Do you tip gay people?

“The kids are going to be under the impression that it will be OK to discriminate,” Heaton said.

“As Christian, thou shall judge. No matter how someone looks, you should love them for what’s in their heart and how they treat you—not for what is on the outside. As someone who came out when it was still a battle for the LGBTQ community, that’s just plain rude and uncalled for. What if one day their kids grow up and want to be with the same sex, are they going to disown them? Throw them on the street?”

Buffalo Wild Wings corporate officials have not responded to the incident, but Heaton’s supervisor saw the note and immediately asked the lingering question: “How can they tell that by looking at a tattoo?”

A photo of Heaton’s tattoo and the note has drawn a rash of social media comments. Heaton said she isn’t seeking fame, compensation, or a way to flaunt her sexuality, only an avenue to clarify that not all members of LGBTQ community are non-Christians.

As for the tattoo, she makes no excuse for it, but does have one regret about its placement.

“Someone asked me the other day if I would go back in time and get the same tattoo and I said, ‘No I would get it bigger,'” she joked.

According to the Buffalo Wild Wings Code of Ethics, the chain prides itself in maintaining an anti-discriminatory environment.

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Yeah I tip them off the edge of their mental fucking breakdown. Every time I see one of these pink haired gay fluffballs I always remind them how their father's hate them for being weak and they're only gay because they want to be loved by daddy so every time one of those AIDS factories profanes God by having sex with another man they're really thinking about daddy and why he doesnt love them. Fuck I hate fags.

I dont tip at all.

I don't allow open sodomites to wait on me or cut my hair or drive me on uber. You have a guilt by association by even eating at an establishment that would hire such a depraved lascivious reprobate.

>Openly Gay
Pick one. Repent.

> eating food handle by STD riddle "peoples"
that was the first mistake

That's why you shouldn't wear your politics on your sleeve.

Keep flapping away about gays as your frog kike and you started the fall and ended it in the end like your beginning in nukes and eclipses and sept 23

>expected a customary tip
Expect nothing wage slave

Looks like the AIDs really did some brain damage to this one.

He can barely speak English.

Pretty sure being gay is anti-christian.
So they can in fact not be gay and christian.

Oh wow. Another story about a waiter receiving a hateful not and no tip. Surely this one won't be fake like all the others.



pick one or none

American Liberals are typically anti-profit so I don't tip as I don't want to offend anyone.


just the tip.... come on.... just for a minute

>You should love them

Rofl. The bible just says don't be guilty of what you are judging your brother for. It doesn't say "DON'T JUDGE" .

Even the new testament is pretty hateful towards faggots. If I have a gay waiter or server, I just throw away the food because it was made by AIDs hands

Fuck your nagging. You say this because youre a fuck nose. A massive failure. The only ones. The original ones. You had some idea of what ad hom to use. You think you walk on water. Youre a hypocrite and a dyke. Truvada. Ask me if i give a fuck about you. You have no brains anyways. Say whatever you want. Lie. Make no sense. But my grammar needs to be perfect to get my point across. Lick my feet. Tell me WHAT SPECIFICALLY was wrong with it? You can't. It's Biblical. You're a jew bag so posts like mine melt your physical body

>Advertise your degenerate sexuality publically with degenerate tattoo.

Would a person get a tip with a swastika tattoo that's visible?

Yah I tip them by reminding them to repent or they will go to Hell.

>i got bills to pay

like fucking $12 would have solved her problems

I sometime tip if the service is good, gay or not no matter.

>What if one day their kids grow up and want to be with the same sex,
>are they going to disown them?
most certainly
>Throw them on the street?
probably not, but you know, shock the gay away

Serpent seed. We can get into the terms Freud coined. How we're not molech whores. How leviticus doesnt apply. What Christ said. King david. Centurion. Born eunuchs. How you WONT get into the 144,000 because youre defiled by women. But whats the point. This is a popularity contest for pagans and the truth isnt found there. Study Christ's life and birth. Adam and Eve's sin and yours. Not Adam and Steve's. And how Sept 23 is filled with the same vaginal symbolism and has nothing to do with penises. Ruth and naomi. Youre panicking. A tip at a restaurant that you cheap kikes never do. Is "news". And wasting all our lives and evenings. As usual

There is a staggering amount of middle ground between perfect grammar and incomprehensible garbage. It's called being "readable."

>run on
>0 commas so I have no idea what the fuck is going on
>boring vocab
>stacking nouns


Yeah, keep going on and on about those big, scary homos. Meanwhile, you and your amphibious, Jewish deity are in free fall. It will all ultimately end as it begun, in a giant blast of incomprehensible chaos and darkness.

