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/culture/ - Culture Thread
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I am a Spic, So I guess that I will start with my own country
Mexican ArtDeco
From the same Artist
Arab+Spaniard Architecture left to develop in a whole different continent
Thigg :DDD
From an Italian Modern Artist
Same Building
you can see the moorish influence just about everywhere now that I realize it
im black so i guess ill start with african dance
>learn about your cultures
translation: Post pretty pictures of sculptures of people you don't know with contexts you didn't bother reading or looking up
Africa has a very interesting mosaic of cultures. Their weapons are easily the most interestingly-shaped there are and every tiny tribe has their own culture and mythos
Niggers are Anti-Culture
No Vato, ge gotta build modernist, just like everyone is doing these days
Don't you want to live in the 1st world?
by Italian artist Gian Lorenzo Bernini
by john singer sargent
Some queer dancing as well:
Our culture is essentially identical to Irish but with more poetry, bardic tradition and choirs and less independence.
Some dances
>Deer's dance. Done by the Northern Natives (The States of Sonora and Sinaloa) in order to pay respect to the deer they hunted. It tells the story of a deer being hunted by humans, the drum symbolized the heartbeat; rushing in tension and stoping at death
>Elder's Dance. Done by four young people dressed up as elders, it pays respect to the elders and asks for good harvests. Is from the Purepécha people in the State of Michoacán
I also remember there being a dance where a man and a woman would dance around a piece of cloth, then kick it around while dancing, then lifting it to reveal that they had make a ribbon while dancing
Bernini is great, but he never came close to topping this.
Most kids would associate our culture with mining and shieeet because they aren't taught in school about our culture beyond how the English oppressed us by giving us a mining industry.
>Charreria. A stylized equestrian activity. Father of the Cowboy Aesthetic and culture. So important that our cucked gun laws make an exception on them an let them own revolvers
Lena Dunjamon
Its a good thread but we have a board for culture.
goddamn, I love women dressed like this.
The purpose in to get the Nationalism Flowing and to show off, not actual discussion of the roots of such traditions
Who cares what those inbred cucks think
Well, have I found the right artist for you
Forgot to add, those are San Marino's only two officials
wew, jesus christ
definitely checking out this artist, thanks
Some print about this Country's future
At the time a lot of his work was scandalous.
But if you guys like Sargent Sargent you'll probably like John William Waterhouse
Oh, and here is a picture of Hotel Souria in Morocco. A Syria themed hotel in A Marrakesh alley.
Can definitely see some similarities, even with a more Arab style
>John William Waterhouse
All his women looked the same for a while. He definitely had something for jaws and deep eye sockets
Why is your national football captain playing in such a gangster formation?
>BASED Scarface marquez
Shit, even our tiles look similar
Most Moroccan homes look similar to that.
t. lived in Tangiers for >5 years
Particularly those blue and yellow ones.
You wont find tiles with characters or even flowers though.
Why do whites think painting naked prostitutes is culture?
>that excellent wet hair detail on the bottom middle girl
good taste
Oh, it's you again.
Hey, no joke, that statue (The rape of Persephone, right?) and most his other works are fucking incredible. The skin-dentation in a statue?! There's another one by him that has a veil around a woman's entire body; molded out of marble is the veil's every creaseI never knew the human hand could make something so beautiful.
From the same hotel
Those are souvenirs from my state, the real ones do not have any words in them. You will find flowers, but because of their axial symmetry.
But even if the content is different you still see manny houses with tiles making geometric shapes on their walls as a form of decoration, just like in manny Arab countries
>Being cucked so hard that when you turn into a bull and start cucking other nations from the other side of the world your biological offspring still looks like your bull
You and me both.
this is John Singer Sargent for anyone that cares.
Typical Mexican art isn't "bad", nut it's not quite my thing. I think its because a lot of it is really good at depicting realism and the common person, and is also more minimalistic. Whereas the more conventional stuff )like victorian paintings or Romanesque/Italiano sculpturing, is about idealism and perfection by a human hand. But nice posts!
John Singer Sargent, 'Mrs Carl Meyer and her Children
I like you user, hopefully Mexico will get better soon
Dr. Pozzi at Home, 1881 - John Singer Sargent
Jesus, look at that fucking dress!
You guys need to go out and see this shit in person. Its a completely different experience than viewing from a screen.
If you have the opportunity go to the National Gallery of Arts in the United States.
Feels good to be a Moor.
The modern history of the statue
Discovered in Rome near the Baths of Diocletian in 1608, this statue was one of the most admired masterpieces of the Borghese Collection in the 17th and 18th centuries. In 1619, Cardinal Scipione Borghese commissioned the Baroque Italian sculptor Bernini to carve the mattress on which the ancient marble now lies. In the same year, David Larique worked on the restoration of the figure of Hermaphroditos. The work came to the Louvre after it had been bought, together with the rest of the Borghese Collection, by Napoleon I from his brother-in-law, Prince Camillo Borghese. Although the figure of Hermaphroditos in the Louvre is the best known, three other versions of the ancient statue have sometimes been compared with it: that of Velletri (also in the Louvre), that in the Uffizi in Florence, and a third version in the Villa Borghese in Rome.
