Y'all ready for Eric Clanton's prelim hearing tomorrow morning?

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I hope he gets life

bump for interest.

It appears Sup Forums has short term memory

theres just no news yet. when he gets sentenced expect some discussion

Big thread yesterday

I am curious if he will be white nationalist when he gets out of prison. After some time in prison most white guys i have met are extremely racist when they get out. Or he goes back to the bash the fash.

Considering he's up for four felonies, it will be highly likely you'll have forgotten about him whenever he gets out.

i doubt that, he will probably be in for like 3 or 4 years if that. felonies can be served concurrently

Can anyone provide me the infograph we made where we reveal he snitched on his antifa friends and the antifa/nambla partnership

At least he'll make a fine bride or at least a trade for a pack of cigs.

cali is pretty liberal depends on the judge
lawyer and jury cucks

Don't're here forever.

He'll get off, very little punishment.

yeh, that Ghost_of_pepe faggot on twtitter seems to be the one to follow for the clanton news. ne1 who uses twitter is a fag

It serves as more of a warning to the other antifa cucks.
Don't mess with autism.

Bike Clanton at the Oakland corral?
I hope he draws Judge Earp or Holliday.
Either way he's toast.

give the prosecution your energy

if he does, im sure some Sup Forumsacks will give him the OJ treatment

He's gonna get so much restorative justice to his pooper.

From an anti authoritarian perspective. Lol

I have to wonder if his "ethics" will save him hahaha.

it'll get continued for 18 months, minimum

what evidence does the DA have

He'll be talking Foucault, and niggers be hearing "Fuck my ass!"

he's being tried in California don't get your hopes up

tbqh a nice beating would be sufficient punishment imo, but I think he got away unscathed in Berkeley unlike a lot of his comrades

webm related

Send gay romance novels to his jail cell.

He's either going to get off or get a slap on the wrist like "community service".

Don't say "ya'll" you faggot Canuck. That word is reserved for rightful southerners.

Bullshit! State prison is MANDATORY for violent felonies. He has already pleaded not guilty and bonded out. He has once more chance to plea bargain, but the charges are serious enough that the prosecutor isn't going to bend much.

He'll get out just in time to watch Trump win again.

Please do this, someone

>Y'all ready for Eric Clanton's prelim hearing tomorrow morning?
is it going to be televised? i so miss the old days of comfy pol watching the jews fail to flim flam the zim zam

He is a cuck, he would love it.
What you send is right wing books.
Or send him Trump pics in the mail.

Violent crimes, especially with video evidence, unprovoked, do not sit well with judges. This has nothing to do with public opinion, the judge already set a fairly high bail, it's being viewed with some concern.

Mein Kampf

Not with the tattoos he has. He's persona non grata with white prison gangs based on that alone.

To obvious. Make it like Democracy in America.

>fascists openly on the march


will this be streamed? bless

Can anyone confirm whether or not he ever made bail?

Is there a chastity belt for butts?
Cuz if there is, someone should send him one. Without the lock.

Maga hats, concentration camp pics, etc etc

When a gang of niggers force Eric to swallow the foamy cum dripping out of his chooch hole, it will be at this moment that he realizes that hitting people over the head with a bike-lock was probably a serious lapse in judgement ..

It would be a shame if someone dirtied up his rate my professor page and sent him screen shots in prison

Will he cry "dindu nuffins" at sentencing?

Highly unlikely. They would not allow recording devices in the court room for his first hearing.

His kike communist lawyer knows there is tremendous interest in this case online and is likely making sure nothing gets out of the courtroom. Which is why we need intrepid and justice-minded faggots to literally go to court and keep an eye on these scumbags, take notes, just make sure there is a record.

I'm pretty sure he did, since a video surfaced of him hanging out in some park with a bunch of antifa lowlifes, and people here were wondering it this act violated the conditions of his bail.

I'm not following that link, but I appreciate the "B00MY00KLS" at the end of it.

Well at least we know he's not making bail. Antifa commies don't have even close to 100k

Read 4 posts up. He was already out on bail. These commies all have rich parents and benefactors

Tomorrows rub will feel extra nice.

he was arrested and out on bail already

top kek

He's going to be found innocent of all charges.
The butthurt on Sup Forums will be spectacular

He gots a new sexy "rape my ass" hairdo!

And Hillary will be president!

I wonder why the commies want us to kill the rich then? Don't they know we will kill off there money source? They wont be able to buy Ipads when we kill their money.
I fucking hope their "dream" does come true just so i can show them that real commies wont have Ipads, they will have 3 loafs of bread and some dirty water to live on for the week.

u n d e r r a t e d

>tfw this is his third strike and Sup Forums's weaponized autism sent a man to jail for the rest of his life

hes only being charged with one felony
look see where it says F and M in the codes, that means felony and misdeminor. now if hes had previous felonies then he could be looking at serious time
