Now that the dust has settled, what REALLY happened?

Now that the dust has settled, what REALLY happened?

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Insurance Fraud gone wrong.

Not a conspiracy to kill 3 opposers of the FED...which was going to happen anyways.

You're a fag

The Jews did 10/8

Wow, what a little genius. Now, what really happened was that the people who made the ship tried to mock God. They literally wrote "God cannot sink us" on the side of the ship. That's why they got what they got.

Rothschild agents killing the last opposition to the FED. IT IS KNOWN!

I've heard something to this effect. But how did they sink it? Purposely drive it in to the iceberg?

Rothschild conspiracy.

The inventor of the novemvigintuple expansion turbo injection diesel engine was on board, on his way to file patents in NY.

He had to die, and his plans had to go down with him.


The swapped name plates of the ships the Olympic and the Titantic. The Olympic had gotten into an accident the previous year.

>They literally wrote "God cannot sink us" on the side of the ship

This is an interesting theory until you know about Olympic and Titanic and realize there were some big differences to them.
It wouldn't be as simple as swapping name plates, first of all because the names were welded into the plate.

There are literally accounts of child survivors saying they picked up ice and played around with it as it fell on the deck after the impact. The adults picked it up and put it in their drinks

German U boat

It was actually olympic that sank in part of a insurance scheme after it was damaged

Old Captain Bollocks grazed her side just right to bob around for a couple hours before sinking, but forgot he was supposed to do it on the next night, when there was gonna be a rescue ship nearby.

>some big differences to them
Not really

Killing the opposers to the federeal reserve

Titanic never existed, the whole story was a test run of a system designed to create fake news

There's a good doc on YouTube about this theory

>"God himself could not sink this ship"

Checkmate, atheists

Titanic hit an iceberg
Years later they find the Olympic in roughly the same area
Pass it off as the titanic for the insurance.

Didn't the painter Jack sink it because he got cucked by a Mediterranean master race?

Part and parcel

Yes really.
Olympic had an open A-deck promenade, Titanic had a closed one Titanic also used what was the B-deck promenade on Olympic for extra first class staterooms and a Paris-style cafe.

The bridge wings were different with Titanic's extending further over the side of the ship.

Olympic and Titanic has slightly different interiors with regards to things like the locations of the Turkish Baths.

The whole idea of the swap relies on the belief that both ships were identical, when in actuality they were not.
The claim is that the switch was done in the time period when Olympic was in dry dock and when Titanic was getting ready for her voyage, which would only be a period of a few weeks. Not nearly long enough to carry out the installation of features such as additional rooms and reworking the interior on Olympic, and not enough time to remove those features from Titanic.

Purposely sailing his ship through dangerous waters at an unsafe speed and (possibly) ignoring ice warnings.

The question I have is why would the captain do that? He has no skin in the game so why put himself and a bunch of unrelated people at risk when the three guys just could have fallen off balconies or been shot by "robbers"?

They let niggers on it.

The promenade deck on Titanic was particularly enclosed to make private sections for some first class rooms, also the inside wall of the wheelhouse on Olympic was curved while straight on Titanic

Titanic received ice warnings early into the voyage and adjusted her course to the South a bit to account for ice flows.
They knew there was ice in the area and the one thing they could be blamed for was not stopping for the night like other ships did, it was figured that a berg would be spotted with enough time to avoid it.
They just got very unlucky with how calm it was that night.

It was built by huns, of course it sank