The story of Hermaphroditos
There is nothing improper in this work, but it still intrigues the viewer. Hermaphroditos, son of Hermes and Aphrodite, had rejected the advances of the nymph Salmacis. Unable to resign herself to this rejection, Salmacis persuaded Zeus to merge their two bodies forever, hence the strange union producing one bisexed being with male sexual organs and the voluptuous curves of a woman. Stretched out in erotic abandon on the mattress provided by Gian Lorenzo Bernini 1598-1680, the figure sleeps. Yet Hermaphroditos has only fallen half asleep: the twisting pose of the body and the tension apparent down to the slightly raised left foot are indicative of a dream state.
Romance by John Singer Sargent 1856-1925
Here's a little art timeline for us
>Native cultures make sculptures that loom interesting for us. They also had an emperor who liked to do poetry
>Spaniards came and all art is put to a halt
>Colonial times. Expect European arts made in nahuatl and other native tongues. You have architecture, songs ( youtube.com
>Independence, art gets a bit boring, wait until Porfirio
>Lord Porfirio comes and so does modernism. Art is now about how fucking amazing technology is. Expect paintings of trains peacefully coexisting with nature and the country's aesthetics getting a bit more French and Prussian
>Revolution starts. No time for art
>Post-Revolution. People realize that life is shit and nihilism develops again. Some Kick-ass literature from the time is developed, but a great part of is is more truth than fiction.
>Post WWII. People start to think that we can become 1st world. Imagine the beginnings of post modernism mixed with the awful reality. Vanguards set foot in the country, the "Literary Boom" happens and we get even more excellent writers, alongside the rest of LatinAmerica
Woman Reading a Bible by John Singer Sargent
The "Pic Related" was about this painting, not that one
>"From Spaniard and Native; Meztisa"
Nancy Viscountess Astor by John Singer Sargent
Definitely good taste.
His later works feature a lot of watercolor.
I find them to be a lot more interesting and expressive than some of his other work.
Medieval total war 2 soundtrack?
Watercolor is a difficult medium because of the strain that it causes the paper but if anyone could do it well it would have been him. That one has a distantly impressionistic feel.
this is Mrs. Wilton Phipps, by John Singer Sargent, c 1884
I am a Bougueloli man myself, even if Bouguerea was a footfag
Arab architecture doesn't exist. It was all based on Persian, Greek, Roman, and Visigothic designs. What is seen in Al-Andalusia is a result of a mixing Persian and Greek designs (the basis for the most famous building in Islam, the Dome of the Rock) with Visigothic styles.
>Giovanni Boldini
howd u hear about this guy? never heard of him or seen this but i like it
Winslow Homer - Undertow
Don't you realize how meaningless that is?
Very few cultures can be said to have been built in isolation.
>"Latin Architecture doesn't exist. Its all just a mix of Greek, Anatolian and Etruscan designs."
Art History really should be a High School curriculum class. I think its more valuable than actual art "Classes."
Im sure some of us here had the privilege of learning about these artists in Uni but for the most part if you take an interest in art and art communities these names pop up a lot.
You'll find what art styles you like and dislike.
Although, the islamic rejection of idols must have resulted in the popularization of geometric designs in buildings. They may have not created it, but sure brought it to Spain.
Both roman and greek architecture use a lot of geometry, but in a bigger scale. While the Persians use it for smaller details
>howd u hear about this guy?
Christmas and Santa Claus
Best Waifu
Are those painted on instead of sculpted on?
I feel both impressed and cheated
Winslow Homer The New Novel painting
If Hitler was evil then Why is he receiving gifs from, not only one, but two Santa Claus?
If y'all haven't been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC yet, get your asses over there. Set aside at least 2 days. Also if you have balls of steel you can get in free when they ask how much you're going to pay just tell them NOTHING.
"The Agnew Clinic," by Thomas Eakins, 1889.
Had to
Sir Joshua Reynolds, 'Three Ladies Adorning a Term of Hymen' 1773
Mexican Loli on a chair
Portrait of Jane Maltass (Mrs. Baldwin) (detail) by Sir Joshua Reynolds
thats like the ultimate smoke area.
Sometimes his work looks great and other times its like a completely different artist.
It might have been the cancer.
Some random building in my city I saw while jogging, Gives me hope to see architects at least trying
It's an important distinction because of Islam's and therefore Arab culture ability to absorb and claim for itself achievements that are not truly Islamic or Arabic.
They did bring Persia architecture to Spain, that I will agree on.
by Marcus Stone