This man

>Great leader who led his nation into prosperity
>Militarist and great wartime leader
>Very quickly strengthened industry
>Led to an economic miracle
>A proud patriot and nationalist of his nation
>Supported a strong police force
>Purged degeneracy from society
>Anti-globalist, sent such globalists and shills to death camps
>Reunited and strengthened the family after social progressives supported things such as feminism
>Through his strengthening of the family, he eliminated single parents, orphans, unmarried adults, etc.
>Loved by his people; had very strong national support
>Possible one of the best world leaders to exist

Pic unrelated, I'm talking about a man none other than Joseph Stalin of course.


>economic miracle

Kek Stalin?

Yeah, Russia was quite backwards in the early 20th century. After the revolution and especially during Stalin's reign, the soviet economy rapidly grew and the nation industrialized very quickly.

>great wartime leader

He was horrendous, literally just threw millions upon millions into a meat grinder for no reason other than to stay in power.

very slowly and shit compared to a nuked and firebombed japan. +a shit ton of slavs lives

>millions into a meat grinder

Like how you guys tortured millions over some cotton which could have been produced more efficiently in factories?


1. Slavery was commonplace all over the world at that point
2. Niggers aren't human
3. Niggers being brought to American soil is the best thing that ever happened to them

There's no reason for me or anyone else to feel bad about any of it

>slowly becoming industrialized after every other major country had already been is a miracle


It's more about how quickly they industrialized from a more backwards and poor society.

The Tsarist regime was terrible for Russia and they couldn't industrialize Russia like the Communists were able to.

do you have any clue what the actual scope of slavery was in the united states? for example, how many citizens held slaves? or in what years did states start outlawing the practice?

its a little different from your government systematically slaughtering entire groups. nice good goy talking point though. try to grow up. your dont have to be a faggot your entire life

>how many citizens held slaves
Not many, because all the slave owners were southern bourgeoise that looted the southern working class too, those that didn't have slaves.

>what years did states start outlawing the practice
Whenever they were, clearly those were only the northern states.

>slaughtering entire groups
Whoever it was, they deserved it. Besides, the actual numbers of how many people were slaughtered are inflated and exaggerated by western Capitalist propaganda artists.

Yes they totally stopped being a backwards and poor society after Communism took over! LOL

yeah that's what happened... problem? The soviet economy had fucking double digit GDP growth for a period of time.

Holodomor killed a fucking lot of Ukrainians... are you saying around 10 million Ukrainians deserved to die for Communism?

don't forget the 11 million kraut

Wow I'm guessing that means that millions didn't starve to death and their economic system didn't fail completely! HAHAHA delusional commies are the funniest.

then don't forget the six gorillion you commie :)

You're fucking retarded and don't understand Russian culture or what life was like during that time.

>family unit
The state became the family, see Pavlik.
Secret police who would take you in the night for expressing any form of dissent because your neighbor happened to be an informant. Gulag Archipelago, read it.

Simply by being here you hold viewpoints which are contrarian enough to get you killed.

Millions starved to death not by the fault of the government or Stalin. That was because the kulaks burned their whole fucking farms because they were too lazy to give half of their produce to the government so they could feed their population.

And their economic system didn't fail either, the Soviet economy grew very well.

Stalinism, and the cult of personality around him enabled the seizing of land en-masse, resulting in its poor management,
resulting, directly, in the horrible starvation, torture and death of MILLIONS of Russians, to a degree as to make Hitlers ordered executions and internments less fearsome by comparison.

Hitler might have been naughty.
Stalinism was a true monster, he just didn't piss DA JEWS off as much.

The leaf strikes again!

>oh the state trying to transition society to the next stage of humanity was so bad because they killed a few people that were supporting bourgoise oppression!

Don't you mean all their equipment was seized so they could hardly produce anymore? And you're talking about when the Soviets burned and ran right?

>their economic system didn't fail

HAHA! It must be nice living in fairy tale land. Yes their GDP went up great it was amazing having most of your population die or be in work camps does wonders per capita.