>don't believe the news, only believe everything I tell you
How is this not a dictatorship again?
Don't believe the news, only believe everything I tell you
Other urls found in this thread:
If it was a dictatorship, he would have shut down the media by force
Jesus christ, he's working on it. Give him some time OP these things don't just happen overnight.
Becasue you'd be in jail
same shit CNN pulls
Because you havent been liquidated yet
You can check if he's telling the truth yourself faggot.
But no, you will wait for your echo chamber teary eyed liberal Jews to write how he's wrong and believe that instead.
You goddamn insecure manbaby. Facts are against you
DAMN those woulda been nice quads yo
jesus fuck, that gif
How fucking new are you
At what point will you realize that undermining true reporting because it's against you in order to subvert the public opinion of media isn't much better or less authoritarian than just blocking media.
You are fake news.
when the executive branch of the government is in an open propaganda campaign, while attempting to undermine truth in reporting. It's as authoritarian as it gets without being open dictatorship. Sup Forums, of course has shifted from anti-authoritarian to shills for trump, so meh
Oh god here we go. progs equating words with violence again.
because he's not forcing anyone you dumbass
Who said anything about violence shill
i dont believe any of it. including what he says
>by force
underevolved subhuman leftists doenst undertand basic words again. nothing new.
see allso equality
(a job is) slavery
etc etc etc etc
society should really get rid of the disease called leftism
the biggest step would be to remove female rights, because lefetism in big parts is just the underevolved ways that females (((think))) ( manipulation for parasitism)
I'm not equating it. I said it's as close to an authoritarian dictator without actually being considered one. It's as authoritarian you can get with a government structure that we have. All three branches controlled by the same political party, the executive branch in an open propaganda war with the media.
It's a fucking embarassing state of affairs.
You can start with the fact that you will not be arrested for your criticism.
>what the people voted is authoritarian
see you in 2020
Whoa, deja vu
I swear I heard this same thing in Moscow about 2008....
>open propaganda campaign
but the media is apparently immune from being called that, huh?
>let's just conveniently forget the amount of bullshit that was in the news these past 2 years
fucking fagget.
>people are smart and make educated decisions
This was your first incorrect assumption
>brings up russia somehow
>I'm not equating it. I said it's as close to an authoritarian dictator without actually being considered one.
That's a bullshit statement you fucking snake.
>All three branches controlled by the same political party
Meaningless since the war is between Trump and the media. Republicans are pathetic tail tucked cowards.
>the executive branch in an open propaganda war with the media.
No, not the media. The mainstream media. The overwhelmingly leftist media that hides and protects leftists, pushes leftist agendas, and attacks anybody right of them.
And no, Fox News existing doesn't mean the odds are even.
it is a dictatorship.
What are you gonna do about it?
give me your money bitch!
so, what do you propose instead?
>I am somehow the only smart person in a world of dumb asses
Woe is you.
Shit that they report that is false gets critiqued and ridiculed by their competition. The White House has no competition, so they call like a propagandize as much as they want with no check. To a point that they creat a "real news" media parody and hire all the shills they could find from various media outlets.
Say what you want but that shit is hysterical and embarrassing.
Funny thing is
CNN, ABC, NBC, and all other them classified their business as "entertainment" and not "journalism"
Otherwise they would have been shut down by now
Captcha: piazza GRUPO
Pick one
The news has been proven to be fake time and again.
I'd trust the Don over them any day.
>It's a fucking embarassing state of affairs.
Also, forgot to reply to this part. Using social pressure
>laughing at us!
ect. to convince people is dishonest and disgusting.
Ok, looked it up. He's wrong on most things and he's a fucking idiot jst like you.
>Implying that a right wing dictatorship by the god emperor would be a bad thing
Gas yourself juden
What? When King Nigger told Putin he'd have more "flexibility" after the elections?
>and all other
You left out fox and that's adorable considering fox is the number spreader of false information and reporting. Their viewers and consistently the most uninformed.
>Say what you want but that shit is hysterical and embarrassing.
Not to convince, just to remind you of the objective state of our union; embarrassment.
The MSM hated him before the election, they continue to hate him now. They're never going to give him a fair shake or tell the truth about his administration.
The same forces that were against him before the election are still against him now. Nothing has changed.
ITT: a bunch of traitors.
>no response
see you in 2020:)
>The number one media enemy of liberals is literally the only mainstream media outlet that isn't leftist
rlly maeks u fink
Well if I ran a news media organization and I hated the guy in the White House, I would deliberately spread bullshit for this very reason.
