This is under an hour from my house. I'm going down there tomorrow to take a look.
Trips decides some kind of prank to play.
Nothing illegal.
This is under an hour from my house. I'm going down there tomorrow to take a look.
Trips decides some kind of prank to play.
Nothing illegal.
Other urls found in this thread:
Your military is supposed to defend your country from invasion.
And here I was thinking of enlisting.
Like said i'd just be helping nignogs and sandniggers foreigners to break our laws and enter our country uninvited.
organize a zombie walk through their camp
Archive the link faggot
Build those tents cucknadians. Tyrone is coming to fuck your wife.
LOL, no other group of people do this in the world. Whites are fucking stupid.
These aren't just nignogs, they are haitian nignogs. LIterally the worst "country" in the western hemisphere, where for two centuries civilization was near non existent and survival of the fittest actively pruned out the smart ones.
The only thing worse on the planet is maybe african pygmies or those Sentinal island natives who have been isolated for 60,000 years.
This is gonna suck.
Blast them with piss
prank: welcome them to the country and wish them well in their new lives, but say it with your fingers crossed
I know. I also have good reason to suspect that they won't be deported and no one will challenge the government on this because the conservatives are just as guilty of promoting globalism and mass-migration as the fucking liberals are.
Our Gov is 100% cucked.
how the fuck do those refugees have better looking clothes than me? what kind of bullshit is this?
>user is facing extradition to Canada for this post
>Trips decides some kind of prank to play.
Kill them.
I must say, the Haitians are hard working people, they lived the utmost terror in that island and now just want a proper life.
You can find videos of them eating dirt with sugar.
Probably the same goes for the REAL people that fled Syria.
top kek
dress as witch doctor
dead chicken feet necklace
go put on show to curse them with death
then tell them it was just entertainment to remind them of their homeland
and that they should go back
Holy fuck if Trudeau decides to keep these Haitians I'm going to throw a fit
I-is this legal?
You people are deplorable.
lol, just like a baby
They should make their way to the multiracial utopia you live in
You're goddamned right
user, we want them to be sent into camps thouhh...
You should go north, get somewhere remote, and inhospitable. The haitians here are tropical pleasure seekers, they can tolerate living in chilly ontario for the gibs and the modern amenities, but they aren't about to move to Bearfuck northwest territory to live in the woods. You go there and you can probably live out the rest of your life without seeing them in person, raise a family, not have this shit pushed down your throat all day. Hell I'll probably end up across the border from you in Alaska at this rate.
lel, let them come, they won't survive the fucking winter.
>Black people are going to Canada
Blessed be
Indeed, they lived in horror of being murdered randomly by the popo and starving to death under white rule.. wait I'm getting new reports in that say they cased this themselves.
kekadoodle doo
If you defend your nation from invaders, they win.
donate clothes and canned goods
Holy fuck that pic.
This. But send dog food with the labels ripped off. Or MREs laced with birthcontrol. Get those niggers all the estrogen they can get. If they're coming into our country of cucks, they may as well integrate and be little boi sluts instead of mud pie eaters
South African Numbers Gang.
I have yet to see anything that could beat that.
Shit's horrendous.
Oh my God Canada please remain this cucked we can turn the United States into the Whitenited States if you take all our brown people.
I'm so confused. These refugees are crossing the border from America into Canada?
Is there any doubt?
I hope your fit is entertaining.
It's just like those escaping from Australia to the US that Obama agreed to accept. And those camping at Calais fleeing oppressive France for the UK.
It's for the gibbs.
Those men could overthrow the government and lead Canada back to sanity, instead they help destroy their own country.
Not a surprise really. Militaries do what they're told, no questions asked.
What if Canada is secretly based and they are building gas chambers? What if this is Trump's answer the Immigrant Question?
>nothing illegal
Stop being a pussy, thats what I want you to do
Government sanctioned. Don't you ever forget that. All of these problems are "Government sanctioned". This is the global "democracy" we live in - the darkness of globalism is the future that we face.
Automation, relegation, destruction. That's what is in store for us unless we fight
Thinking that this isn't great is already a crime.
Are they all men go down there an find some refugee whores it aint illegal to house them and fuck em behind closed doors and you'll look like a hero