Continuation of
Concerned mom thread #2
Other urls found in this thread:
Thanks for making a new thread for me ahaha
sage. Sup Forums is an 18+ board.
Bump for interest if the last OP FUCKING POSTS TITS
We may be cruel, but we're not terrible people at heart
What kind of weak attempt at same fagging was that? We said sage, sir.
you live in an area that's 85% white. Can your son or your sons friend afford to live in your neighborhood after Highschool? No? Your generation is reaping the benefits of a predominantly white society, and condemning your children to live in 3rd world shitholes where they have to share rent with 4 other dudes with tons of nigger neighbors. Or they simply check out of life and become NEETS
Post your sad mom tits.
If this is really you OP mom, for the record this is the path that you and your son are on here on Sup Forums
mothers actually browse this board
what timeline is this??
pls just go
Tits or gtfo.
Seriously though, I have an older woman fetish and I'm not terribly picky. I won't judge you luv.
Dump jewpills and natsoc pills, if it's a LARP thread we can at least make use of it
You fucking missed it.
Nah this woman isn't larping
It's the law, you can't change the law.
>pic related
Hello mummy, you're new here so i'll let you know it's customary for you to give us tittpics, I and others will be glad to print up and cum on them and share pics back for you. thanks
Damn, Laura Bush looked like THAT? ?
Also, it's nice to see the house slave was included in this shot
I love that you forced your son to give away his Xbox. Even if he was here as a goof or a thrill, the resentment of a minority is now real. You may have just created exactly what you wanted to keep him from being. Well played.
milf tits or gtfo, oh and sage
Fuck all you /nufags/ back to plebbit. Sage this bullshit in all fields you fucking summercunts
Read before you judge.
op just raking in the (you)s with this shit
No home fires recently in Millville Nj... she scammed her kid and gave his Xbox to her nigger boyfriends kid.
All I ever hear from my son while he's playing Xbox is "Nigger FAGGOT" He's 15 and doesn't browse Sup Forums as far as I know. He finds all the SJW bullshit ridiculous and has told me that no one is going to make him feel guilty about being white.
I'm a mom that's not concerned.
Betrayed his country and race for Trotsky Communism (anti-Soviet/Stalin communism).
You betrayed your Nation and should be ashamed for supporting these monsters.
>nigger lover
We're sick of niggers OK? We all have nigger fatigue after they started lynching us in the streets and burning down cities and are nigger president and Jewish media just blamed whites for it all (and cops)
ITT: bunch of fucking children falling for a decent troll.
Enjoy your bants OP
>retards replying to an obvious LARP
>replying to this bait thread
Nigger go back.
lazy faggot not using it to redpill
OP mom, just know; our racism is not informed by hate for other races, it is informed by love for our own people.
Then why he samefagging, retard?
kek Jeb! was a cuck thirty years ago too
Look sweetie... Go to the kitchen get a glass of water and take your pill. Fellow mom here, nobody is telling you to go and lynch a nigger. They are making you aware these people will and are abusing our kindness. They bully and beat up your kids, and you just rewarded them. Wake up. I love my kids so I keep them far away from the racist blacks, because they hate us... And they are showing you if you give them a chance they will bite you. Protect your family.
Damn, Laura Bush looked like that?
>Concerned mom
Why don't we take slide/bait and turn them into hate threads??
the best one, fool
Hope I got things started drop red pills too
REAL mom here. No, I don't like all the hate that is posted here but let's not get it twisted - if you are the mom of a white boy your concern should actually be about what place will exist for him in the "brave new world" of anti CIS, pro everything but white male. Listen up sweetheart - they aren't leaving one for him.
So in between making sure he eats the stray vegetable or two, brushes his teeth, and picks up his underwear you also need to make sure that the world that you are preparing him for will actually still exist when he is old enough to go off on his own. Failure to do anything else is failure to protect him. If you were a real mom you would know that is your one on only job on this planet that matters. And you would do anything to make sure that you did not fail. So, "concerned mom" you are either a troll or mom failure who needs to get with the program. And yes, I really am a mom, and a Christian, and a Trump voter and his support in this flipped state has not fallen at all. And why would it? Anybody who voted for Trump did it knowing all the potential bad while being called a bigot. No reason to step off now.
