Tell me a difference between jesus and hitler
Tell me a difference between jesus and hitler
Other urls found in this thread:
>both taught national socialism
>both died for their people
>both raised from the grave
One of them was real.
oh shit hitler wasnt really real jesus was in command of the reich this whole time
One is a kike that destroyed whites the other gave 14 years of white beauty and freedom from semites.
Both were killed by the Jews.
well one is a sandnigger
they were actually the same man, only in different reincarnations. It's been proven many times. Google is your friend.
Even after removing the idea Jesus was both man and divine Jesus let the life of an archetypal ascetic come Sage. He only cared about spiritual matters
one was a jew with a goatee
the other was a jew with a gay porn mustache
Jesus turned water into wine
Hitler turned Jews into ash and soap
Jesus made 6000 Jews Bread
Hitler made 6,000,000 Jews Toast
There is none, other than one spoke German and the other probably spoke Aramaic or Ancient Hebrew
Jesus was a commie proto-SJW while hitler was a nazi proto-gentleman.
Seriously? No one is mentioning the lack of miracles? The lack of sinlessness? Hitler never walked on water. Hitler never raised the dead. Hitler couldn't resurrect himself. Also why the fuck would Jesus talk shit on Christianity?
both men attempted to remove the money lenders from the temple. they both died trying...the money lenders never left the temple.
Communism is just secular Judaism. Both Hitler and Jesus frustrated the plans of kikes to introduce Judaic-communism on the population, infuriating Jews. Jesus was Persian and Hitler was Germanic, so both Aryans. Hitler's memory was poisoned much faster than Jesus' but they both saved the world from becoming a Jewish Heaven on Earth. Soon we will need another.
Hitler wasn't perfect, just close.
The Jews wanted Jesus dead.
The Jews wanted Hitler dead.
They were both countering the zionists.
Jesus got crucified for speaking against the Jews.
Hitler is hated by everyone for speaking against the jews.
Those two are Aryans, Jesus is Persian and Hitler is Germanic.
The difference is Jesus did not kill Jews (which I wish he did because they are a threat) and Hitler killed the jews.
pretty sure Jesus didn't willingly start a war
Well Jesus did do it to one temple but they came back as soon as he died I believe.
Hitler removed them, they died in camps due to typhus and their weak constitutions not because Hitler genocided them.
>There is none, other than one spoke German and the other probably spoke Aramaic or Ancient Hebrew
Hebrew is Aramaic. There isn't a real Hebrew langauge until they made it up out of Aramiac recently (like 100yrs ago or something)
Both wrote a book everyone knows the name of, both had brown hair (probably), both were taken down by the Jews, both have a large following that is generally conservative, both served as authoritative figures, should I go on?
Wait this thread was for differences
There are more things in common than different. Hitler was the greatest Christian to ever live, he tried to save us all.
That is a shame I thought Hitler himself would go directly to the Jews and kill them. That sucks.
btw he should of allowed the deaths of more jews
Hitler and Jesus are the two exalted based Gods that walked the Earth.
Hitler was white
well one is one, and the other was the other
>Tell me a difference between jesus and hitler
Only one of them died a virgin. The other was in a relationship with John the Baptist.
One of them is still alive
Jesus never talked against the jews. What's more, he was a jew and proud of it. Furthermore, he wanted jews to open their borders and that's why he got killed. Just like Sup Forums wants to murder merkel, soros, and company. Except jews were wrong because DA JOOOOOS and Sup Forums is right because DA JOOOOOS.
Holy Reddit
Hitler actively hated christianity. Stop cherrypicking from his speeches and writings. Commit to one or the other instead of being more intellectually dishonest than the slimiest jew.
>Jesus never talked against the jews. What's more, he was a jew and proud of it.
Revelation 3:9
both went after the jews first tho lets not forget they were provoked
Synagogue of Satan?
American education at its finest.
>christcucks are literally so clinically retarded they can't even understand 5 words of simplified English
>projecting this hard
At least have the decency to google it if you're not going to bother reading the source material.
even as they have of the Jews:
Who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men:
1 Thessalonians 2:15
Wait who started WWII then if it wasn't Hitler?
hitler wasn't a filthy kike
Jesus = Alpha
Hitler = Beta
Your IQ must be in the 0 digits.
go away reddit fedora
Hitler was a snappier dresser.
only one had sons, as far as we know.
