North Korea will face fury the likes of which this world has never seen before


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is that a spinner

Could you imagine?

It would be amazing.

I thought of the tr3b and black budget programs too.

I thought those were fidget spinners and nearly had a stroke

>Donald Trump kills fatgookman with Ayyyy lmao technology

best timeline


Trump called in the ayyyys

Google tr3b. Worth a look.

Why do so many people keep bringing up the tr-3b recently?
Its happening across multiple boards, its kinda weird.
Has there been an increase in sightings or something?

We'll, times like these is when we learn about secret weapons programs.

Don't use Google, dip-shit.

We stand at the birth of a new millennium, ready to unlock the mysteries of space, to free the Earth from the miseries of disease, and to harness the energies, industries and technologies of tomorrow.


Wrath never before seen.
Don't Save this top secret weapon guys, or you might get vanned...

XB-37 Tesla Ray Gun , for the epic win.

Explains why he's been so hesitant about all of this. Trump knows there is no other way to quickly neutralize the norks but also that playing this card will open Pandora's box for the whole world.

The human soul yearns for discovery. By unlocking the mysteries of the universe, we unlock truths within ourselves. That’s true. Our journey into space will not only make us stronger and more prosperous, but will unite us behind grand ambitions and bring us all closer together. Wouldn’t that be nice? Can you believe that space is going to do that? I thought politics would do that. (Laughter.) Well, we’ll have to rely on space instead.

>Trump uses fidget spinners to give all of NK autism
A weapon to surpass metal gear.

Every launch into the skies is another step forward toward a future where our differences seem small against the vast expanse of our common humanity. Sometimes you have to view things from a distance in order to see the real truth. It is America’s destiny to be at the forefront of humanity’s eternal quest for knowledge and to be the leader amongst nations on our adventure into the great unknown. And I could say the great and very beautiful unknown. Nothing more beautiful.

Can I get a quick rundown here this shit looks retarded

That picture is from when the Bogdanoffs go to the club

Aliens don't exist. Spacecraft, however, do exist.

Buzz always did like his tie-tacks & lapel pins.

JK i dont know if aliens exist or not all I know is the US military has these and they can vaporize a country in minutes.

Their outdated missiles are obsolete. I sincerely hope they fire, so we can have some target practice.

Buzz aldrin was pissed during that speech because trump is gong to reveal everything and that will ruin his legacy making him a fraud.

someone give me a quick rundown

Trump is like my favela neighbor that threatens me of death everyday

Holy shit tesla death ray, the great equalizer

>Can I get a quick rundown here this shit looks retarded


Pretty sure they will deploy the TAW-50 over the tr3b

Have you been threatening to kill your neighbor for over 4 decades every month?

I think my dick would fly off


more than one space station.

Huge ass black equilateral triangle that can move fast as fuck and is really silent.
People started seeing them in the early to mid 90s, so its certainly not the newest shit they have.
The lights on the corners are either thrusters or exhaust ports.
They appear a dim red to the naked eye but are actually really bright infrared which shows up well in photos.
Some guy even managed to film one at high altitude with a telescope and nightvision.
This leads me to believe they are probably hydrogen fueled rockets, as pure hydrogen burns invisible but still emits ir.
The center light can be turned of and off and seems to be just a bright spotlight, probably to disguise the outline of the craft with the glare.
They can be spotted flying along highways at night at the same speed as traffic, possibly using the streetlights for cover while flying at low altitudes or doing surveillance?

Fuck off Yahoo, nobody give 2 shits...


They manipulate electricity. They are able to make the ships mass basically 0 and maneuver it by manipulating the ether around it.


>Aliens don't exist
You say that until you have your first experience

If you believe edgar fouche, it uses a plasma accelerator ring to reduce the mass to 89 percent.
His description is actually backed by physics papers.

That's the CIA fucking with you.

I kinda wish we could fly around and be pals and niggers wouldn't be able to come along cause they don't get the flying/swimming

It's probably pic relatedSR-71 was retired in the late 90s so it makes sense that the SR-72 would be in development in early-mid 90s

It's existence was only "announced" pretty recently.

Pft the TR3B is fucking ancient technology. We have shit that cloaks itself so you can't see it moving around and goes outside the atmosphere. NK doesn't know what the fuck they're up against. Trump was not kidding, he knows exactly what the US military is capable of.

>CIA can simulate alien abductions
Well, GG then. They're all powerful and have been since the 70's.

