Irish people, Italians and Eastern Europeans weren't "white" a while ago
Irish people, Italians and Eastern Europeans weren't "white" a while ago
And now they're doing just fine. I guess discrimination doesn't have long lasting effects. So black people can shut up now.
Why irish people weren't considered white? They look very similar to british people.
albino niggers
They actually were always considered white, Spics won't unless third world immigration stops and they're either killed or bleached.
No, they were white trash. Kind of are still
True, but they had their own heritage they could be proud of tracing back to the Roman Empire. Europeans could have individual histories before Liberals made everything literally "black" and "white", and in this case Italians definitely fall in the "white" spectrum
>Eastern Europeans
same as above, just different history
we need a bottom tier of society.
better these people than darkies
as long as we defend israel, that's all that matters
Slavs and italians are white
Hail Spaghetti. Hail Slavettes
because brits hated them for a variety of historical reasons and tried to genocide them whenever possible. perfidious albion...
Polish chicks > Western chicks
They still aren't fucking white either. Irish people are, they're certainly white but they're still inferior to other Europeans. Slavs are white skinned but huge subhumans that are just slightly above niggers. Even East Asians are above Slavs.
Mediterraneans are too mixed with Arabs and North Africans to be considered white anymore. Sorry, this is the truth
The concept of "white" was an American invention. Brits hated the Irish because they were not British. Also illiterate potato farmers.
If by "a while ago" you mean when queen victoria was alive
Let me get this through your thick head. What you think of as white is really just a breakdown of the idealistic White Anglo-Saxon-Protestant bar of what it means to be part of the american majority. and Ironically its in reverse order.
First bar to be removed was the protestant part. Scots-Irish and German Catholics saw to that.
Second to go was the Anglo-Saxon requirement. Because mediterraneans can be just as pale, if not paler. Nevermind the slavs
Now all thats left is the White part, and now thats being broken down by the hispanics and the muslims
Eat a dick nigga
Those girls have negro and Amerindian admixture.
and they still aren't
good goy!
gimmie your PayPal and i'll give you a shekel
keyword "White" trash. May be categorizing, but still white
We have leafs, 'nuff said
Yes, sorry if that wasn't clear. Irish are and were always white.
Where can I read about what u just said
because theyre spanish and if on a census will label themselves as such.
Theres hispanic, and non hispanic white for a reason
>tfw italian irish mutt
>tfw Sup Forums hates me and liberals
Feels bad mon
the eternal anglo strikes out against any who oppose him
why does Sup Forums think hispanics are white but italians arent
I fucking love these mestizas
Before someone asks, I dont have the source
>thinking catholics are white
pedopriests are willing to rape any child
>tfw German/Italian/Irish mutt
hello brother
yah, and they still arent. Dumb thread
The women you are portraying as people from the lands you mentioned are chicano. Fuck off kike.
Fucking history book retard, think about it for a moment or is critical thinking too much and overloads your braincells?
Who was the immigrant population being bitched about and why?
First were the celtics and catholic germanics. Briefly followed by the chinese out west.
Then it was the meditteraneans slavs, and jews.
Now the immigrant populations we hate are chinks, muzzies and afroniggers
Shit dont change, just the shit thats imported
I'm a spic and they are fucking ugly bro, fuck.
>This summer, Jim Carey stars in...
>Three Amigas
They're "white" for the time being, but when the real white man (specifically the Anglos) establishes hegemony, their status as "white" is as good as gone. I hope Italians, Irish and Slavs understand this because whites will seperate themselves.
Kind of? But the novelty of them being triplets I think and their nice smiles are too qt
those shitskins are not white and will never be
That is a serious case of sameface
For some reason every time I see Mexican girls I find them unattractive even if they're attractive.
Like these girls are pretty but all I can think about it how they'll have 7 kids in a few years, get fat as fuck, and how they're probably really trashy and into rap music and marijuana, how they probably have like 14 illegal cousins and how they're most likely on welfare ruining my fucking country.
I just hate Mexicans so fucking much for being the worst minorities that even these pretty mexican girls are disgusting to me. Gross!
The concept of whiteness as a unifying factor was only established in the West by Americans who distinguished themselves from Africans, Mexicans and natives. Europeans in Europe only evaluated inferiority and superiority on national or micro-ethnic rather than racial or macro-ethnic lines. So us Brits have always considered the Irish inferior, but not non-white.
However, the white Americans pretty much invented this. When the Irish came, they weren't white (most anti-Irish propaganda you see is actually from America), as well as the Italians.
yes most south americans are native/spainiard/italian halfbreeds, depending on the nation the ratio varies
Skin color and race are two different things. Nazi's are just special needs fucks who want to be like the one group they envy the most, "The Jews." They want to be as pure blooded as the hasidic Jews.
those are m*xican
NJ or NY?
Niggers began at Calais
italians still aren't. same with spaniards
the one on the left is unironically hideous.
It wasn't they weren't 'white'; they were not Protestants.
This whole Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, Mormon fight was much more intense than today (and usually they just ignored the Mormons). Now it's any Christians vs Muslims with Jews and Buddhists caught in the middle, and Mormons just wanting some quiet time.
