Who is this guy?

Trying to meme an asian friend. I've seen this good looking fellow on Sup Forums but don't know his name. Who is this guy?

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He is a fucking Facebook retard whom name I forgot. He thinks he is some supreme race being because he is (((based))). Normiefag tier memes >Remove kebab
>Haha Trump 2016
Shit like that. This guy also thinks he is superior to white people.

>is a manlet
>is asian

Hank Yoo, he used to be in a facebook group called Kings Raid with me. Genuinely autistic and pretty degenerate. But funny though

I dont think the last part is true.

His name's Hank Yoo and I know him on kikebook. He's a LARPer. He claims he's a descendant of a Confederate soldier when he admitted at least once his parents are both immigrants. On top of that, every person I know who's met him IRL has said he's legitimately fucking crazy.



>Kings Raid

Which one? There's like five now because Lazia's such an asshole he keeps making people secede and form their own enclaves.

It's a good look on him desu.


>Hank "Lynch a nigger like the Chinese lynch Dogs" Yoo

Tex Colburn

Based Hank knows how to put white women in their place.


He's admitted to sucking off men on at least occasions.

*two occasions

Oh yeah and the chick in that photo was a heroin junkie

>jelly namefag

an asian stealing the white mans culture, this is racist


he's got good hands

This fucking guy lives in my town, I use to sell cars, and he came in a couple times wanting to buy a truck. Was trying to get everybody to go watch his youtube channel. Fucking weird guy, Ace, weird guy.


Did he buy the truck?

no lol.

is this guy Chinese or Korean?



is this guy's ancestry chiense or korean?

so your native huh
can't tell, he's so chubby

Why, that's Rawhide Kobyashi, the fastest draw in all of Denton!

Seriously, he can get his penis out in under a second.

Korean, you can tell from his surname.

>correct on the korean
>wrong on the surname

many surnames are popular throughout all of east asia. there are very few names that are specific to certain countries.

I've only ever seen Koreans with the surname Yoo.

dude got doxxed recently, so i have his contact info if you want it lol

also, just looked up his mugshot. has the same birthday as me. wtf lol


>hank the tank went crazy

Thats Gunnery Sergeant Hank "Gook shoots spook" Yoo of the 63rd Regiment of the Southern RWDS branch.