nsg thread! what kind of natsocs do we have here tonight?
>not even posting the paste
What a shitty choice
Why only the best kind
any fellow christian ns?
Explain the reasoning why someone would choose such an ideology
non denominational here, can't figure out what church is right
Yes and God bless.
it doesnt matter as long as you accept christ.
opinions on the holocaust? did it not happen or are you like me and praise it because it was a good thing and the kikes had it a long time coming?
Imo it happened in full but Hitler didn't know about it, it was hidden from him by Himmler
yeah. he shat on the 3rd reich with his satanic obsession and sadistic tendencies.
Whichever one your family or community follows. That's what's most important
I think the 6 million number is inaccurate in determining people deliberately killed. That number includes Jewish commissars in the Red Army as well as deaths from typhus.
They had to be interned either way, Jews had proven all over Europe that they are communist sympathizers, and many of the main communists in numerous countries were Jews. Hitler didn't want Jewish communists sabotaging the war effort on the home front
And I'm very skeptical about the existence of the gas chambers.
yes its definitely a guess. mkst of the deaths have to have been caused by illness rather than german cruelty. the truth is well never knkw. my teacher said th reason ther burned bodies is because they knew what they were doing was wrong and they were trying to hide it. bullshit. those bodies were diseased and needed to be disposed of so no one else would get sick. sjw retardation. they will always say we are perfect and are abused and do the same things to others. bullshit. human nature is flawed and its amazing how retarded the left is.
I love the ideology, but I'm a product of society and was kiked and nigged into a certain level of degeneracy even while i grew up hanging out with skinheads, but also punkers. It's complicated. Bottom line It's impossible to survive or operate in society where i live unless i at least remain functionally civil in public. I am saving money to move to a whiter area, and leaving CA. I generally have to tone down my view of race because if i don't it usually starts immediate shit.
skinheads are jewish tools but they make some damn good music.
Damn right they do
Did you not all die out during the de-nazification of Europe?
What an rare but pointless ideology.
fuckoff kike. white nationalists only
i love no remorse. i play that shit LOUD in the car with the windows down. it really freaks people out. one song is literraly about him mowing down niggers and jews in the street and turning jews into soap.
Define whites then, since I`m strong believer in Pan-European(not ethno-nationalist) Europe.
i drive a mecedes. hitlers favorite :)
Yes. May God bless you and keep you brother.
I keep a masterrace usb drive with a mix of metal and shit in my truck at all times. Im with you.
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
niggers tear down my swastika from the antenna and bash up my car every time i play that shit. nk remorse has the most violent and obscene lyrics in RAC, and theyre really clear.it terrifies the living hell out of everone, and its still tamer than nigga gangsta rap.
I've been almost attacked while blasting screwdriver. I was on the way to the pistol range, had my shit in the front seat. They backed off pretty quick.
Hyper Objectivist nationalist present.
Other thread just got archived. Might as well post the reply I was typing here, maybe you'll find it.
As much as that would be nice, it's not going to work that way. It never does. Millions of people won't leave voluntarily and many of them will become violent if you force it. In addition, most countries can't, or won't, take them. There won't be another option.
There are millions of illegals in this country, upwards of 30 million who came here looking for a free ride and a handout. There are also multiple millions of citizens who either won't, or can't, contribute economically to the community. Some of them are sick, or aged and didn't bother to keep ties with family, or mentally crippled, lazy or just outright unemployable. All of them have their hands out, and they only survive if we subsidize them. We have (((minorities))) that don't contribute enough to justify their keeping. And finally, we have millions of liberal agitators just waiting to cause disruption and misery. Most countries aren't going to take them, and very few of them would leave voluntarily anyway.
The only remaining option is to put them down. A truly mature culture would be willing to at least discuss that option.
the three of you are black music lovers.
punk came around because of rock and roll.
rock and roll came from blues.
you people cant even keep your shitty ideology pure.
you are poor people or bubble living faggots playing pretend and alienating your friends and families
do you like day of the sword or final war?
oh and you, if you want to might as right at anyone you best not cry when they jam a pistol and your face and shoot you before you have time to react.
neither, im not some warhammer 40k playing faggot snow nigger
Monotheism came from paganism which came from fucking Neanderthals that treated fire like god. What is your point?
oh no we hurt the widdow niggers feelings
the point is that they like black music, and i think thats hilarious. you ever try the band death grips they might be up your ally with the nihilism shtick?
fuck off you big forehead having snow nigger, go cry about white genocide and get nice and red faced about it
Well at least i have the capacity to return fire. Faggot.
you cant if youre shot first.
or shot coming out of work going to your car.
or shot coming out of your living space
hi weevlos, i'm gunning 4 u m8 ;)
youre just a gayass niggafaggot whos upset cause we dont like him taking dick in the ass
This week on "shit that never happened"
You faggots are as bad as the tumblerinas
thats a ton of buzzwords and very little content snow nigger.
take a step back, calm down, and think up a good response next time.
Same here. I've never been to church but want to start. I really want to find a trad conservative church but they seem to be non-existent around me. Its all literal faggots and nigger lovers. What ever happened to good old fashioned WHITE churches? I just started to read the Bible myself but I was really hoping for the community aspect since most of the people I know are fucking degenerates.
