Why is Islamic brown architecture so superior compared to christian wh*Te architecture?
Are there any historians here? I have a question
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pick one
What are cathedrals?
Nice try cocksucker, left was built by Christians. We have this slide thread every fucking day.
poor bait
Buildings in which your whore mother gets fucked by BLACk muslims
>Shows a picture of the Hagia Sophia
Obviously a bait thread. Sage
>Nice try cocksucker, left was built by Christians. We have this slide thread every fucking day.
Why would Christians build a mosque you dumb wh*Te subhuman
You guys have 2 of these bait threads up, what motivates you to do this.
>Why is Islamic brown architecture so superior compared to christian wh*Te architecture?
thats easy to explain, shitroach :
because WHITE PPL built the Haga Sophia, and u mudslime subhumans just stole it, becuase u are so underevolved, that u cannot creaty anything like that by yourselves, u subhuman scum.
Thats also funny, because also the Pyramids where bult by ....wait for it ... WHITE ppl, as clearly proven by the oldes mumies there ( red and blond hair, whites skin, west european origin.
haha u subhuman, uneducated muslim scum :D ure literally apes.
wh*Tes btfo
>Why would Christians build a mosque you dumb wh*Te subhuman
hahaha u undeducated subhuman ape ruach ... :D why u so degenerated retarded xDDD
funny subhuman excrement eating ape xDD
>b-but we built haga sophia n shiet and then the DAMN MUSLIMS came and oppressed us!!!
exactly u subhuman leftard
Wait a second, is that the ID of the dickless from last night that was complaining about the black people getting rekt thread?
Go visit Europe and look at castles, cathedrals, monasteries, and literally any classical architecture you fucking loser.
Christians built that,muslims added the minarets
Nothing you say can change the fact you are a turkroach. Truly a pathetic species, not even a people, you don't deserve the label of people.
Hi, snoogums
Dream on, Mohammed.
The hagia sophia (in your picture) was originally a Christian Church, not a mosque.
T. History teacher, so not quite a historian
Byzantines did yes,and they were greeks
looks like shit desu
You post this all the time, it doesn't piss anyone off.
Looks like culture,something that a commie would never have,scum
Made in ~1070 AD.
Of course it does to an uncultured commiekike.
I have a question for you: Why are you so threatened by white people that you can't even spell the damn colour?
Or are you worried that, much like Beetlegeuse, if you say the word "white" three times then Europe will appear and make Istanbul Constantinople again?
He looks black
Guys. This insect posts the same thread everyday. It's just mad, because it has been cursed to walk this earth as a hated, disgusting arthropod until its dying day. Please ignore it, and, if you cannot, don't forget to use "Sage". Thank you, and have a good a day, fellas.
an obsession with geometry.
>hagia Sophia
well they didn't build that one but stuff like Alhambra is from their obsession with architecture and geometry
This roach is the one who always posts the "white hate thread",right?
Huh, I suppose that's intended to rustle my jimmies? So you can't even defend your pathetic excuse for a species that literally no one respects?
wh*Te hate thread, it can't spell the whole word.
For obvious reasons
It's Erdonigga
sandkike nigger tower
Itt:wh*Te monkeys chimping out
wh*Tes are subhumans
>Hagia Sophia
Man you turks are so retarded. You just posted the picture of a Christian church.
Sandniggers are still shit people regardless of their architecture.
Serious question, what with the wh*Te?
jewkike trigger bait
Cant we just rangeban your country again?
was so much better then
>Hagia Sophia
>Islamic Architecture
Pick one.
Also, Islam is responsible not only for the theft of cultural and architectural styles, but also scripture as well.
Sad little heresy really.
The pinnacle of Tu*k architecture is four pillars?
>so many (you)s
The ABSOLUTE state of this board in the summer
It wasn't a mosque when it was built. Your precious "Muslim architecture" is just ripped off Byzantine architecture.