Lol nice argument man real good stuff there
not an argument
jesus is much more like obama. both left us with debts we can never repay.
h/t (((andrew klavan)))
Even the typical ethiopian negro appears as a genius when compared to you.
Jesus was a Jew.
at least he is not jewish unlike you fag
Do you accept Hitler as a prophet yes or no?
Death to those who insult Hitler.
one of them killed over 6 billion of God's chosen people, and the other was a silly magician that got what he deserved for lying about being the son of God.
Did you look at this post
that will tell you what I think about the Almighty Fuhrer
I'd have to say they both taught basically the same thing...
HItler's main gift to the west was saving us, very temporarily, from Communist Bolshevism.
However Jesus gave us a more easily perpetuated religion, which saved the west from being basically a bunch of snow niggers.
I think Jesus and Hitler are about tied in that Hitler's save was bigger, more epic and saved Christianity, at least for a little while.
Jesus's gift, while further reaching and more transformative, hasn't helped the west protect its self from invaders, only from our selves.
It's a tie to me.
Hitler had a smaller mustache
When people say shit like that on Sup Forums I have a hard time believing that they haven't gone out of their way to avoid educating themselves on World Jewry at all.
Even if you did know about it, I think you're underestimating it a common faggot.
fuck off soros shill
this is a great explanation
What doujin is this?
>both despised by the entire ((((establishment)))) for decades and their followers persecuted
>both the most influential people in the western world
Good Explanation and Pic related
Both of them tried to save mankind and both of them were against the bankers and tax collectors that drove people to ruin.
there is none, they both named the jew so the jew killed them
What difference?
Holocaust denying is a punishable offense in Romania, you know.
>Believing Jesus wasn't real
You have to be at least 18 to post here
Lol both Jewish Kangs.
What you guys don't understand is that the money lenders are God's chosen people, we have to fix them, not kill them
Both the art of fiction.
this guy is either baiting or an agent of soros funding bullshit
Left is fully man and fully God while the right was a guy who ruined nationalism for an as of yet unknown amount of time.
Jesus was a good guy
Kys christianfag or naziboi or both
>my personal interpretation of the Word is objective
I would say the christian churches are bad, but christianity as a system of knowing right from wrong worked pretty good to get civilization this far. What do you suggest that can do a better job of aligning the worlds morality into something coherent?
>christianity as a system of knowing right from wrong worked pretty good to get civilization this far
that's why "the west" is a harmonious haven of peace and tranquility is it
>What do you suggest that can do a better job of aligning the worlds morality into something coherent?
do you think i'm going to offer a solution for you to choose from?
Nah mate you do it first.
jesus was a jew
>(((Google))) it
well I have a solution. or the start of one.
We need to create a book, document, list or something
>contains every situation where a moral argument could be made
>doesn't suggest toward any solution to the argument
>spiritual leaders discuss what they think the correct ethical answer is
>people divide themselves into sects based on how they feel about certain important questions
Now what have you got to offer? Does that brain of yours work for thinking or just bants?
One was born wheat, the other a tare.
jesus was arab
Being this ideologically uneducated.
Let's say you have two motos.
One is repent and you shall not suffer.
The other is what doesn't kill you make you stronger.
That is a core difference between christianity and nazism or neo paganism or whatever the fuck you want to call it. the difference between
Stop it now.
And I am not even taking sides. I am just objectively politically interested, an educated mind entertain ideas for the pleasure of it, not to accept and feel secured from it.
Read a book you fkin nigger I am tired of filtering through the endless sea of plebs.
you can piss around all you want asking christkikes their worthless opinion on any number of questions
it won'tchange anything
He is aryan even Hitler said he was and if you say Jesus is not aryan you are denying the Almighty Fuhrer himself. Hence why Hitler created Positive Christianity the uncucked version of it.
it doesn't matter what hitler said you dopey jew
jesus is a filthy kike
I think that we need people to be clear where they stand on moral issues, that's what this is about
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