We dont have a free press in this country we have a corporatism shilling scheme hiding behind the first amendment while they lie and distort the truth create rifts in society and bring woe unto the people
This gives me a idea: only allow media outlets who classify themselves and journalists to get White House press passes.
>he won
>le smug reddit tier post
Back to the shill hive with you
Did that make sense in your head as you were typing it?
Lol okay friend see you in 2018
A dictatorship of the lying media
it rlly maeks me fink
You need to tone down on your bait if you want it to be succesful user. Don't blow your load in one post.
>tans ban in military
The Pentagon immediately denied that youy fucking idiot. Tweets aren't orders.
>wall being built
>ISIS in full retreat
>Travel ban in effect
Shot down in the courts every step of the way.
Yeah cool this administration is doing a great job
>barring the only trump-positive news outlets from press conferences
Get a load of this guy
>Lol okay friend see you in 2018
>true reporting
show me the true reporting
>subvert public opinion
Oh you mean like the lies they told before the elections?
What's hilarious is that you really think the 99% liberal progressive journalists who work for the liberal MSM companies would ever report things honestly. They won't. This is why we don't believe the media anymore, they've proven their bias.
FUCK OFF we are the new media.
>see you in 2018
Are you going somewhere?
>trump wins the parts of the country where no one lives
Color me surprised
How is this not a b8 thread again?
That is your 2018.
>the last several administrations have been using the corporate media as a tool because they played ball in the globalist schemes
>trump doesn't and calls corporate media out on being shills for a globalist agenda and non stop muh russia and anti trump propaganda
fuck this place
>the media reports on what a president does
>this means they're being used as a tool
Get the fuck out of here shill
If you reduce the world population to combat climate change then somehow moving people around is a contradiction somehow. . .
Thanks to Republican legislation.
Link the law.
Uninformed by whose metric, asshole?
because a dictatorship has kill squads and tanks and shit, you'll know a dictatorship when you see it, pussy.
Because it's not
The more you post, the more you undermine your efforts. Your rhetoric is so clearly alien. Where do you people come from?
Usually in a metric of knowledge of objective truths regarding science and political reality.
People who watch fox and nothing else are typically the stupidest fucks in the country.
Sad, many such cases.
>clearly alien
Do you hear yourself and how much of shill you're making yourself out to be?
stop sending billions to arfrica problem fucking solved
Polical realities like muh Russia? The propoganda is effective since it dehumanizes the opposition
The only thing Trump achieved is preventing the Deep State from being in control, which would have been Hillary. That was a major success.
>only believe everything I tell you
Retards will respond to this bait.
Staged, scripted, controlled. Cnn, Fox, all phoney enterainment. Live, on-air proof: youtu.be
One America News, ONLY legit source for real news.
>doesn't understand Sup Forums
BTW the tweet says not to believe the POLLS
Josh Dolin
Ardennen Watson
Amanda Karpay
Elizabeth Shapell
Matt McClure
Rebecca Charen
Benjamin Fischbein
Burns Strider
Ellie Cohen
Wlizabeth Price
Johan Newman
Benjamin Williams
Caryn Lenhoff
Daniel Wesel
Karla Towel
Kathleen Kennedy
No, political realities like trump jr took a meeting with the assumption he was going to receive damaging information from a foreign national on behalf of the Russian government.
You do realize you're just spouting shit, right?
Otherwise you're just a sorry troll that's ineffective.
Either is pretty pathetic.
Yeb would have cured cancer and old-age by now.
What was his job title with the trump campaign?
>People who watch fox and nothing else are typically the stupidest fucks in the country.
>liberals only watch liberal mainstream news outlets and never conservative news outlets, but because there's tons of them they consider themselves open minded and intelligent, even though they're all repeating the same opinions.
>Conservatives watch the only conservative mainstream news outlet there is, therefore they are dumb dumb doodooheads.
>"Political Reality"
>Candidates' kid took a optically bad meeting with a Lawyer who works for a DNC oppo research firm (Fusion GPS).
Huhm. really activated my almonds.
Reading through all your posts is kind of sickening; you're obviously just a paid poster, but i'm curious, how much do they pay you? Do you actually enjoy the work? Does david brock diddle children in the office?
Lefties seem to think this is the gotcha moment.
It's not. If you knew anything about the legalities involved you'd drop that assumption.
Leaf larpers are pure cancer
>only believe fake news
but you're not used to it.