>Some guy even managed to film one at high altitude with a telescope and nightvision.

NASA did too, from orbit, by accident:

Checked. Archived that.
>nytimes com/2007/02/06/science/space/06orbi.html?_r=1&oref=slogin

Getting a blank page on that first URL bruh.

>American footprints on distant worlds are not too big a dream

Trump's speeches are underrated imo.

Thats not even close to the same shape m8

Also we didn't get computers, night vision, or Kevlar until after the Roswell crash. Just food for thought.

Project Tacit Blue . 1970's stealth R & D.
The Star Trek in the late 60's was already memeing the " Romulan Cloking Device ".
Just movie stuff .... sci-fi... can't be real.
see how that works.

Wasn't the roswell crash Russians flying the spacecraft?

It might have changed over it's development path. Or, maybe you just can't like see it's actual shape when it's going mach 6 or something, maybe that's a design feature idk.

>North Korea will face fury the likes of which this world has never seen before


Trump quoted the Navy Seal pasta and everyone lost their shit.

No that was part of the cover up. The first american newspaper story was real and they recovered real bodies from the craft that were not human. Only later did they claim it was a weather balloon even though they had photographs of the evidence. Don't believe that bullshit.

That was the sub-orbital drone or whatever wasn't it.

>tfw was obsessed with the tr-3b


go back to

do you think these things just spit out missiles or do we have energy weapons now too?


No no
It was only after I threw garbage at his house, like 5 years ago

>phat bump

Did we ever figure out that daytime ufo down in S America, I think it was chile. It was like blimp shapped n only visible with ir in the daytime so it had some sort of cloak, or was that debunked???

Orbital drone, has delivered packages unknown to orbit already, can sit up there like half a year in a stable orbit.


wtf is that

fury the likes of which this world has never seen before

It was capt in infrared cam
just like these

Super weapon thread.

Guess what pic related is.


>maybe you just can't like see it's actual shape when it's going mach 6
The tr3b can hover in place motionlessly, but the sr72 doesnt look like its capable of that.

They were travelers from far into the future. We've broken off in a tangent timeline polluted by interaction with our future selves. This eventually will result in the nullification of our reality, as it is incongruent with the multiverse echo. Our existence is an adoration that existence will shake off like food poisoning.

It seems to be pretty slow moving for untold levels of fury.

>guess what pic related is
>filename literally says ASM-135

I've always been curious about this video.

the information the alien reveals is pretty interesting.

because it hasn't opened fire yet

>That guy with the rings

>it's the using the internet guy


There was a US satellite mentioned here once that sent the whole of Sup Forums down.
I can't remember which one it was, but can no longer find details of it on Wikipedia.
USA-241 or something. It was one that was very important, but details were scarce. No one, outside of NSA and high-up military, knows what it's role is.
Anyone remember which satellite this was?

I could hit that thing with a thrown rock and I throw like Marsellus Wallace. does not work with all sites because they have started to blacklist it

Faggot that's Buzz Aldrin.

Today the Boeing F-15 Eagle is best known for its strike role: It’s one of the U.S. Air Force’s most fearsome ground-pounders. But before the F-15E Strike Eagle, there was the F-15A Celestial Eagle, the launch platform that sent a missile up instead of down in a cold war test to see if the Air Force could destroy an enemy’s military satellites.

On September 13, 1985, Major Doug Pearson flew his F-15 to a predetermined point over the eastern Pacific Ocean and pulled up into a 65-degree climb. At 38,100 feet, the F-15’s missile automatically launched toward the oncoming Solwind P78-1, a Department of Defense solar physics observatory orbiting 345 miles above. The satellite was selected for the test because it had degraded batteries and was barely operating. Minutes after the missile launch, Solwind P78-1 was a cloud of debris. The U.S. Space Surveillance Network identified at least 285 pieces. (For more about orbital debris, see “Earth, Clean Up Your Trash!”) Russia, China, and the United States have all tested anti-satellite weapons. There are unconfirmed reports of a Russian test as late as 2015.


looks like very obvious CGI if you ask me

I'm more concerned with the information.

The information seems sound to me from what I've read from other sources.

That would be so awesome. lil' Kim would shit his pants.

Give it some time, the ship has autism.

A lot of alien videos have the same information

Weaponized autism.


So that's why he kept us waiting, huh?
He's pretty good.

What do you want to know about?