Why aren't we white people openly allowed to celebrate our culture and pride without being called racist bigots? The double standards between any other race and whites is out of hand
Why aren't we white people openly allowed to celebrate our culture and pride without being called racist bigots...
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Youre a sexless virgin
Nobody should have the right to celebrate their bourgeois culture,ethnicity nor nationality.
All cultures should be subject to elimination form the history in order to create new proletarian culture aimed towards betterment of the greater collective good of society.
We do not need an white,black or yellow man but a new soviet man.
Communism doesnt work
You came to the wrong thread fool
>system that put the first man into space does not work
Alright then.
Go get laid faggot. Stop sucking black cocks
I`m quite sure that most jewish elements in the soviets fell out of favor during the great purge.
Similar to how in the wermacht there were half-jews in quite high positions until 1941.
you fool,i kill niggers
And what exactly did that accomplish?
Good riddance,the god emperor will reign for 1000 years
same with straight people.
Fuck off racist pile of shit
Actually Germany created athletic shoes
you're a greasy pervert.
Oh no the racist card,its not like im proud to be racist or anything
do you rape pedos too?
You are a loser. Go rally with your nazi gear fag
Putting the first satellite on this planet on orbit, proving that they can be used for this and other things like observation.
Too bad communist countries turn out poor and everyone starves to death every single time they try communism,OH WAIT Its funny AF
That is an ugly fucking baby
fuck off you pervert pile of grease.
see you there nigger lover.
st patricks day doesn't count. its just an excuse for degenerates to get drunk
Adidas was registered on 18 August 1949 by Adolf Dassler, following a family feud at the Gebrüder Dassler Schuhfabrik company between him and his older brother Rudolf. Rudolf had earlier established Puma, which quickly became the business rival of Adidas, and is also headquartered in Herzogenaurach.
>Says the same thing about niggers...
He said utilizing things that only exist because of capitalism. Inventions and accomplishments is possible the worst argument you could use to defend communism. Pathetic
Get out of your moms basement and stop dreaming about jews and black cocks. Go get some pussy for once. Stop being a loser
i want your ass.
"""Athletic shoes""" were sneakers, did you even bother looking at the link?
>Sneakers go back a long way. In the late 18th century, people wore rubber soled shoes called plimsolls, but they were pretty crude—for one thing, there was no right foot or left foot. Around 1892, the U.S. Rubber Company came up with more comfortable rubber sneakers with canvas tops, called Keds. By 1917, these sneakers began to be mass produced. (They got the nickname sneakers because they were so quiet, a person wearing them could sneak up on someone.)
That same year, Marquis Converse produced the first shoe made just for basketball, called Converse All-Stars. In 1923, an Indiana hoops star named Chuck Taylor endorsed the shoes, and they became known as Chuck Taylor All-Stars. These are the best-selling basketball shoes of all time.
*muffled blyat in the distance*
I dont click Sup Forums links but i guess you make a point
>british mums
i think they mean sandniggers
The only fags who shill "white culture" are Amerimutts. For obvious reasons.
Same, btw, goes for niggers. Tribes in Africa will kill each other over a petty shit or tribal gods. "We wuz" is a know-how of Ameriniggers.
"White nationalism" is american project designed to melt Europe one more time in the cesspool of USA-founded degeneracy by erasing our ancestry in the name of the "White identity" (By (((coincidence))) with the main culture being """american""")
Soviets tried something like that, btw. So you, white matzonalists, shill for actual communist practice.
i think we can agree, conservatism for america, ethnic nationalism for europe and israel
ideally though, texas splits from america so we can do our own thing. i really don't feel that much of a connection to people from oregon or maine.
Mfw when you know all those Facts and you just try to make americans look stupid
Europe was built by the culture of nations living in it. From Roman Empire to a single filthy pagan. Everyone contributed to the Europe's cultural history and heritage. Something that you, plastic mutts, won't understand with your lardbrains.
Europe was, however, ruined by "white culture", that americunts brought during Cold War,. Sexual (((liberty))), degenerate consumerism, tolerance and whatever - every degenerate thing made after war in Europe has it's roots in USA and planners in CIA, to subvert both nationalism and communism at the same time.
Not to mention the "muh 6 gorillions narrative" Hollyjew spoonfed the Krauts and rest of the world.
It seems the symbol of Luxembourgians is blue shirts and sheep on leashes.