Fake Christians.

I bet you suck Putin's cock too.

Looks fake as fuck and the last 4 numbers of the card are 1234.


Last four of the cc our 1234

Fake and gay

Tell me what words you didnt understand or why. Im gone. Dont bother. You lied. I gave you two shots. You doubled down. I cant wait until the Lord shows you it was never your job to act like this. You are all about the secular fallen doctrines of humans and nothing of the spiritual. If youre too retarded and inbred thats not my problem. Bye. This place is boring as fuck and closeted as shit. No topic is libelled or discussed here like this one. All you want is dick pics. Hope to make a topical argument and get people all horned up. Youve been doing this since dawn of man. Completely dissonant ignorant fucks who never listen. God divorced Israel


I'm genuinely curious how you were able to link an accusation of heresy with Putin fanboyism.
How did you get there. Please tell me.

If she didn't ha e degeneracy on display she would have gotten tipped. Too bad the resturant has to make up differences to bring her pay in line with min wage(which servers hate cause they always make way more than min wage from tips)

He's a pedophile. Like all homophobes or right wingers. In the very highest levels now

You're the stupid fag from the other day who rambled nonsense I take it

I literally explained what was wrong with the sentence is the post you quoted.

It's not my fault you can't read either, faggot.

>Tipping a waiter at a restaurant that just microwaves your food

I tip no one with tattoos. You chose to get yourself branded with degeneracy. Learn to live with the consequences.

Losers like you are so weak and stupid to die of a disease that you decided to get on your own accord. Aids was the tool god put in place to get rid of all the degenerates like you and your sore ridden freaks you call commags

Like your threads? For all the talk about SJWs and strong armed salty snowflakes you sure use the exact same tactics. How about you give him what he asked for like he gave OP by respecting his arguments? I've seen him too. Everybody loses their shit. They never tell him why he's wrong. You say he sins. He hears that lots I'm sure. He defends himself and is Biblical and has his own views. He does same as what you did. Calls us sinners. Which we are. Nobody wants to hear it. Simple. There are more important things than what he called "4Jews". I researched what he said about new anti HIV drugs and Putin. And he's probably right. So here I am to take his place. You're all little girls and always have been. Sucking on satan's tits like there's no tomorrow and then crying about females in other threads. You're cheap. You're a liar. You're a fake jew whose dad is not human

In before literally a hoax like every other "A MEAN PERSON WAS MEAN TO ME ON MY RECEIPT, HERE IS MY PATREON" bullshit of the last few years.

Yes, but just the tip. Get it!?!? Hiyo!

Made in a lab. Impossible to get now. Not for straights. But for them. You flop all over the place. You just can't stand that this is a demonic world and you were lied to. And it reflects on you and your person and penis and not on anybody else's. There really isn't strength in any numbers when trying to have an open honest convo. Which this place never does. Lauren southern kike dyke whining nag bitch. Who the fuck isnt half a fag? I know so many. I can admit all my own things to do with this. I literally see you doing them all the time. But you have no capacity nor courage. You remind me of a weed. Never gone anything good. Ever. And never will
No you didn't. Quote it. You were generic. He asked you for more. You failed. This is because you project. He shot it back. And you have fuck all. The IQ in here is -9000

i couldn't believe all the workers that expected tips for menial shit on a visit to NYC

>curb guy takes your bag from you as you pull it from the car and places it on the curb
>door guy opens the front door
>lobby guy takes your rolly bag and rolls it to the receptionist desk for you
>elevator guy pushes the button

they act like you murdered their only child when you didn't know you were supposed to give them $5 for each of these things

>Heaton’s supervisor saw the note and immediately asked the lingering question: “How can they tell that by looking at a tattoo?”

I deserve $15 an hour

>Gay and Christian

Being Catholic, I'd tip a waiter no matter what. If I weren't Catholic or Christian, I wouldn't tip the gay waiteress for being a degenerate

Can someone shoop a plane on her tattoo so it looks like 9/11

Who are you? Jesus? He literally blessed faggots and cavorted with alleged hookers. And lepers. And the dead. You're a pharisee

Look at me! Look at me! My life revolves around genital preference! Look at me I'm so interesting! I have no biological future just sex! Yay!


Yours dont? Dont your fat non existent disgusting lying smelly girlfriend anal stories outta here. Fucks devil's sloppy seconds and has the GALL to blame his own kids. Everything you say about them is kikery. What's worse? Kikes? Or homos? DEFINITELY kikes

if you cant afford $20 you cant afford NYC.

