He has a 130 IQ

He has a 130 IQ
Why don't you agree with him?

tfw to smart to back the winner of the election
tfw to white knight for Michelle fields.

That's all? I imagine it's a little higher

Tfw 129 iqlet

He's a shilling jew. He's right on almost every conservative principle but the moment he takes about interracial issues or supporting israel is when he shows his true colors.

I have 132 IQ.
I'm literally the king of the jungle.

He does not understand how marco economics work.


Shit has become a meme honestly. If I wanted I could go find a scientific research paper written by Laquesha de Fontaine and Lakhaim Sturnberg that suggests that Somalians actually have IQs of 232 if you adjust the IQ test for their "cultural background".

I hate people is smarter than me NIGGERS AND JEWS STEALING MY WALMART JOB!

>only 130
What a brainlet.

Kikes only care about Kikes.

I agree with a lot of what he says. He just a smarmy cunt.

IQ is very high. He's also an extremely hard working.

When he speaks it's absolutely clear that every statement is backed up by hundreds of hours of meticulous researched and philosophical scrutiny

He's a cuck


my IQ is 148. also I don't even know what his opinions about anything are because I don't watch TV or bland opinionated youtubers.

>Mfw higher iq than Ben Shapiro

He is a yid

I get the sense he's on stimulants when he debates. Ever since he went after Piers Morgan. Dude was methylphenidated af.

>everyone with a high IQ agrees on everything and share the same ideology

what a gay fucking thread

128 here but I never knew I was so smucking fart until I came to Sup Forums.

High IQ does not equal well thought out opinions

123, pretty meh considering i'm ashkenazi

Because I have a 145 IQ

He is a zionist

I don't trust talmudists.

130 XD
In the land of the blind the one-eyed man is king.

Because mine is higher.
> I swear his four incher isn't small it's bigger than mine! Gluglgluglgglglgug

Only 130? I thought the Jews that escaped were supposed to be smart, I'm smarter than that manlet

>tfw to intelligent to use comedy chevrons

I don't disagree with him on much but his 130 IQ isn't impressive to my 153


My IQ is 139-145 and Shapiro is probably more intelligent than me. At least that is how I feel.

I like him.
Ben (((we should hate Muslims as a group and not apply that same logic to that of Jews and Israel))) Shapiro
This is my only real criticism of his and he does gloss over the whole "middle class have never had it so good" meme.


Teach me the ways of the marco ecomonies frend

I agree with his position on transgenders.


I question this rise in jewish conservative speakers as a ploy to jump ship from the sinking left, in order to pretend (((they))) were with us the whole time. (((They))) wouldn't want to put all their eggs in one basket.

ITT: faggots bragging about their (((IQ's)))

I actually agree with him on a lot of points, not everything, but most. So I like him. I also like that he can fuck over a liberals argument in less time that it took to cremate a human during the holocaust, which is VERY fast. I also like that he can admit when he's wrong and actually be man enough to not be steadfast on his opinion just for pride

>Oh Ben you talk so fast and sound so smart I bet your right about eveything =3
>Oh Ben please give me your thick veiny Jewcock
>I only like the cut, glomglumgoglglglgllgllgumpp
Amazing, republicans beleive this.

He's a zionist. All zionists are evil.

I am 143, and have been tested three times. Once by school at age 14, once when joined army, and once for engineering firm.

I agree, my IQ is 145

168 iq here; I really don't know why I even bother listening to anyone else anymore. It seems I'm so smart that communication with people of lesser intelligence is completely pointless to me.

>lol i have iq of 130+
why the fuck is everyone here claiming to have the IQ Albert Einstein?

average IQ posting here is 105, tops.
112 if you remove all the third world, shitskin, and mongrel posters.

the whole myth of high IQ jews is just that

show me one well sourced test that proves the claim

nobody cares about any of your idiots IQ's

I noticed a few smart leafs on this board. Thought it was just my imagination

Dont be mad tinybrain
t. 186 IQ
tested twice

The guys defiantly one smart individual. The way he debates is very impressive. He has the potential to attain the highest office in the land; however, he is jewish, so this ill definitely bite him in the ass during the campaign. But I'm still a huge fan of Ben Shapiro. Will definitely vote for him.

well it has several components
some people score very high on dimensional relationships (like myself), we see things in 3d, we can imagine moving parts in machines etc

no suprise i became a mechanical engineer
other people are better at math
some are very high in written logistics

I generally don't trust sociopaths.

