I didn't grow up being racist, but the older I've gotten the more racist I've become. I feel like I've been driven to it by political correctness and liberals constantly trying to make me feel bad for being white when I've done absolutely nothing wrong.
I didn't grow up being racist, but the older I've gotten the more racist I've become...
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Welcome to the club, twerp. Enjoy your stay.
yeah, its better than wanting the entire world to end atleast.
Welcome to the fucking show. Have white babies. We need them. Have two working on a third. Get on my level and secure a future for the white race.
i know dat feel.
i remember entering uni being all liberal etc. my pops would complain about indians, blacks etc. and i would tell him its wrong to be racist, only to discover he was right all along.
now ive seen that libs have gotten worse and they are very misguided, sheltered, reality-denial fags
If someone had asked me ten years ago if I would feel this way I would have said they were insane.
Now here I am thinking that I should have more white kids, hating immigrants, suspicious of foreigners, disgusted by multiculturalism, etc etc...
I feel that I've been driven to feel this way. I didn't used to be like this.
I was the exact same. All of this has only happened in the last few years.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
>I didn't grow up being racist, but the older I've gotten the more racist I've become. I feel like I've been driven to it by political correctness and liberals constantly trying to make me feel bad for being white when I've done absolutely nothing wrong.
welcome to the new right, friend, now start watching anime
For some reason, whites are terrified of blacks in the swimming pool with them. Good job troll.
No one is born racist. People become racist after being exposed to different races and cultures.
Radicals always create reactionaries. They thought they had already won and didn't have to give a shit about what anyone else thought anymore.
Slap some MAGA hats on those niggers and they'd be BASED.
Idk about racism but I've definetly grown more sexist. Fucking feminazis told me if I was the "nice guy" hot girls would fuck me. Biggest fucking lie ever.
This is kind of what I've realized. I don't see myself as becoming something, just REACTING to what I'm seeing.
I'm repulsed and disgusted by what I'm seeing, therefore I feel I've been pushed to the point where I've actually become something entirely different.
Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Like I said however, if you had told me I would have become this ten years ago I would have told you that you were crazy.
That too. I don't hate women, I just don't let them get away with bullshit double standards anymore. I'm far less sympathetic towards them.
I too have become repulsed by feminism and the sheer craziness of it to the point where I actually take delight in seeing women who are feminists being shamed, humiliated, and "triggered" because I think it's funny.
Far-right movements only spring up when far-left movements are active. This was the case in Weimar Germany and Italy during the Years of Lead
Leftists agitate a lot more, but the right is much better at killing
One thing that is particularly irritating to me is that the left constantly plays the role of the victim when they seem to be doing most of the antagonizing and violence.
Worse yet, they seem to feel justified in doing so because of nothing more than political ideological differences. For example, it's ok for me to punch you in the face because I disagree with you about XYZ and you're a racist who's oppressing people with your evil thoughtcrime.
This makes no sense to me and actually elicits a reaction where I'm ready to fight them back with physical violence as well.
Before now I've never felt the need to get physical over political disagreements. In the past we could just disagree and go about our day, but things seem to be different now. They seem so intent on agitating me that I feel that I need to be prepared to fight if necessary.
This is new territory for me. Again, I feel that it's based on a reaction of the problem that they seem to be causing. Not me. I haven't caused any problems, but their actions certainly have effected me nonetheless.
Hang around a predominately African American neighborhood in the United States.
It's more than just SJW's and word policing.
African Americans are inferior in intelligence, life planning, interpersonal relationships, and really every other life skill necessary to succeed in the current culture of the United States.
I'm not sure institutional racism is real. But I know for a fact the numbers add up to paint a clear picture:
African Americans always have and always will be inferior members of my country.
From my experience, they just want someone else's money. Disagreeing with giving them someone else's money is grounds for automatically being labeled a racist.
I've never understood how someone wanting to keep what they've earned is selfish, while taking from one group and giving it to another who haven't earned it is deemed "compassionate".
Mind boggling.
God has sanctioned us to kill our enemies because they have been shown.
They can laugh now they will die later and so will their offspring world fucking wide!
The best article I've read on this (one cited by Moldbug) explains the problem very well:
>I’ve been told by Americans that they have moved beyond race, but judging from examples such as this, it looks more as if they have established a culture of institutionalized white masochism. It’s not that Americans have moved beyond race, it’s just that the whites have unilaterally surrendered. The United States was almost 90% white as late as 1965, and will be minority white within a couple of generations. I don’t know of any example where the formerly dominant group has become a minority and this has not resulted in a complete change of the nature of that country, or to its dissolution, but in the USA, this entire subject is taboo because it is “racist.” That’s not rational.
This was written in 2007. If only more of us saw it coming sooner than we did.
Its because you have now lived around it for 20-30 years and it is shit and you know better. Kikes and leftist who don't live in your city or nation don't give a fuck. They know what is better for you than you do and the rest of the people of white nations!
I'm the exact fucking same. I had so little respect for my elders or their wisdom. Now im closer to my grandparents then i ever have been as i relaise dfthe value of family once i unshackled myself from the leftist nihilistic materialism.
Further note once they started the darky push they started Xing manufacturing jobs to create middle class job vacuum. These things are done on purpose and might as well be treasonous.
I'll have no problem killing someone I know is 100% my enemy and this nation is full of ANTI WHITE PEOPLE. White Woman are big ones who are anti western anti white male but then they want a prince. I tell ya. They are the most fucked in the head. Feminism fat asses aborting babies. They will keep the sub human mixer baby though. They have a point to prove.