Sargon is a pretty vanilla Left-wing "Alt-Lite" personality, and even he gets suspended from Twitter.AHnOi
Sargon is a pretty vanilla Left-wing "Alt-Lite" personality, and even he gets suspended from Twitter.AHnOi
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Here's yesterday's working account:
Fuck Sargon. He is a lefty cuck at heart going after low-hanging fruit (Progressives and feminists) He panders to civic nationalists and redditors to milk them for patreon bucks. Only good lefty YouTuber is Louis LeVau
Mouse Utopia
Look on the bright side. He'll have plenty of time to spend with his wife's son.
Twatter is social engineering gone mad.
The left eats itself
lol I guess this isnt the jews fault, eyy cuck of akkad
Why are you celebrating the censorship of an old-school "liberal" who single-handedly took Anita Sarkeesian and Laci Green down?
He's great at little red pills for the normies, and has a huge platform.
they are a broke social media company spiraling into debt and considered toxic by investors
twitter is not long for this world
Well last time he was posting nigger cocks.
Did you not see his debate socialists vs. capitalists?
well maybe instead of sperging out about the alt-right he'll divert his and the skeptics attention to the rabid censorship thats about to take over youtube
His second account got suspended for a week at the same time
I think there's a dude on twitter who keeps an open tab on sargons feed and he just randomly bans him for lulz.
He was getting into a heated debate with Vox Day and he got banned in the middle of it. That's fucking hilarious.
Doesn't change the fact that they are a regressive echo chamber that censors anyone popular who has opinions they dislike.
I hate that fat ass faggot so much.
He's a fucking pedophile, impudent, presumptuous piece of shit and I just want to throw him from a fucking helicopter.
Fucking faggot.
>Baked Alaska
>I had a great debate
Does he really think this? It was cringey as shit seeing how simple and intellectually undeveloped he and his cohorts are. At least the SJWs have sophistry.
The guy works for MTV. He is the chick and the 5 gays all at once.
All Brits are pedos sweetie
more like sargoy of akkad
This is interesting. seems they really like to go after Fence Sitters.
It's like they want everyone to stamp 14/88 on their foreheads.
>leftists in 1970: "Question authority, duuude!"
>leftists in 2017: "If you question authority, you get banned/fired/sent to jail, white male scum."
>Anything left of Trotsky is right-wing
Wonder what it was?
Appearing on Joe Rogan?
Humiliating the Green brothers over their pathetic hypocrisy at VidCon?
How long until they shred his JewTube?
So was it a pointless ban or just a repeat of him opening his porn folder all over his twitter account?
What the fuck is wrong with Silicon Valley.
They're going after those who have the capacity to redpill normies and leftycucks.
Based jap proxy poster. I don't know how, but you cut through the bullshit so well.
Essentially, yes, that is their stance. Just look at the Google employee. If you're not an avowed Communist you are the enemy of these people, whether you want to be or not. That is why we will win - the Communists are forcing apolitical sheep to pick a side, and they'll pick ours.
That's where we're at now.
Meanwhile, mainstream normie """""liberals""""" unironically call themselves Trotskyites.
That's what happens when you use nukes
Dunno, but it's a permanent ban.
Southern is banned??
Good riddance.
Well, that´s stupid by Twitter. He just needs to create a new account so he can play the victim card to get even more attention.
Milo did the oposite and banned him self as a coward when that pedo stuff happened.
E-celebs have different ways to deal with their issues i guess.
can the suspend algorithm bot actually be somewhat unbiased
You realize the world will become a massive favela under communism, right?
Communism is an effeminate, r-selction ideology that gives power to the lowest common denominator of people and encourages resources squandering.
How do you plan to stop overpopulation of low-IQ retards, for example? Any attempt to hinder gibs would be seen as "opposing the proletariat", and you'd be gulag'd by some other party official who's more pro-prole. Red terror cycle ensues for a while, Detroit repeats itself on a global scale, etc. Then you commies reach "true communism" when the world has 600 gorillian people and everything looks like Haiti/Mad Max.
She got Shoahed from Patreon for attempted murder.
good, another e-celeb fag gone. too bad he didn't get suspended from life
did anyone do a black sargon faceapp?
The kekistan retards are gutted, their mixed race e celebrity they call daddy has been shut down
No, Peterson had his Google account taken down shortly. They then it went back up again. So basically nothing.
Lauren had her Patreon taken down, but she's still up everywhere else.
Sargon just got banned on Twitter, but he's still on Youtube. Sargon was already banned before and had his ban reverted so it might happen again.
>all these redditors getting upset that their fat Messiah got suspended
Look at his face and his body for fuck's sake.
If he's not a pedophile and don't know what that is.
I can judge the core of a man by looking at this face.
did you archive this just yesterday?
>autistic streak intensifies
you bet Anita was screaming at twitter to suspend him all month
No, but I went to archive it today, and it was just archived yesterday, so I posted the link someone else did, and the one I did today (which is the first one that shows the suspension.)
Another intellectual victory from /leftypol/.
Remember, if you can't out think your enemy, just mewl like faggots to your Jewish Capitalist overlords to shut it down.
Twitter never goes after the Richard Spencers and Baked Alaska.