>having a high iq makes you above making fallacious arguments and having an underhanded agenda to push

I don't own any idiots.

He sort of reminds me of a Jewish Patrick Bateman. That whole 'facts don't care about your feelings' thing...

What's 9 + 10?

>Tested twice ONLINE. That's bad news for you mate. Double digit bad news.

intelligence does not equate to wisdom, knowledge conscientiousness empathy or motivational drivers,

and even if it did that doesn't mean any idea held by such a person would be correct

>This thread

>tfw too intelligent to use the proper too


Because my IQ is 137

Every kike has a high IQ. Probably even those bull dykes crying about gender inequality. So fucking what?

This. I love Ben but he has really flawed economic views and the logic behind his policy preferences is retarded.

You're still in the top few percentage points of people.

My tested IQ is slightly higher. I honestly thought he was like 160 or so. Goes to show you that most of success is hard work.

I do agree with a lot that he says. Listening to his show right now, actually.

That's like my IQ and I feel like a brainlet compared to Ben.

He also believes there is some kind of difference between marco evolution and mirco evolution when its all just the same marconism

Actually IQ is one of the most solidly established principles of psychology, and almost every scientific paper confirms that niggers have almost-retard IQ.

But stay envious, brainlet. I'm sure if you work really hard you can accomplish the same acheivements... eventually.

>not owning slaves

97 here, but through hard work I'm doing well, in my 3rd year of med school at a pretty decent university.

I never understood why anyone would want to know their own iq. You are either doing better than you should and fooling everyone (so why ruin the illusion) or doing way shittier than you should and should hate yourself.

>he buys the Einstein meme

Classic brainlet

are you black?

It's almost as if intelligence is difficult to measure, it doesn't transfer between subjects well, and there's more than one solution at times.

But that can't be right. Right OP? Sage

As a kike I can tell you that there are many dumb fucks among us. They just have to get extra tutoring.

75% European and 25% spic
my oldest brother is 135 and my next oldest brother is 130
no clue what happened to me, I took an official test twice, once at my private school and then 5 years later independently, first time I got 96, then I got a 98

he has to be higher than that, Im around 130 and he would crush me

He's a skilled debater, its a skill that can be developed like any other. Just work hard. He's living the American Dream and so can you.

It's likely much higher, I used to listen to him and he mentioned he was extremely gifted as a child, I'd imagine he and Peterson are likely pushing 150+.


because he probably doesn't have a 130 IQ

>thread immediately turns into online IQ test dick waving contest
And you people believe that you're smart.

133 here, I initially felt the same way. But consider:

it's not that he's more intelligent, it's that he's more certain about what he thinks, and speaks quickly. This comes off as intelligence, but is not the same thing. Not that he's unintelligent. He's just skilled at using particular logical distinctions to cut the heart of a debate, delivered with iron certainty. He talks and thinks like a lawyer, which he is.

Cause he's jacked up on Adderall all day. It's fucking obvious.

Good for you man. I learned in law school that I have to work twice as hard as everyone else just to be a little better than them. The work ethic that created turned me into a monster out of school and has placed me ahead of a lot of my peers. Keep on that grind man. youre gunna go far.

Because my IQ is 145 and that makes him 15 points more retarded than me.

Peterson said he is in excessof 150

I have a 147 IQ and he is a disgusting little faggot who will not face me.

>it's not that he's more intelligent, it's that he's more certain about what he thinks, and speaks quickly. This comes off as intelligence, but is not the same thing. Not that he's unintelligent. He's just skilled at using particular logical distinctions to cut the heart of a debate, delivered with iron certainty. He talks and thinks like a lawyer, which he is.

Yeah. I've thought that could be it, but then again he did go to college at 16, Harvard, and then Law School. That's more impressive than my bachelors degree...

130 isn't really that special.

Because I have an IQ of 145


Mine's 150. You're a fucking retard.
Do you agree with me?

It just means he had jew gold and heeb connections. Work hard and you'll go far kiddo.

Also. He does have some good ideas, but quite a few terrible ones too.

I'd argue that facts and logic were all that mattered too if I was a manlet with a voice like his.

Because he's a sheltered fag who tries to sabotage white people

He's a Zionist kike who thinks it's fine that American workers compete with every shitskin on the planet so his kike buddies can make a few more shekels. It's as if having access to our market has no added value in his mind. But whatever he's a kike.

Didnt know IQ made you honest or correct all the time.
Pretty sure Marx and Trotskiy had high IQs too