FaceApp Race Filter

boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/thread/136759962

Continuing from archived thread

For 12 hours, humanity got to enjoy the ability to change any person into a nigger, chink, pajeet, or babydick until all the tech writer in the country called it racist and shut it down.

This got me right in the jimmies. Press F to pay your respects and post your dankest FaceApp.


Other urls found in this thread:


Checked. What if we archive that

Anyone did Stephen Miller?


I missed all the fun

Norbot fix yourself
and Gwaker, fuck off

I stole this



When will the left learn that taking away fun things because it offends a handful of people only creates more right wingers?

We're dropping a bunch of one-star ratings for the app, right?

disherE Iz Fuckin RaCisT TA REmoVe Da nIqqA FiltuHH $OmeboDayyyy $hoUlDDDD pop UH FeW CAps NTOOOO Daaa $jw ... PeAce.

No, one star ratings is why they removed the race feature

>mfw this whole day was gold


anyone get one of sargon of akkad?


i've been waiting for this

Someone nigger-up the brutalist Stephen Hawking pic nao

omfg qt

damn Putina is hot

where's the black version?

>"Nigga throwing gold into dat volcano? Nigga imma pawn dis off so I can send mah kids to collage n sheeit"

Everybody post the girl versions of yourselves you degenerates

Now I'll never be sexist again.


Im still gonna cum on your face, post the qt one

You look like someone I know

The threads on Sup Forums about this get deleted. Can't have any fun on that board, it's all game of thrones.

me too, feelsbadman

Implying you could even blackface, and expect to look any different.

Why does he look like President bush?

because bush is actually a slightly black slightly asian guy

i bet youd love to use the white filter too

yo fifty

mfw that's why he was pre selected to rise from 'community organizer' (CIA) thru senate to president so quickly. some white voters might subconsciously see bush and toss him votes

Hhahahahha Lmao


glow in the dark, cia nigger
take your data bank elsewhere




Same reptilian royal family line

this is great, too bad they shut down this app