They only silence the alt-lite moderates that might appeal to a segment of the less insane SJW's and be their initial red pill, e.g. Sargon, Milo, Jordan Peterson
Twitter lets the white nationalists and racists alone, because t
1) It substantiates the SJW talking point that the right is full of Nazis and white supremacists
2) They know that nobody goes from SJW to full shitlord. They need the alt-lite gateway drug.
I'm surprised the jews aren't supporting the alt-lite outright. Their ideas are so safe and milquetoast. It's extremely good for us when they're called "nazis" though.
>thinking only /leftypol/ hates you reddit niggers
>i had a great debate
Literally who the fuck do these people think they are? Its so annoying to see tweeting back and forth about muh bullshit feels and trying to equivilate that to an actual structured debate. I sigh in relief at the fact that i dont know who this sargon fag is neither that laura cunt or molymeme guy or basically any of the bullshit utube accounts and videos that get constantly posted aka spammed on here by the losers who make the shekels off those channels. The only guy who was actually funny was the daily shoa guy who did the merchant min. Everything else on here in regards to utube jews is just recycled and reused bullshit that ive already heard but with less words and less whining.
ah, i see.
just thought you had some weird precognition or something.
Yes why can't everyone be worthless virgins who do nothing but post on an edgy imageboard
>Implying Kekistan isn't the reddit niggers
You both have to go back.
Holy fuck are you autistic?
That was kinda my point....
He was always going to go out like this. He's always got his chin stuck out and pointed at Twitter's mods like he's waiting for them to let him have it. Dude's got potential but the overarching theme of his content is that people are always on him with some assumed vendetta. He'll be back... Again. And we'll be hearing about from him until the heat death of the universe.
this, i seen baked alaska in person, he is a little cuck boy pussy manlet. i even traded banter with him and his shit was weak AF
You're wrong. Richard Spencer is the main exception.
They've banned thousands of reasonable and less reasonable white nationalists (whether they called out Jews) like Mike Enoch, Jared Wyand, ReactionaryTree, Frexit, Orbison's Revenge from DailyStormer, etc.
Also Baked Alaska just only started really showing his power level recently, he was a lot more light before that while he was still popular, but he never got banned.
>Celebrating censorship
Fuck off leftist scum
>I don't like their message and they should be banned/censored
You're just as bad as a progressive liberal
he entry level for normalfags and then its a slippery slope to here. hes useful I say.
He did a livestream where he said age of consent laws "should depend on the child". He's clearly a sympathizer, if not a pedophile himself.
They're the ones pulling the most people away from the progressive cult.
lefties went mental over him "giving a platform to a nazi"
checking those sweet sweet numbers
Why are people still using facebook, twitter, youtube or even reddit. Time to dump these dinosaurs of a bygone age. They need to go the way of myspace.
he has(d) 240k followers, so he is a force.
What are the alternatives that people will actually use then please
Sargon has posted porn before so he probably did something stupid that gave Twitter the excuse they needed.
Non-SJW's need to know that they can't make any mistakes or they're gone.
1. fuck off tripshit
2. fuck off eceleb wanker
Everyone on here who defends Sargon is actually Sargon.
They do.
Anyone else is indifferent or provides tacit support.
Literally the only people propagating "durrrrr e-celebs r bad" schtick are the low IQ nigger and faggot lovers from /leftypol/ and beyond.
Reminder that twitter reached the point last week where it stopped growing and started shrinking. In the tech world that is death. Heavy handed censorship is only going to accelerate the decline, as annoying as it is it's probably a good thing
He got suspended for this
What the other anons have told you plus she keeps getting demonitized on YouTube.
Is is is is this real?
How do we know this is real retard
All MSM platforms are hard left. Time to find replacements for all of them. Even Netflix is converting to SJWism.
Everyone on Twitter is confirming. From both the left and the right
That's fake
Literally made a video on it while back
>you bet Anita was screaming at twitter to suspend him all month
She doesn't have to scream at anybody. This is her job now. Policing shitlords is literally her job at Twitter. What makes you think she had to make a case for banning Sargon or anybody? I imagine she did it herself without having to ask anybody.
>muh civil nationalism
No, he's an actual civic nationalist. This is what happens when some people listen to a variety of opinions and reflect on their own beliefs and goals. Some of them turn out to be civic nationalists. The way to beat them is to win debates with them, not to complain that they exist and insult them for arriving at the wrong conclusions, as if they you were family and they picked the opposing side in a pie fight. Pull yourself together.
of course it's real
It's not, he's just trying to push the "he's a pedophile" lie here: like they did with Milo, then add "triggering alt-righters" so people on "alt-right" accept him being banned.
>It's like they want everyone to stamp 14/88 on their foreheads.
You got it. 4D chess senpai.
>Even Netflix is converting to SJWism.
Who has started to buy into Netflix?
Oh right, this guy. Note when this happened, suddenly Netflix picked up Dear White People and that stupid Bill Nye show that edited out that chromosomes determine that stupid Sex Junk song.
Okay wheres the link? It was barely posted today.
There are plenty and there have been plenty of threads here telling you where.
Guy responsible for suspension
good, once all these racist cis-gendered white male Drumph supporters are demonetized, DE-platformed and shadow-banned the internet will finally be a safe space.
He was hired by MTV so this is likely a ruse
>"I'm so contrarian."
How is it a lie? He said it himself.