>disgusting Christ killing pharisee
Nice response by the snake flag wondering about Putin eh? Hence the "gays are pedos" line. What does pedes mean? As in centiPEDOS?

I don't even know what the fuck you're saying, this post is nonsense. Faggots go Hell, and I didn't say anything about Putin. I don't even see how that's relevant to anything I said.


>its another lets false-flag some bigotry and pretend i didn't get tipped episode
has the crowd sourcing started yet? also this is exactly why i don't tip. food service is full of entitled cunts.

this is a gay schizo posting on Sup Forums
we really are going down fast

this. waitresses are often coalburners. I only leave tip of one penny for bad service. so they don't have to guess.

Nice proxy fag.

>ITT: ignorant Americans vs educated canadians

nice proxy fag, you can change location but you cant change linguistical patterns

it really is a bad tattoo though, as a former tattooist... that line work is shaky as fuck.

OP used the wrong image

I don't tip.
> Pay for a service
> receive service
> person providing service is paid for providing service
Tipping is a Jewish trick

>t. Let's all be dicks thinker

>9000 meme
Edgy summerkid detected. Reveling in faggotry will not make the other kids be nice kiddo.

The posting style is meant to make you think but "flag" that's impossible

>tattoo of HIV test strip
>test results positive


Leftism is a false idol. Pride is a sin.

>This level of ignorance
I don't know whether to laugh or cry
I bet you also think that chemical castration involves acid to the gonads

>Pride is a sin
And if we pan to the Right, we see the exact same shit
Next on our tour folks, Americans explain why everything is someone else's fault and not theirs

It's fake. Every time there is a story about someone not tipping it ends up being a false story from the waitress. Every. Single. Time.

You're that faggot always posting a million fag replies in every thread and can't understand a goddamn joke. I bet you think your aids pills will keep you safe too.

>tipping still a thing
And yet they tell me the USA are civilized

I'm sure I've had a gay waiter in the past, but seeing as how "I'm jimmy and I'll be your homosexual waiter tonight" isn't something they say I don't really get a chance to discriminate.

I don't tip people with tattoos though, shit's unprofessional.

What are you in about fag? Go back to your LGBT containment board

>Doesn't deny his ignorance
I don't have aids but if I keep reading your shitposts I'm sure I'll get it and cancer

>“The kids are going to be under the impression that it will be OK to discriminate,” Heaton said.

The worst thing you can do is teach your children not to discriminate. No one navigates through life without using discrimination-- based on experience and learning-- on a day to day basis.

This. Nobody in America is actually edgy enough to not tip.

Do you think I really believe there is an HIV test strip? Are all fags this deluded and self aggrandizing?

Know this fag; if we killed everyone with HIV, it would be cured.

>This much ignorance
There are no words. This is beyond hillbilly.

If I knew someone was gay I'd still tip them, just less.

If I knew someone was tranny or bi I wouldn't tip them.


What's with Buffalo Wild Wings and dykes anyway? I can't recall any other restaurant I've been to that had so many of these man-bitches on staff. Is it a policy or something?


What the fuck do you know fag? Enjoying your liberal arts education?

Diseases are born from unclean practices.
Your logic is in line with
>Woman possess the X hene that makes men gay
>No more gays if we kill all the women

Actual men carry the X gene too:

Guess we better kill everyone according to the burger shartposter

What the fuck are you on about? If we removed HIV from the population, it won't just reappear. It's a virus, a strangely unique one. It's not like cancer. Spreading the virus is UNNACCEPTABLE. But what do I know, I'm just a lowly hillbilly synthetic biologist so since I blast engineered bits of DNA into bacteria, viruses are a little out of my expertise. OH WAIT THATS EXACTLY WHAT A VIRUS DOES.

>Synthetic biologist
>Being believable after all that shit

Pls be my ai bf

Require proof retard?

Just know this, fag: A vast majority of the medical field HATES you faggots for being the most diseased and mentally troubled group of sub humans. San Francisco ER is always packed with fags who got something mysteriously sucked up their ass and can't get it out.

>Much anecdotal evidence means all people of this kind are the same
Burger shitposters are the absolute worst. Rangeban when?

well i wouldnt know a faggot unless they were being an obnoxious faggot now would i

Stop Terry you have aids

I'm ok with this. Fags need to keep their degeneracy to themselves or get in the oven.

with a spear!