Why does Sup Forums complain about the black community so much when they are singlehandedly keeping the U.S...

Why does Sup Forums complain about the black community so much when they are singlehandedly keeping the U.S. birth rate afloat?

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Because me and my family have been forced to pay for 100% of the welfare dollars that allowed this degeneracy to be inflicted upon communities that were once working class, white and low crime.

Quality vs Quantity?

this is such a fun thread man

i mean i really like your thread, it really is a pretty good one, i would love to make such good threads but i never have replies, your content is so good, no wonder why you have so many replies, we should add an upvote option so threads like yours would have even more popularity in our great website that is fordchan

i was thinking about doing a thread to make us more popular so more people would come to /oursite/ and become based redpilled people

I'd rather fewer blacks than keeping the birth-rate afloat.

She's responsible for 147 welfare leeches. She's not keeping the birthrate afloat, she's destroying our country.

There is a 0% chance that woman is 90. This is fake as fuck and OP is a fag

Would you rather have ten-thousand wild rats in your house or a few loyal and obedient dogs?

and my grandmother had 3 children
1 died from drinking the other is impotent and the girl (my mom) has a impotent son and a loser neet (me)

Afloat? Are you kidding? Blacks have hovered around 8-13% of the total US population since slavery. And you know why? Doesn't matter how many kids they shit out, there's an 40% chance that each of them will get killed by a fellow black. It's like a self-regulating limit.

Thank G-d for Planned Parenthood!

Because we didn't want niggers

pretty sure the black and white birth rates are roughly the same due to blacks having relatively many abortions


This is super obvious shilling.

Birth rates don't matter at all if the children don't enter the work force. Europe is an excellent example of this.

With that woman being a great great grandmother I doubt most of those kids contribute to society in a positive way.

Where are the stats on that?
Black people kill so many of their own babies they never grow as a race.
Last I checked the growth in America was from Mexican types.

Damn she does look good for a 90 year old.

German-Catholic American here. I have 18 aunts and uncles on my father's side, 38 first cousins, 3 brothers and a sister...

And no one has been to jail. I doubt the lady in OP can say that.

black don't crack and remember they start poppin out them niglets at 16 y/o

>muh blacks are all on welfare

Literally a meme. Welfare is virtually non-existent in the USA, and facts show the majority of poc are in employment.

The idea of black people being "welfare queens" is a lie spread by Republican politicians to give white trailer trash a scapegoat to blame their failings on.

niggers need to die

My family is also catholic and white. I have over 40 cousins just on my mom's side. All the adults went to/are going to college. No one in jail yet either. White power!

12-13 y/o*

Grandma on my Dads side has 6 kids 15 Grandchildren but only 5 Great Grandchildren so far, most of my cousins are under 25 though.

White trash user here. Believe it or not where I'm from where girls get knocked up in middle school its not uncommon. If my great-great-grandma didnt get cancer she probably would have seen my kid. Yes, I followed the cycle. But theres nothing to do in a rural area except fuck.


>In 2012, an average of 41.6% of African Americans received means-tested benefits each month
>40% of your entire population depending on cash handouts
Literally a meme. Virtually non-existent in the USA.

Not to mention Blacks have the highest unemployment rate and pay the least in taxes.

This is what planned parenthood is all about, should get more federal funding and also grants from crime fighters to support $100 cash payouts.

Abortion should be mandatory for niggers.

So minimum 147 on welfare and that doesn't include baby Mama's and baby daddy's etc

Majority of entitlement program money is going to aging boomers.

just send the slaves back to africa instead of pussyfooting the issue retard

this bloodline is a multi billion dollar drain on society.

... and I'm the lucky bastard that gets to pay for it.

a s t h e t i c


you just trollin now

Dude, if only. Just need the right bait. How about some advertising around population density, gold and diamond yields etc. Anything that leads to a 'back to africa' movement is golden.

Because they're niggers.

Because they keep the birth rate trending at nightmare speed towards poverty. And before you make some racist claim about it being a black issue no, It's just poor people keep having kids and it's usually blacks and other minorities having 8 kids

>the average black person in america receives $10,000 a year more in government services than they pay in taxes
>hispanics are nearly as bad at $7300 a year
>whites actually still run a tax surplus (which immediatly gets gobbled up by hordes of our domesticated 3rd worlders)


not true, whites pay more in taxes than they take in services: