I was at home on my computer.
Where were you when you realized that white women had become he real niggers?
Other urls found in this thread:
I was sitting at a bar while my girlfriend fucked our black friend.
I wish I was joking. We wanted to try out the cuckolding fetish. I thought it would like it was in porn and I'd be in the room but I got shut out. I went to a bar up the road and drank a bit and got really sad. Then it hit me. Thanks user.
jacking off to pictures of anime robot girls
Good Lord...seriously?
This is the saddest thing I've ever seen on this site. I'm so sorry.
Yes we're no longer together obviously. It put a massive strain on our relationship.
So to any anons out there who fell down the same trap porn, u mad white boi cuck porn slippery slope as me and is in ironically concidering cuckolding as a fetish. Don't.
I'm serious though
fucking leafs. Just end it already.
i present you with a new fetish. You are welcome
you deserve these feels if this is true
>put a massive strain on our relationship
>not ending it the second you found out she wanted black in her
Shut up. No one cares
> user is sodomizing himself w a realistic bbc dildo
No need to thank me.
neck yourself bud, jesus christ you should get angry
womens liberation was a fucking mistake dailystormer.com
Shlomo thread of the hour...
"White women are evil! Don't have children, goy!
sage this shit
> user asked the negro to mount him and was kicked out
At college.
Dumbshit roasties going to jail for stealing, getting addicted to drugs, and getting "too drunk" then getting gangbanged at parties. A very high proportion of women are fucking disgusting animals.
tradcuck or meatflaps detected
who is this? what did she do?
Hans defending female behavior.
Man these are taking up a lot of space these days... :(
:tosses new fetish onto large pile of fetishes:
enjoy your divorce and alimony
When I was 9 years old
>droop is white nationalist
>ploopf and his jewish family will save us all
When my sisters were born
Breeding more White women will only compound our problem as they are parasites like the niggers, They vote more liberal than white men, and are far less creative. More whites won't solve the nigger, woman, and wetback problem. Only a strong border and revoking women's rights will.
white men are niggers too
the way white men fuck asian women for "muh improve white race" is like a nigger fucking pure white woman because "muh sheboons and better white genes"
The first time I logged into Tinder, also the last time. Also every time I'm at a bar, anywhere.
Is that a r-rape
Won't even feel it until USB 6.0
size queen
Sure, Because populating for the sake of populating is such a good idea. We should care about quality, not quantity of people. The only solution is a good eugenics program where women are enslaved and the best men breed with the best slave women and every man gets a child to raise.
In her home, she started quoting rap lyrics at me as if I have ever listened to rap or would have a favorable opinion of a woman who listened to rap. Then she made me watch this video of "whip nay naying" or something like that. I couldn't hide how unimpressed I was by this level of "culture," but she didn't seem to care.
Another white woman made me watch some music video called "Anaconda" with a bigassed Hottentot heaving her gigantic butt around and lip synching. I'd "love it," she said. I didn't.
not an argument
there would be a lot of dead white babies
what the fuck was Schopenhauer's problem? Or ALL Scandinavian philosopher's for that matter?
He probably figured out that women were niggas and naturally parasites. People back then probably said he was just saying that because he couldn't get laid, but in reality he was a man ahead of his time.
I'm not endorsing magapede multiculturalism, that's not even a right-wing ideology
but it is relatively right-wing
If I were one of your friends I wouldnt know weather to laugh or cry.
so using "gen z whites would have voted for trump" is a pointless argument, any republicuck is "relatively right wing". call me when they vote for a pro white party (not republican or democrats) it will never happen
Half of Gen Z is already old enough to vote. They went overwhelmingly Clinton.
>leaf unironically falls for the cuck meme
Fuck so sorry. Hope you got red pilled.
Believing that "women is the problem" is exactly what they want you to think like. They want you to be narrowminded and not see the bigger picture.
Leaf btfo hahahaha
No...They're mid 90's to mid 00's. Less than half are eligible to vote (let alone how many actually turn out).
it'll happen when whites feel the existential threat. I don't think posting demoralization threads and sowing kike poison like the OP is doing is a good way of "encouraging" whites, though
White women barely exist as an identifiably "white" group. White men have become more conscious of their cultural patrimony and are giving up on the whole wigger thing. White women aren't there yet. They are still led by the mass media and its nonstop promotion of Afro-American culture and virtues, real or imagined.
There are some positive signs like the 2016 election, and I think we can turn this thing around, but by and large white women are just reflections of what they see on YouTube and social media.
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha holy shit what a fucking LOSER
>It put a massive strain on our relationship.
Is it possible to be more pathetic?
And yet, Non Jewish women still support it. And because we have 1 person 1 vote in this society, no matter how intelligent or capable a person is, women can ruin everything. I would love women again if women had no voting rights, then the Jew problem would be alot less. Jews would remain in their neighborhoods and ghettos away from us all.
Blaming women for the failure of men is as ridiculous as it is pointless. Our duty was to serve our race and we failed.
But we can change all of that. We already are.
didn't happen in south africa, we are already in an existential threat. the sheer amount of attacks on us primarily from other whites (especially white women) has sort of made me want them to suffer the fate that these sick individuals have sown.