Bottom 2 rows mein nigger. Would be happy with 2nd to last, but god willing I will become the light that saves us all.
>hello darkness my old friend
How old are your kids? Nice to see some estrogen on this board :)
ah, thats why he fell for columba. I see it now, so clearly.
Kids elementary - middle school - all boys
How do you raise them to not be a bunch of basement dwellers or art history majors? It seems like all white kids grow up into that these days
I hope they're in organized sports, scouts, etc.
this is the funniest thing i think i've ever seen on Sup Forums i am literally crying of laughter
your son (while i think he is too young to be here) has been exposed to his first taste of truth. and guess what? it's not a very nice truth.
and there's a lot more of it and it's not all race related. in fact the most important stuff here isn't.
there are things in this world that are not how they seem and there are reasons why they are like that.
you are most likely a nice lady (and a respectable one judging from your linkedin) that obviously cares for her son but you, and everyone around you, are very very naive. you probably get all of your news from CNN, maybe FOX news but that's not much better. there are things they are not telling you, things you NEED to know. get your son off here for now but maybe you should stay, you'll get used to the shitposting honestly.
and don't ever ever post information like that again jesus half the people here have engineering/computer science degrees we're not retards we can find you very easily lmao
don't even know if you're in this thread but w0tever
That sumbitch needs to be slapped. HARD.
His face in this one hahaha
she already doxxed herself earlier
(its a larper but they posted some roasties linkedin)
You know I just felt like it would be the best thing for him, and it made me feel so "tolerant". I still don't regret throwing away that xbox, he was obsessed with that damn thing
Should have said that to begin with. LoL
>2nd most evil image known to man
lousy larp
sage goes in all fields boys
This image has constantly gotten me triggered with every posting. Fucking stupid. Repulsive parents IMO, shaking the hands of their daughter's murderers. South African white policy-makers are deserve to be chopped into hamburger by the ghouls. Too and the ghouls are too fucking stupid and just kill the hard-working farmers who don't like shit any more than the blacks.
I know right? How can anyone do such a thing. Really, white liberals are an embarrassment
See you tomorrow?
Hi Lisa!
Welcome to Sup Forums from another momanom :) :)
We are excited to have you and would love to enhance your experience here.
#1: Be respectful of our board rules and culture.
#2: Never show your tits.
>Feets, hands, or any handwritten timestamp is generally accepted in place of TITS OR GTFO.
#3: DO NOT start a thread saying 'Femanon' or 'Momanon Here'.
>This is considered low quality bait and all you'll get is requests for TITS. Most topics you would like to discuss can be posted without announcing your gender. However, it is perfectly acceptable to post your perspective as a woman in existing threads as long as it's relevant and you're not just looking for (Yous) attention.
#4: Don't know the language?
>Try searching
>Please lurk and learn the ins and outs of Sup Forums at your pleasure!
Thanks and have a great day!
Fellow Momanon :) :)
>We Are counter culture
>Having children
>Being a responsible citizen
Yep. Most certainly a hive of scum and villainy. The rest of the shit is just slide threads and other stormweenie horseshit.
Lady, no one cares about your son or his Xbox. The black kid will most likely make fun of your son for being forced to have shame. Coercion never goes well. If you aren't some retarded larper, tough shit. Your son will probably grow to hate you. The ramifications of you acting like a goofball SJW will only solidify his opinion based on info presented here. You acted EXACTLY how I would predict a self hating white to react. Your son will see this. Everyone who knows the full story will see this. Your friends and family...but the worst is going to be his classmates. They will never forget that you are a total pushover. They will never let him forget either.
Way to go. You just pushed your kid more right than we ever could. You popped his "SJW" cherry. Now he knows who you are.