Why is she such a cunt?

Why is she such a cunt?

shes right though

What's wrong with that? Better start lifting.

kicking 30's door down and shes still single

The Future is Female. So any future drafts should take that into consideration.

I agree, fortunately they are still male and basic training will fix that problem.

Why doesn't she enlist?

I struggle lifting bags into the overhead but its not a matter of strength its matter of leverage cause im only 5'2 with short limbs

I don't trust any woman who manages to pass 25 without a husband and kids

funny and true but she will end up as a coalburner anyways so fuck her

also shes practicing in the shaming-culture of white men so that makes her an annoying entitled stacy whore

tfw millennials dont even lift

also this

>fighting in Jewish wars

Who gives a fuck how strong they are? As long as they can shoot a weapon they're capable of being soldiers.

Found the weak manlet.

>hahaha look guis i'm creating a caricature of an entire generation so the collective failures that we are won't get any heat for being impotent retards that can't and won't do shit

>Actually thinking this


Found the weak manlet

aren't millenials the generation most likely to actually lift?

lol but you guys fucking told men to stop being masculine. You forced it on these poor boys.

>Men have to be strong so they can go to war and protect me
>Gender roles are oppressive and evil, women are equal to men

I might be a weak manlet, but at least I can fight from inside of a tank, unlike some cunt with no reaction-time/ capacity to deal with stressful situations

Manlet spotted. Kys.

I see plenty of strong "millennials" out and about fully capable of lifting shit.

I feel like these far right political commentators like Lauren Southern, Tomi Lahren and their ilk use the same BS tactic the left does, repeating anecdotal evidence in an attempt to make it reality thought force of will. They take a small minority of people and attempt to make that sound like the norm. I also hear an increasing amount of them making "feelz" based arguments.

I'm a right leaning person but these commentators who become one trick ponies, almost caricatures of political commentators, turn me off as much as the libtards do. They all seem fake as shit, low intelligence, just doing it to make a buck.

women shouldn't have to

it's part of the job of being a man that you actually be able to fight for your nation

because she is hot so nobody that cares to talk to her has had the balls to tell her she aint shit and to calm her fucking tits

god damn... her, southern, macajewbys.... put a chick in front of these fucks and they will white knight her til they stop breathing

talking about how they are "smart & beautiful"
stfu we all know you just want her as waifu

>just doing it to make a buck.
No shit. That's especially true for women. They've found an easy way to exploit their attractiveness without doing porn.

>Lauren Southern, Tomi Lahren
all talk, no action

they are all hitting 30 and have no white children, they have no talk about a nation

>all these ass blasted millennial in this thread

She's right and you know it. Whites, particularly white men, have gotten too comfortable and too entitled. Another war will be good to prepare you faggots for the Day of Reckoning you all screech about.

Some of us actually have heavy items like dead body parts and dragon dildo collections, all of which add up quickly.

put on glasses.... wear star wars shirt.... profit

>women shouldn't have to
Let's draft them anyways for shits and giggles.

>physical labor jobs being outsourced for cheaper labor
>still have to work, so millennial male finds non-labor job
>women turned off by the weakness that comes with this
>"we're so f'ed if there's a draft. stupid weak millennial males"
>millennial male goes to gym, wasting precious time that he could spend working and making money to support a family instead
>tomi lahren sits around in a dress and picks at males over everything just because she can and she's a woman
>women can be drafted now

It's all just one BIG ASS fucking clusterfuck. TOMI LAHREN YOU GO GIRL. You'd better start lifting!


you sound like a feminist

KYS Faggot
Tomi is my waifu

Not really.


You desperately need to kill yourself

Good luck carrying 100+ lbs of gear and your buddy after he gets wounded. Fucking retard.

Shooting is only a small portion. Carrying heavy shit for miles while shooting is where it's at

Yeah, this is a load of shit. I'd say 80% of the people I see at the gym are other younger millenials.

Look at the fucking shape of white "men's" bodies today. It's fucking pathetic. Skinny fat or just plain fucking fat. People with shitty bodies should be shamed and if they are killed it shouldn't be considered murder.

Convert all of that time spent into money. You're getting Jew'd again

>dying for Israel
lol no

Because I don't want you to be a weak good for nothing low test when shit hits the fan? You just sound like an entitled nu male redditor. Stick to collecting action figures, cuck.

>They all seem fake as shit, low intelligence, just doing it to make a buck.
So.... women?
The only "redpilled" women you'll find are ones doing what their husbands tell them to do. Obedient wives. Take note that all the prominent "right wing women" are unmarried and childless. A whore by any other name...

how is the ghost zone?

