What are Sup Forums's thoughts on my home state, Kentucky?

What are Sup Forums's thoughts on my home state, Kentucky?

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Creationist Museum

Texan here, it's a pretty based state. Always enjoy my time out in Paducah.

thanks user

Poor (and inbred) man's Tennessee

I don't think twice about you guys and when I hear "Kentucky" I just think of KFC.

Wisconsinfag who's lived here for ~15 years. It's a pretty cool state, I just miss the snow.


Last couple winters I've been up there it's snowed, granted a light dusting. But being from Houston it's definitely a different climate, the ice storms are awful.

Ayo east central reporting in. Truly the best state. It's like the South but without all the heat and niggers.

Texas doesn't have an income tax? Damn that's pretty cool.

Forgot to clarify: was talking about KY.

this guy

Live in Louisville, has tons of Culture, best thing in the Indi-Cinci-Louisville triangle

Nignogs about in Louisville, mate.


t. Lexington

youre a pretty good neighbor tbqh

t. virginian

lots of users of cigarettes
Good college basketball teams
fat and poor rednecks
Mohammad Ali/Cassius Clay

In Virginia we call you the "chicken state". I like Kentucky though, and I've thought about moving there.

Ron and Rand Paul
that senator that looks like a turtle
that actor that married a lebanese lawyer

The only thing I know about Kentucky is what they portray (though filmed in Northern California) on Justified

so I love it


Niggers are in Louisville, some parts of Lexington, and Cinncinati niggers are bleeding over into Newport in the North but that's about it.

There's a huge dense suburban and rural population of whites outside of cities so demographically we're pretty okay outside of the biggest cities.

Annoying southern neighbor.

Always liked Kentucky. Nice people, nice landscape. A welcome escape from the long bullshit drive that is Ohio. Many many trailer parks though

>Oldham county reporting in
God I love this state. Beautiful hill country and so much culture. Louisville is a clean, vibrant city on a shimmering waterfront. I wish there was more to be said about eastern KY :(
Fuck Indiana!!

Yeah that's the containment area. I go months without seeing a nigger, there's a mulatto that delivers my pizza but he doesn't even live in town. When I go to Lex for something I never even see any.

Best state in the Union

Kentucky chicken is named after a real place??!1

I met Rad Rand like a week ago. He's a pretty chill dude desu

Did anyone go to Forecastle last month? Incredible experience.

A lot of backwards thinking people.

The Ohio/Kentucky/West Virginia area in particular.

However, bourbon is far and away the best liquor on the planet. I use to be big on Scotch whiskey, but bourbon has changed my mind. I think it is something to be immensely proud of, as an American.

I don't give a shit about college sports.


kek, hello fellow bluegrass user.

Ever been to Bowling Green?

TN here. Love Kentucky. Great state.

Went to college in BG for a semester last year. Complete shithole, one bar (Hilligans), full of whiny liberals
>Trump gets elected
>half the campus riots

Shit I forgot all about college football. Anyway, you're a great state. Bama fag here.

Louisville is a charming comfy town. Nigger situation? It's a beautiful respite after driving through the monotonous hell of Indiana and Illinois. You've got some hills going on in the vicinity too. I'm a bourbon neat kind of guy. Best spirit in the world. Scotch has a higher absolute ceiling but in practice bourbon is just way better boozing, better for the price, and Islay peat is a nightmare. Plus you're not paying the Queen year upon year, which adds up big time due to Scotch's much greater aging requirements. Bourbon works so well even with "hot" 2-4 year old whiskeys, while scotch is kind of go posh or go home.

Anyway, I've always thought KY had a charming character all its own, and nice mild winters for a continental climate.

HAHAHAHAHA, you remember that shit too?

Lot of """""""incidents"""""" after that, like inconspicuous notes being slipped under doors and random racial slurs scratched onto cars.

I'm totally sure it wasn't a false flag.
Not at all.