>Mini USB
YAY! Lets make lame ass, slide threads like these and continue driving a wedge between white women, and white men. Sure to save the white race!
Anybody with a sister should know this, especially an older sister.
Jesus Christ, most women are more liberal but Asian women are the biggest gender gap. Damn.
human/robot hybrids are the future biofag
For the most part I agree with this, I just think the direction our culture has gone has led us all astray, but especially women since they're more susceptible to that kind of programming. Traditionalism is the goal, any kind of mgtow movement damages white people and our future.
We should have never caved and given women the right to vote. If the men of old could see today, they would have known how bad of a mistake they made.
If this is true you might as well die for corrupting a white woman into your degeneracy.
Yip yup jump off that bridge I have more sympathy for her than for you fucking freak
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
she willing fucked a nigger, both are to blame
but muh based azn girls xDDD
yellow fever faggots are the worst
How does mgtow damage white people? It starves the Jewish lawyers of their Divorce money. It also means that white men have more autonomy which is always a good thing as free white men pretty much invent everything.
It isn't as simple as women being given or not given the vote. It goes far deeper than any notions of government. It is a feeling of kinship, bond, and companionship that we do not possess.
Everything in this society is based on abstracts, nothing concrete.
>they fuck everything like niggers (even dogs)
>they steal money like niggers (divorces, etc.)
>can't have a normal conversation with them just like a nigger (has to be all about her)
>they are just generally unpleasant to be around
really makes you think...........................
Fuck off, we have food and white people are quality. We also face extinction if we don't have lots of kids.
Because it deprives white people of children. You shouldn't dive headfirst into a damaging relationship and get fucked by divorce, but to distance yourself entirely from women and not raise strong children is committing demographic and cultural suicide.
yes goy shit out more antifa cannon fodder and girls for me to kidnap hehe
Raising your children correctly and controlling what information they take in will prevent them from becoming leftist machines. Abandoning your progeny entirely is, again, suicide.
We can have less white people and still have an all white society though. More white people will not solve the problem of niggers, jews, and mestizos ruining our society. You will never outbreed the niggers and mestizos no matter how hard you try, The only reason America stayed majority white was through European immigration because the niggers have always outbred the whites
>controlling what information they take in
that will just cause them to rebel against you, they are going to be exposed to it regardless. the only way would be to basically raise them to be an outcast (likely won't work on girls)
College for me too. I overdosed on degeneracy
these words have no place in 'official' statistics
south africans are de facto segregated just like american whites. americans, like white south africans compared to their nigger compatriots, have tons of space and money and they can simply move away from the problems. that's not even to mention all the anti-white cuck conditioning to which western whites are subjected 24/7.
pro-white parties sprang up in europe and america in the past with less to gain than we have today. it's happened before, it'll happen again, but I think a path is more likely to open through encouraging unity rather than discouraging disunity. that kind of shit doesn't mesh well with the fascist interpretation the public takes with pro-white sentiments.
apology for poor english
when were you when white wymyn dies?
i was sat at home eating smegma butter when pjotr ring
‘White wymyn is kill’
I'm obviously not saying every white person should be breeding, we definitely have undesirables. But if you're intelligent, healthy, and redpilled, then you're doing yourself and your race a disservice.
I agree that it can lead to rebellion, it's why you can't just be stupid about it. Having multiple children to raise together can help this too. They will be exposed to this shit sooner or later, but hopefully you'll have done a good enough job that they reject it. Not sending them to University is a big step against it. I understand it's not easy or simple, but to abandon your future children is just unacceptable to me.
>raise your kids to effectively be social outcasts removed from the modern world
>your sons never breed
>your repressed daughters run away to the city to "experience the world" and slut it up
Fucked up world we live in desu
This is definitely true. My parents would not let me watch Japanese shows as a kid, as they woried with my personality type I would probably associate more with them than the Italian-Americans in my part of West Virginia. Eventually at school I was exposed to it by a few guys and eventually I became a weaboo. It pisses my mom off to no end that I have been to Japan 5x but have never been to and never plan to go to Italy, where she wants me to visit.
>he still thinks women are salvageable overall
for another generation or two they're just a waste off effort, ty for taking one for the team and being a tradcuck provider so there will be QTs to choose from in 15 - 20 years
rake it up man.... put those leafs in a bag.
Cardiff has changed a lot.
>kekistani is an unironic cuck
color me surprised, making men raise the " best " men and womens children .. what could go wrong>
I've made it a point to fuck the living shit out of any bitch into black dudes. I'm lucky enough to be well endowed, so when I hear about a girl who's into black dudes I make sure to fuck them. White dudes need to stop acting like pansies. Whether it's feminism's fault, the Media, porn. Makes no difference. Just stop being fucking idiot pussies and you'll be fine.
what a good, sensible lad. keep doing the lord's work, user
cool aids
Great way to get an std.
This "tradcuck" meme needs to end fucking now. Make no mistake, the patriarchy will be resurrected. The only question is whether you will do it, or will it be the ones who replace you.
The track marks and collapsed veins all over her hands suggest what she did.
Michelle Watson