Read again, you dumb nigger.
I like it when Amerimutts decide who's wh*Te and who's not
Wasn't the discrimination mainly in the US?
>They're "white" for the time being,
no they're, m*xican-"americans"
never will be white.
even if our kike government says so.
and it's beautiful!
In the same vein that you roaches think y'all are European. You reek of insecurity.
because they built the largest concentration of white people from nothing?
Can you imagine planting your seed inside each of those fertile young mestizo wombs one after the other in a wild 4some
I'm glad this thread exists so we can see who the true enemies are.
Yes. I live in Boston where my grandfather used to tell me about walking past some stores in the North End that would have signs on it that said "no Irish hired" or something along the lines of how Irish weren't allowed
Same exact thing that happened in Belfast, Irish catholics weren't being hired or were discriminated against and there was riots and bloody sunday happened. Very similar shit happened in the U.S.
Yes. Overwhelmingly so. Pic related is an American cartoon. Brits, we had a pretty good period with the Irish after the 18th century until the Irish began rebelling in terms of British opinion of the Irish.
The American nativists, however, completely despised the Irish and treated them worse than we did (on a day to day basis, so disregarding the famine and so on), including subhuman propaganda.
Pic related is an American cartoon.
this is how things are done in texas
white dudes with latina girls, latino dudes with white girls; white dudes with asian girls, white girls with black dudes
I'm half anglo, other half is med/slav so RIP
Not true.
They were major victims of the Klan to in the 1920's.
Fuck them honestly Irish are niggers
When forms/the govt ask for your race and then if you're hispanic, the implication is that being Hispanic or not is a separate thing from race, which is, of course, fucking retarded.
They are part of the Vatican's monarchy, user. Or were.
muricans have always being scum.
We don't think we're European lmao you underage amerimutt subhuman
They are low IQ trash. Find a good White girl instead.
Fine, you can be white Paco.
>Have your fucking papers in order and pay your god damned taxes.
Certainly not you and your disgusting people aren't kek
who goes with black girls or with asian guys?
Not sure I believe that you are white.
Good post, lad. Very good post.
that's right you amerimuttt
i'm glad you at least know that
>Find a good White girl instead.
I do
T. Mestizo low IQ monkey.
Fuck you captain Sweden
I believe in the early American nativists view of who should have been allowed in this country
Only white, anglo and Germanic PROTESTANT peoples. Irish, Mediterraneans, catholics, all no fucking better than niggers
Nothing else to save that state but another Mexican-American War, I'm afraid.
black girls are single moms in many cases, most are with black guys a few with non-black guys
asian guys split between white/latina/asian whatever they can get, some are single too
I agree that ethnic homogenity should be preserved in every country, including Anglo-German America, but Irish and Meds are not subhuman. You're forgetting that empire that came from Meds that basically civilised your ethnic homeland.
Wait I'm confused, why are you of all people criticizing Americans for "not being white enough" when you're a Turk, a literal brown subhuman
Are you really a fucking white nationalist when you're Turkish? KEK that's sad
Undercover Jesuit detected.
They were.
That meme is mostly due to butthurt Brits because they were BTFO off their island.
Kind of like using the term "Normans" when it's too painful to remember they were conquered by the French :D
only the pretty black girls (top 5%) get with white dudes, niggers get so salty over this FACT.
asian guys get nobody lol - they have to white wash themselves badly and get a good career going to hook up with a white girl (asian girls only fiend for white dudes)
He isn't, he's the infamous "wh*teS" poster that's been here for a couple of months now that shitposts white people
>You're forgetting that empire that came from Meds that basically civilised your ethnic homeland.
That's when Mediterraneans weren't heavily mixed with north africans and arabs. Now they're nothing but typical brown subhumans. Also what have Irish ever created? What have Irish done? Nothing. They've just been ISIS-tier terrorists and drunks that came here and voted for welfare like niggers.
> tfw 100% Irish
> tfw never going back home to partake in parochial politics and GAA faggotory
> tfw you will never know that 90% of your countrymen are retards
Don't even know what Jesuits are tbqh. I don't care about denominations: you're either a sola fide person who reads the Bible in his own language or you're a heretic.
This is a stupid viewpoint frankly. If you are exaggerating for the purpose of memes well alright but if you even believe what you said partially then I seriously believe that you have the IQ of a nigger.
actually dude nearly a fifth of asian men have white wives in america; most are still married to asian women though
I'm not criticizing Amerimutts for not being wh*Te enough, i'm just criticizing them for being Amerimutts
you're literal subhumans, even worse than wh*Tes themselves.
the Irish will never be white
deal with it
I agree on the Irish not being a very pioneering people (funny how the WELSH have more inventions than the Irish), but Meds were still leading the world during the Renaissance and still can claim many innovations since.
I don't think you understand how racemixing works in the US
this senpai, the only """attractive""" older latinas are caked with makeup and barely maintain decent shape. They're ticking timebombs of stout fat muds
go back to 2chan you damn dog eater
Is it legal to make fun of Ataturk in Turkey? Pic related