How is christianity and food there? I'm considering visiting, but I don't like places with bad food and cucked churches.

I was studying Journalism and had to write reports about all that nonsense. I really could not fit in in that city. Fuck that hill, btw

one part of my family moved to kentucky in the 80's, grew up with them visiting us occasionally telling us how great life was in there, peaceful and quiet, that we should go to, but americans dont want us they see us as shitskins even though my entire family is nordic white.

so yea right now im pretty much pic related, watching the downfall of my kind in its ancestral home, from a safe distance. like watching your castle burn from miles away and the only other feeling i have is to move even further. inb4 defeatist scum, at least i have a white gf.

tell me op, do you think there is hope for a european refugee like me in your lands, would your people take me and my future family in? the only part of me im not willing to assimilate is football, you know it as soccer.

Sucks because the journalism degree is supposed to be one of the best in the country, but yeah that fucking hill blew out the soles of my shoes from friction and cost me 70$.

cities are always libshit cancer as a rule of thumb.

dude I've come across Amish/Mennonite communities in Kentucky and they still speak German to this day.

You would be fine.

Born and raised in Louisville I fucking hate it. Louisville isn't really Kentucky though. Lexington and Covington/Newport are pretty cool.

Go to Massachusetts, tons of Portuguese there. They practically run Boston.

>Go to louisville
>Sex shops and hippy dippy mushroom pizza
>Step into Appalachia Kentucky
>Oh fuck I just crossed into a portal to another planet

Any church that doesn't immediately shun you for browsing Sup Forums is cucked. You are guaranteed going to hell if there is one, trust me buddy.

There are churches in Kentucky that still forbid women to wear pants dude, Christianity is all over the place in the state.

I admire your bourbon and I liked Justified Kentuckybro. Care to join the Pennsylvania Reich?

My oneitis (a short curvy jewess) turned into a lesbian after going to college in Bowling Green.

>Implying Sup Forums isn't a christian board

The only sex shop in Lou I can think of is across from Metro Corrections, kek
Mellow Mushroom is outstanding pizza

Just moved to richmond ky 3 months ago from maine. I fucking love kentucky. The blacks tend to stay in the cities and most everyone is friendly to a point. Plenty of work and cheap living

I like there Calzones, but I always have price regret desu

Picture needs moar ale 8

(Louisville here), There are a lot of churches especially in the suburbs and they range from Baptist shit to Catholic Parishes + Schools. The food's alright but the good stuff is in a newer downtown neighborhood called "Nulu" (As in New Louisville)

Maybe, nothing really happens here except for the two weeks before Derby. Soccer isn't that popular here because Chad "College Basketball" Thundercock. There actually are a decent amount of pro soccer games that happen here in the Bats Stadium though.

Pennsylvania's a bit far away but I'm up for it

>giving yourself the right to judge people
>implying you are a voice of reason to christians

From Winchester. Always seems to be a lot of Kentuckians on here.

thats good to know but i honestly dont even identify with other portuguese i feel like im an outsider who speaks their language. because of my nordic looks people never really treated me as one of them, never treated me badly though dont get me wrong.

part of the reason i want to leave is to find a place i can really call home and start anew. im not looking for an ethnostate just a calm place with grass and nice neighbours

Great state. Kentucky Is my favorite US state after Montana

>average WKU students

this is way too hard to come across

>my entire family is nordic white
How did that happen?

Louisville resident here, I've lived here and in oldham county my whole life. shits cozy.

>tfw work downtown and have to deal with nigs on the daily
>guns errwhere
>amazing food from alot of different cultures
>tfw I have to lie or dodge politics to get laid.
>heroin problem in the city
>cheap livin can be found if lucky.

If you're white you'll be fine. And I'm assuming you're racist, so Kentucky should be a-okay. The rest depends on how you sound. If you sound like a foreign faggot and don't get neologisms and don't cotton to things like bourbon, pickup trucks, fishing, and basketball, you're better off going to a real city as a Eurofag.