>blame all americans for what liberals did
pervert power!
Hahah youre a faggot
Opresseors blah blah blah stealing culture blah blah blah
Because white people are cucks
you just lifted the wrong skirt, mister.
That's not white culture, that's (((white))) culture. Americans used to be based. What else would you recommend for America besides white nationalism? It's not like we can completely undo the last 200 years.
niggers should face facts
Capitalism can utilize them only because of feudalism. Check mate.
honestly i feel we need to split up into different countries. we could all remain allies against the norks and islam, but i get tired of washington telling me how to live.
Communism can utilize food into no food
We already tried that and the fucks attacked us
wow it's almost as if there are (((groups))) of people who want to destroy white people
Nazies can utilize national socialist magic into losing a war.
We can also utilize it into taking all of europe quickly then getting Stabbed in the back by the head jews
yeah man, but as a texan, i just don't feel any brotherhood with people from oregon, new york, or maine. sure, we might be "americans", but i don't feel any connection with them other than political.
i just feel we should be the republic of texas, and go our own way. we could still be freinds and support each other, but we do things different down here then what you guys do up north.
we can also utilize it into the first rocket engine,best tanks,best machine guns,the first assault rifle,and Jobs etc
CSA Forever
fuck those who say we can't!
bump! cause i accidentally left "sage" in from earlier post.
Why is it that anti-whites always know exactly who is white and where white places are when it comes time to hand out blame for all the evils in the world, but when you point out that anti-whites are justifying genocide against those people, they suddenly have no idea who you're talking about?
Born under punches
Just kys fucking commie. Youre the scum of the earth
Wow.. That is brilliant
what did we pay for all this shit? how many billions?
Should NASA funding be abolished?
>1945: 2.5 billion people, 50% white
>2015: 7.5 billion people, 15% white
And we're the evil ones.
Damn that guy got fucked up good
You can say the same about the white race.
Because I got lazy and ate junk and sugar secretly for like 8 years got acne did drugs and drank and did nothing about it cuz I'm lazy and since I didn't fix the zits white people disowned me and made it acceptable for me to withdraw to 'other races'. Honestly, never get down on yourself. I always made a joke my whole 'aw crap I suck' and yo wanna know what? That shit caught up with me. I ended 16 with huge disgusting cyst zits and I just did more 'aw crap I suck' shit. But you wanna know what would have happened if I just said fuck these shitty poor people around me? I coulda/woulda/shoulda stopped sneaking junk when my mom wasn't home, ate healthy, exercised, got buff, attractive to girls, use it or lose it technique, no shitty need porn, and prob wouldn't have got that shitty acne and scars. If I did something about my life. And look now, I'm one ugly piece of shit! I wasn't until I let junk food and emo emus rule my life. I could have had clear non burnt skin my whole life but because I decided on 'aw crap I suck' I got scars and shitty life and shitty debt. Think your insecure w/o any acne while you eat your cap n crunch HOLY SHIT it will be a nightmare to be around girls talking when your saying 'aw crap i suck' with scars. Girls will actually be saying "yea, you actually DO suck"
>Why aren't we white people openly allowed to celebrate our culture and pride without being called racist bigots? The double standards between any other race and whites is out of hand
It's about (((their))) globalist agenda. They want to run a prison planet of race-less, culture-less, nation-less, identity-less subdued sheep. They make up less than 1% of the world's population, yet look at all they control from the world's finances to the media that brainwashes us.
In short, they use the entertainment and news media to encourage globalism and discourage nationalism and traditional western values. They distort and lie about the present and past in that effort.
The truth about immigration, by the numbers:
Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide
The plan to eliminate the white race:
Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:
Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:
Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:
also see
The facts about slavery in North America:
Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:
Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)
The Holocaust:
*it a joke my whole life*, *nerd porn
Ended up* 16
Athletic shoes advanced niggball heros that advanced whote degeneracy. Once again Danke Deutschland !
Kikes are too cheap to pay welfare, after whitey is gone. Niggers and kikes better both wake up.
There is good and bad everywhere. If everybody does their job, close to home, all 50 will be clear
Where are the Native Americans, did they get permission to preserve their ethnical, cultural, or national identity from the whites?
See this as karma, maybe when the white people start preserving others people's culture will the rest of us start caring about the actual white identity endangered, like French creole and Acadians down in Louisiana.