembered by history as the greatest American president to ever live
Strike first. We were at a Nash Equilibrium since the Korean War but it's been broken in recent weeks. I dont know if the norks broke it by testing icbm or if Trump broke it yesterday. Doesn't matter. It's been broken, war is inevitable at this point. Best thing we can do is minimize casualities on US and South Kroean side by striking pre-emptively
>Cry havoc and let slip the bombs of war
he shot me down
bang bang
There is something of a plan for this already. One part goes to China, one to Russia, one to USA, and one to South Korea.
The previous approach let them develop nuclear ICBM's.
Continuing the "do nothing" approach will mean they have 1000 nuclear missiles in 10 years. What then, idiot?
kek wills it
>as if anyone else were going to shoot first
Their staple diet is dogs. I have seen video of them hanging the dog from a tree and beating it for and hour until death because it tastes better when its blood is pumped with adrenaline. I Say Trump has every moral right to nuke those fuckers off the face of the planet.
Wow im retarded. All the weed smoke and niggerspeak in Newark is getting to me
go full anti-commie crusade mode. and while we're at it, cause civil war in china while north korea gets pounded to mush
Don't stress the typo, you made a good post.
Take out the artillery and missiles as fast as possible to prevent them from bombing the fuck out of South Korea then invade.
The US Air Force estimates it can take out about 1% of NK artillery per hour. They are hiding in dug out caves, and pop out and shoot, then dodge back into their caves. This makes detection and then destruction tricky. So about 100 hours of nasty war, though after the first 24 hours the worst of it will be over.
You AMeircans didnt have a moral right for ANY war you have entered in the last 100 years. Oh but you have one for this NK, you have one. If there was ever a reason God let you have all the nukes it was for these fuckers. Fuck with my dog you are fucking dead. The best friend I ever had in my life was my dog. You are fucking nuked off the face of the planet you fucking NK gook. you are fucking DEAD!
False flag to get things started as always. Shit all over nk military infrastructure with overwhelming air/naval power, targeted spec ops raids against missile complexes if too hardened to penetrate with massive ordnance.
Make no attempt to cross DMZ.
Declare operation a success with destruction of long range no missile launch capability, refuse to own the northern mess, let China deal with the refugees and set up a puppet govt, hold that puppet govt over their heads in the future as if you did them a favor by offloading your mess on them.
The best approach is to not get into a dick measuring contest with a madman. If Trump legitimately wants this war then lets go to war, stop acting like 2 niggers telling someone to hold them back
this….. + India….
who the fuck cares.
SK casualties will be enormous. C'est la vie.
I bet half their shit won't even work since they're so incompetent
>What's the best approach
activate ol'Boomer
if we don't attack them they won't do shit
kek is here tonight
if doubles, Guam bluff is just a diversion. Washington DC will be the target of a devastating nuke.
if triples, Trump will be too retarded and a Faggot to react and there will be a military coupe in US. Congress will be closed soon after, and shit is going down.
if doubles, the target will be California
You can fuck yourself. I'm a proud American…