Hey Euro/Aussiefags and literally everyone outside the USA.
I have this cozy AR. You cant even get one at your Turners.
Feels bad man.
Hey Euro/Aussiefags and literally everyone outside the USA.
I have this cozy AR. You cant even get one at your Turners.
Feels bad man.
Even when we could get them no one could afford them. Who would spend so much money on a tin can destroyer?
>Carbine length gas system
>Chinese optic
>BUIS mounted too far forward
>Commercial spec stock and buffer
>Commercial handguards
Baby's first poverty AR
I really don't care, don't need a gun here.
>tfw no gunz
No that I want that particular one, its not very aesthetic
>Safety off
You can get one for like 500 now you dumb aussie
lets see yours
*safety always off
>implying you need literally all that shit
Look, we have James Yeager dick sucking tactifaggot here.
Don't forget plastic hammer lel
OTOH, you can only get pic related after giving 200 shekels to the feds, getting fingerprinted, registered, and waiting 9 months minimum for approval in the "Land of the Free". It's easier and faster to get an SBR in leafland for fuck's sakes.
Nigga, that rifle is around $500 USD without the optic.
>chinese optic
thats a sig optic, they aren't half bad
>Americunt thinks having guns is worth being 60% white and letting jews mutilate them at birth
The first thing I would do as an american is go buy a gun and shoot myself.
I have an ar15.
14.5 inch 1/7 twist qpq bbl
Adjustable gas block
M4e1 upper with dick mod (sigh) handguard
Aero precision lower in fde
I'm just giving him shit, but SIG optics are most definitely made in China.
t.value my opinion and buy my useless shit goyim
remove the iron sights and put on a red dot.
gun would look sick
>letting jews mutilate them at birth
Glass houses, Australia. You're the home of circumcision in oceania.
Bcm proud of their rollmark.
We also don't have the nigger problem.
Out of curiosity, what's the purchase cost, and how much for one round?
what a retard
All of those things are either false or subjective.
It really doesn't happen much at all anymore thankfully. It used to be reasonably routine and covered by public healthcare, but it's not anymore and we don't have the cultural issue of "eww anteater dick" so hardly anyone is paying to get it done
not op
$650-$700.00 stock, taxes bring it up though.
A case of 1000 rounds around $280-$300
you cant manipulate the safety unless the hammer is back you fucking giant no guns faggot.
Nice upper broseph. BCM makes great stuff.
And you're rocking a fucking Hexmag because you were too cheap to spend an extra $2 on an M3 PMAG or $3 on a Lancer mag. Shame on you.
Ha, that's what your government wants you to think, slave.
Hex mags are fine though
trips of truth
It's not about "need", it's all about principle. I'm not going to let a politician sitting on over 200k a year with a guaranteed pension tell me what i can own, also even with the argument that politicians represent the consensus on the population i personally don't give two shits about what my neighbor " Joe Blow" thinks i should be allowed to own.
Your neighbor is a moron and wants you as cucked as himself. Tell him to go fuck himself while holding a 1911.
Not too bad, given US earnings
in my shit-hole it's quite a bit of money
Pass on them. I only sell the 10rd versions to folks in ban states.
Colt 6920s with Magpul furniture are down to that amount, and brass case ammo is down to $250/1000 with Federal's rebate or $195/1000 for Wolf. The market has bottomed out, buy a lifetime's worth now. Manufacturers are trying to clear out inventory from the election build up, and demand is at a low with the "summer slowdown" and Trump not threatening to ban guns. Peak supply, super low demand, lowest prices ever!
Don't forget the swiss, lots of guns, not much crime, wonder why?
Aero Precision is the best value buy by far. $600 goes furthest with them.
Fuck you OP, I got my commie SKS
Very little poverty
Wages are so high that stealing things isn't as effective to earn money
My gun is in a locker at our base.
Noob here. This looks pretty much the same as OP's other than the fancy holes making it lighter.
What would be the price difference between the two guns and why is one better than the other?
Richest black people commit more crime than the poorest white people.
There are nearly no black people there. But Balkan people are violent, too,
When Germans were poor, they got violent too, no need to remind how violent
Czech recently changed there constitution to include the right to bear arms
Here in Slovakia you can get AR15 (semi-auto). Same in Czech republic. But the EU is pushing to ban guns.
Im so jelly im about to jump that wall
Oh dear, no. It has a rail, so his is heavier, not lighter than OP's. The dick holes are for mounting extra goodies.
>Don't forget the swiss, lots of guns, not much crime, wonder why?
Funny what can happen wo the browns.
I thought Obama's ATF already sent plenty of AR-15s to the drug cartels. Just buy one from them. I'm actually about to buy a Colt LE6920 Mexican contract overrun marked "Mexico".
ay bud, you have to click the post number to reply directly.
>sig optic
Otherwise a good lambasting of that porfag AR.
theyre made in china. sorry to break it to ya.
> no pepe sticker on the AR
get your shit together
I have infinite ammo and don't have to reload your gun is gay.