I went down to Lake Cumberland last week and that shit was in every store and vending machine.

It's where Jim Beam comes from.
Protip: Australia is run by cashed up bogans and we all got shit faced on Beam at some stage.
Many babbies were made.

Lived my whole life in LaGrange. Quaint little city

Thats what you get for schooling in bg user


Lexington fag here, best town and you all know it. The worst thing you have to deal with is college basketball fans. This place is based and you know it.

We have Rand.
Based Abe was born here.
We are the bourbon masters, shoutouts to We have real Kentucky Fried Chicken in real restaurants that aren't named KFC. Our shitty KFC chains are better too, still shit.
We have the best horses, when the EMP hits we'll be the fastest tribe.
We have Muhammad Ali, but I think he's from Louisville so fuck him. Fuck Louisville, not real Kentucky.
Beautiful landscapes, plenty of nice small towns near the city (fuck the ones near Louisville), affordable land, solid demographics, everybody makes eye contact and exchanges pleasantries, lots of milfs.
Ohio and Tennessee are great brother states, fuck Indiana though. Sorry Indiana.
Religion has a strong presence, gay shit is contained on college campus, lots of small business mobility, and a low cost of living. This state kicks ass and we're Top 10 at least for red-pilled states. Only places I would ever move are Texas if I want it hotter and Maine if I want it colder.

Fuck Louisville.

>fuck the ones near Louisville
my sides because it's true


Hey winchester fag. Thanks for the swampwater

im not really sure, we only managed to trace our family back to norway in the 1900's who moved to belgium and after WW2 they moved to northern portugal for some reason, most of our history is lost desu, we all kinda split up here, like i said, a chunk of it went to the US, another chunk went to spain and my chunk stayed.

now im doing the same my recent ancestors did, move around and try to find the perfect place to settle down.

KY has some of the best-tasting tap water in the country. Those who know, know



In America nobody gives a shit where you're from, as long as you work and speak English. Shitskins just don't generally conform to this standard. If you want rural and don't need an ethnic enclave than KY will be fine. If you want suburbs with friendly neighbors you should check out central Ohio. It's a little more cosmopolitan.

Ya, lot's of lefties from California and other high taxed states are figuring that out...

I know. I can't stand bottled water because of it

but gommunism magic works wonders user, that's why god almost went full Noah on the entire state because their artificial dams almost exploded a while back because of state neglect

cunninlynguists are the greatest hip hip group God has ever concieve and their producer is from KY, you have my respect from NJ

given that my family are essentially northern nomads i didnt really pick up an accent, honestly i grew up playing american games and tv so i have an americanish accent, i dont sound like a eurofag. i dunno, i guess im used the country lifestyle, and calm things, id love to do fishing. not really racist just hate degeneracy.

I was there in 2007. People were nice, hush puppies were good, but your state highways are in as bad of condition as county roads in wi where it frost heaves every year.

Fuck abe, he's a stain on our glorious state. Jefferson Davis is much better.

when they DO fix the roads they do that bullshit where it takes 3 years for them to finish it and they shut down all the lanes except one, so I hate when they don't fix them and I hate when they do

Spaghetti Junction fixed, runs smoothly

They get way too excited over African handball. That should tell you a lot. The eastern part of the state is one of the most depressing places you could ever visit. The highest amount of disability fraud in the nation occurs there and it's been going on for generations. Everyone looks like they are inbred
>Muh Coal mines

Is it just a small county by county tax base, or what? Up here it's a very small tax base, and it will break somewhere garaunteed every winter from frost and thaw multiple times so they let the county ones rot, but the state roads are redone every decade or so and kept in good condition. There's even paving companies right along the highways here.

lol go to bed dustin

Don't listen to those fags. I think you make a fine hat for Tennessee.

You got Rand Paul. I envy you.

I know an asian dude named Dustin, but I'm not Dustin sorry man.