It isn't working anymore. Help before he divorces me for a younger womb for a tenth kid. We want a boy.
How do I get pregnant, pol? 10th go
Race age?
Tits or GTFO
Let Tyrone do the job
37 white
Give him a rusty trombone...
just keep fucking daily in doggy style then plug up your cunt somehow so you don't leak
you're past breeding age sorry
35 should be the absolute latest
Sounds like he got a secret vasectomy. Sorry OP
Don't do it. Jobs are never coming back, you'll just give birth to a NEET Neckbeard.
Tits or gtfo
You did good, medal honors and my service.
Don't worry, I was born pretty late as well. Keep trying. Also invitro is an option.
Ty :)
you have sex with your husband, go, now! he be w8
If true, congratulations. You did very well.
keep being open to more freaky sex stuff and eventually you'll catch enough jizz to make a baby assuming your field isn't barren
Are you Liz Lemon or something?
Don't listen to these people saying you missed your chance, my mom was 37 when she had me and I'm perfectly fine, no 'tism or anything. It's really 40+ when the autism risk becomes something to be seriously concerned with
37 and already giving up?
Where is your passion?
If you are not horny enough, you are kinda fucked (No pun intended)
Yet you are posting on the Vietnamese tapestry trade board.
Really makes you think.
Sacrifice a chicken to the gods.
Yes basically why would anyone want to bring another soul into this hell pit? This is Satans world you know, God wouldnt allow the atrocities that transpire here to even be possible. This is why white people have refrained from breeding they are the only ones that intuitively sense the trap. The reptilians use our most often occuring emotion sadness and impotence that manifest from living in this horrible setup to fuel themsleves. Hang it up. Let the non-whites put up with this garbage as they like to and laugh all the way to suffrage and destition. Cute thread pic btw