>cry for equally

literally who?

she's one of those stupid cunts who will pretend to be right wing in so far as 'oh where have all the good strong men gone' but fails to look into or address any of the reasons that men are becoming that way - because the reasons to be a 'man' in traditional society has been erased

No one cares. If it all goes to shit, then it all goes to shit. Now it's time for you to kill yourself, as you seem quite happy to fight for the Jew.

I'll just say I have a condition and draft dodge. The MEME is that males are replaceable. If you think that way, you're just some useful idiot to get thrown into a meat grinder.

top kek. We'll let the women fight WW3 this time

Mutual Jewing. After all, I'll be jacked and ready for the coming race war.

If your bag is heavy enough that you can't lift it to overhead compartment you should probably stow it as check in luggage.


She's right, but I'm still not going to lift because my life sucks and I'm nihilistic to believe that anything will improve. Like most problems with millennials, the root-cause for this goes back to the collapse of the atomic family unit. There's no reason to try given how undervalued males are.

Yeah, you'll need to punch people quite a lot in the coming race war

You just described the alt-lite. Protip: women have no place in a political movement.


Stupid ass leaf mother fucker

>Why is she such a cunt?

shes a female.

> implying women should be spared the draft
> implying men should kill themselves for women
> implying women are worth anything
> implying much more femscummish bs


The saddest thing about this is the fact that she's right.

The muslims are right to laugh at our people. When they see the liberal havens (Jew York, Los Nigeles, etc...), all they see are weak men.

They could easily overtake our country if all males were like these numales. And we would deserve it.

Weakness has no place in society.

#draftourdaughters amirite

Well, you are pussies!

Then they shouldn't vote

Sometimes I forget that those are two separate people.


>tomi will never yell at you for being weak and tell you how the snowflakes are worse

>you will never sniff her ass hole after a debate about womens right to choose



Yeah, good luck breaking track or loading rounds. Really thought that one through.

Who cares, There's enough humans to afford a few million female casualties, Their value is like pennies due to inflation.

Don't you lift, bro?

Fuck this cunt
She is just a cuckservative who wants to keep modern female privilege while going back to some 1950s chivalry BS
No way I'm "manning up" to clean up some neocon and women mess

your bait has no power here, vaginal jew
there are more white men hitting the gym than white women, it is even our culuture you whores have infiltrated and now post your whorish nature on instagram 24/7
you have no buisness in giving a man advices over anything, i'm neither your bodyguard neither your figure of fun for your narcissistic delusions

you are not worth fighting for

>Expecting a man to be able to effortless move objects that weigh 1/4 their body size at the most
Yeah, such high standards she has user.

She is right in this one. Fucking pussies.

Infantry is meaningless in a real 21st century war.

The military has basically been LARPing for the last 60 years with these stupid "stand in the desert/jungle until insurgents shoot at you" wars. When the nukes fly, the best professional soldier is just as fucked as a pudgy NEET conscript.

She murdered her nigger baby in the womb in college

I'm not dying for jews.

Turning millennial into a slur will just increase the rate at which Sup Forums becomes in western countries what "isis" is for young men in muslim countries.

Bitch be like 22. Not her fault women age like diarrhea in the sun

I'm still not sure if Louise Mensch is mentally retarded, schizophrenic, or trolling everyone.

Yeah because there isn't any heavy lifting of gear or sprinting/ long distance marching involved in war at all.

Surely you don't mean to suggest that she's looking for a more powerful breed of guy than your average white millennial boy?

She's 23?

Jump up and stuff it in you pussy little manlet faggot squirrel cock

That's Elsa Jean's(the blacked girl) real name

Mark Owen going to stuff Tomi in his trunk.

Shut up manlet faggot

You can stare right at girls tits though. And as a tall guy, I'm jealous.

Women, trannies, and fags can fight the next Jew war. I'm sitting this one out.

>Republican white blonde commentator acts edgy

Why does this happen now? Is this a meme?


She has some sort of brain damage due to heavy drug abuse.

Millennial women are well known cunts. Yet everybody - no exceptions - thinks they are poor victims and blame millennial men for not asking them out on more dates.

I mean holy shit, you pieces of shit should consider yourselves lucky you never had to deal with millennial women. They're not all bad but most are, and it's no surprise that the western world yet again blames men for women's fuckups and inferiority. These women are alone for a reason, you need to get that through your thick skulls.


good goyim. be strong and fight for israel

Cringey fucking post faggot. I can tell just by your corny reply you're a no lift faggot.
>White men are more fit than women!!!
Okay so I guess that means I don't see fat fucks and skinny fat weaklings everywhere I go.
Post your soft shitty body



Please don't reproduce

despite all the hatred for feminism, this still makes me feel so bad for that poor girl giving her all. it's too bad she's been lied to and convinced she is strong man

She's gorgeous, and I feel a primal need to breed her.

keking out loud about the grandpa responding to her. pretty sure most millennials could kick his geriatric ass.