Roses are red, violets are blue
Marxism was founded by Karl Marx the Jew
Memeri bread
maybe muslims are not so bad after all
He's not wrong
Seems like quality tv. Any place to watch with subs?
Jewtube. MEMRI is actually an Israeli company designed to "expose" antisemitsm in the Arab world so be careful not to give them any shekels
Anyone have a larger one of this?
>if we kill the poor, there will be no communists
I love these threads
Posting memeris.
White sharia when
capped this one myself, use it a lot
Part two
Lots of solid common sense in this thread.
One contribution
This is like the best thread ive seen in years.
They really have a thing about shoes.
shoes and the bottom of feet, not coincidently
i think because its the desert and all their feet are so bad and smelly
Yes, that's logical.
Maybe also cause there's shit (human and camel) all over the place, so getting a shoe whack is like getting hit with shit.
But hey, we all have our foibles.