Big ifs nigger. Do you train? And no I'm not referring to weight lifting...
>opinions on the holocaust?
The mass murder of Jews by the NSDAP or the Reich never took place or was planned, and the propaganda that it did is the sole reason why National Socialism is currently seen in this awful light.
Didn't happen but should have unfortunately.
if you really wanted to do that then all you gotta do is start stretching more so you can suck your own dick
(jack off hand signal) i dont talk to snow niggers i talk at them
Where is the nsg pasta user? Wtf us this?
Come to Alabama. There's plenty of them here, they just don't advertise :)
By and large, the South still has its head on straight.
yeah, plenty of snow nigger self suckers out there too....
Or Mississippi outside of the delta
That's to be expected in war. It's coming. Are you prepared? Because we are.
me trying to comprehend... just how gay you are..
and by their heads on straight you mean low education levels and poverty right?
fuck off you try hard little role playing weeb, in reality you are a non-person entity who is constantly cock blocking himself from being happy because you read some race facts on the internet one time and internalized that shit. what are you some kind of emotionally fucked up rube person?
me trying to comprehend level of walking cultural contradiction you are
will you just gas yourself already!
You're funny. I'll let some of the other posters correct you, if they wish.
Well that's convenient. You sound mad. What happened? You probably would "talk at me". I wouldn't care. But if you tried to assault me i would at least stop the attack.
Sieg Heil
"hur hur hur everyone who gives me shit is a jew or from reddit hur i've never been to college or i did and my parents paid for it and i turned into a sociopath hurrr" is the next line im expecting from any three of you because you are low T having plebe with low wits but high assumptions about life
get red faced and flusters snow nigger see if i shed a tear.
yeah, right, sure (watch you back out to save face)
here's some talking at you: you are a fucking Dork with a capital D
You sound like an idiot.
says some faggot in a nat:soc thread. good one chap
trying to bring back nat:soc theory or fascism is essentially like taking some shit and pulling the corn out of it and telling everyone "no the corns still good see?"
Okay so you actually are an idiot. What's your goal?
>says some faggot in a nat:soc thread. good one chap
Pot, kettle. You're also a faggot in a natsoc thread.
all it takes is one REAL white man to start posting and i just take a huge shit all over your weak sauce attempts at trying to be part of a collective.
like what a fucking joke.
Like like like a valley girl?
Make white families great again
Don't be sad it ended. Be glad it happened.
Not really, I'm just lazy. Would you like to talk about how liberal university "education" mostly serves to condition its graduates to passively accept a nu-male multiculturalist Marxist welfare state, instead of granting them any kind of real-world skills or the ability to make a living? Was your degree in Gender Studies and Philosophy worth a hundred and fifty thousand in student loan debt and a rewarding job working as a barista at Starbucks?
Is there a commonly shared National Socialist perspective on Gnosticism?
fuck off weeb kike snow nigger and get back with me when you can keep my attention and not be a snore core boring ass cunt boy
im in here purely to take a shit on a shit thread
yeah, like the kind you dont get to touch,like...
nah i'm good off any horse shit you think you could "enlighten" me with. to banter with you on that level is to even give your ideology an inch of credibility in even arguing such cherry picked paranoid nonsense.
this is your hobby that you choose to be enamored with and this is me shitting all over it because i'm not as much of an ideologically trapped dumb dumb as to be tricked by whatever half baked race facts and shit tier logic you could puke at me via copy paste
fuckin snore
sucks to suck nazi's
get rekt
>some biological scum makes a shitpost
>talking about it
post another meme at me, it might sooth the burn
i'm sorry snow nigger do you have something to say or were you just snickering behind a keyboard?
This /nsg/ is arguably the worst one I've ever seen.
and any time i show it i'll amke it a point to make that one the worst its ever seen too.
my bait is too good and your ego's are too weak B=====D~~~~~~
yep. it got kiked up. but at least i saw ankther white power rock n roll fan.
you mean nigger influenced music because thats what it is and you are a degenerate multi cultural mutt with no bearing on a real white mans music
What did he mean by this?
>pot, kettle
hey there reddit, how are you tonight?
he meant you should practice real hard to suck your own dick. he said it would feel really good to pop that dude in there
We need to fight harder, cause we're losing.
Because it's a sorry knockoff of an nsg General. I would post a general myself but my computer isn't hooked up and trying to post an official /nsg/ on Android is a nightmare.
>be self proclaimed neo nazi
>think the commies wuz bad
>support a regime that was just as bad at times and sometimes even more cruel
Shows that nazfags aren't moralfags.
that, and your a piece of shit beta dork. lets not forget the facts here
im doin it!
What did he mean by this? When will they learn?
but you just can tfind it can you?
Oooh, this is getting me horny.
You're a faggot and I would slaughter you.
weez juhss a buncha ignantazz crackahss!
you are going to practice to suck your own dick?
is this you coming out as furry to me or what?
i know what keeps the (you)'s coming in
*cough* faggot nerd *cough*
Dude this thread is trash.
it was trash when it was made ahahahahahha
someone bin this flake thread and let me ruin the next one already
>using a very common idiom means I'm reddit
Try talking to more people.