Prove you're not an alt right Snowflake - say one thing nice about Isreal

Prove you're not an alt right Snowflake - say one thing nice about Isreal

They kill Muslims.

>implying the altright isn't pro-israel


They are accepting of all religions

They are ruthlessly nationalist for themselves, almost admirable if they weren't so hostile to white americans and europeans being nationalist.

they have good lawyers


Has a beach

They turned a desert into an oasis, through hard work and intelligence.
They were attacked by all surrounding Arab neighbors and beat their asses. In seven days. They know how to get it done.
They are God's chosen people, whether you like it or not.

They have a beautiful wall

they got rid of that disgusting foreskin for me


they are turning the west into africa

There is no alt right and you're using snowflake wrong. No one thinks they're special here. We're all replaceable.

Also, fuck Israel.

You're a fucking kike and im so glad Trump is president so the kikes finally get BTFO.

Israel makes me proud NOT being jewish.

they would make nice glassware once they get nuked.

Alt Light, next to Evangelicals and christians in general, are the biggest Israel shills on the basis "they trigger Muslims xD" instead of realizing that once Muslims are gone, whites are next. If you haven't realized this, you need to go the fuck back to plebbit.

They make better sandnigger food than the sandniggers

they invented zyklon b that hitler supposedly used to gas the 6 gorillion
they make good fertilizer for lawns

Daily posted side thread.
Do not reply further and push down better threads

They're not muslim.

Uhh, they shit on good land I guess.

The star shape is self reinforcing, kinda like money and propaganda.

Hey does anybody know why the only people that can't be nationalistic are whites and jews. Anyone see a correlation?

It's not muslim

its nice that i dont have to live near israel

kills palestinian cockroaches

It's a nice place for all the jews to concentrate

Never seen a homeless jew in israel, in fact never seen a homeless jew in the last 70 years! Jews really take good care about their community.

when did webm happen?

Yeah, fucking kike shills are this clueless.

They had a nice fire work display in June 8th 1967.

I like krav maga
Bonus: they're not muslim (yet)

Kick ass army and weapons industry
Hot chicks
good food
smart people

they are doing a great job with controlling braindead fuckers into degeneracy

Israelis burn nicely

No niggers.

I'll tell you the reason I like Israel. For millennia the Jews have not had a nation of their own, they've been nomadic, like gypsies, going from country to country. For this reason, nationalism has always been the enemy of the Jews. Borders are the enemy of the Jews. This is why Jews always fight and subvert nationalist movements in every country. But today, the Jews have a nation. They have started to learn the positive benefits of strong borders and nationalism. This is why Israeli Jews are a lot more friendly toward nationalist movements in other countries than diaspora Jews like those comprising CNN, NYT, Hollywood, Goldman Sachs, etc. My hope is that Israel's existence changes a long-held belief by Jewish people that nationalism is inherently bad. Also Israelis are getting a nice dosage of diversity, so I'd expect them to come away from the forced diversity they are always pushing on white countries.

Only correct answer here, all fuck jews and niggers

It's people make good kindling.

Good post.

I literally have no opinion on Israel and fail to grasp why Israel even is a big deal.

because western media, western politics, western economic institutions are controlled by their little fast-talking skinny-armed dual citizens, and we are essentially the satellite states of Israel. The USA isn't the only one who bends over backwards to please foreign interests. The west has over 100 countries with 100 distinct assholes, and the Jews are like Hydras; every time they circumsize their dicks another grows in it's place which must also be cut, until they have a dick for every butt.