>people seriously thought Trump was the anti-war candidate
People seriously thought Trump was the anti-war candidate
Other urls found in this thread:
Compared to Hillary? Sure. Compared to Gary Johnson, probably not.
>At least the bank robber isn't a rapist!
republicans are the warmongers. they have to feed red meat to their rural right wing retard inbred redneck meth head base
That's actually a fair analogy. I'd rather be robbed than raped.
Yet there's only one of those you'd be uncomfortable sharing a bed with, likewise there's only one type of person I'm uncomfortable taking the big seat at the white house.
>declares war for nuclear proliferation
>monster! monger! evil man!
>declares war to prevent Libyan economic hegemony in Africa
>yeah that's okay, it's just the game that our ambassador gets raped with a bayonet
the jews hedge their bets, get the outcomes they planned.
still happy hillary didn't win. she seems so unlikable
>not at war yet
>every president in the past 50 years has talked tough
stop believing the media shills
He doesn't want war. But he has sworn to protect the sovereignty of our nation and our allies. When the enemy tries to put you in the corner, what other choice do you have? Does he draw a figurative red line as Obama did, and continually allow the enemy to cross it? The norks have been warned time and time again, Trump has no choice.
>not at war yet
>neocons and neoliberals spend trillions on middle east wars while the Norks build their nuclear weapons potential over a couple of decades finally leading up to nuclear icbm capability
>it's trumps fault, he's a warmonger
Our country is fucked
Most Canadian post ever, made me remeber the days when the rural and suburban retard joke was big and it was always leafs posting it
Considering that we were supposed to be playing fallout 5 already it looks bretty gud
War is not bad. Unwarranted war that provides resources and or benenifts to the people is bad. Like obama and bush did
Sage this slide thread
>it's trumps fault, he's a warmonger
DPRK has the right to have nuclear weapons to defend themselves from yankee imperialists. You are just upset the tables have turned on and third world can now attack you.
>Unwarranted war that provides resources and or benenifts to the people is bad.
Brainwashed Amerifat
Faggot. Being scared is the gayest shit you can be next to a Canadian
Archive or screenshot please
Trump tweets Fox News story with anonymous sources after criticizing practice
>DPRK has the right to have nuclear weapons to defend themselves from yankee imperialists. You are just upset the tables have turned on and third world can now attack you.
I know you're a larper, but my argument is that North Korea could have been dealt with, but the neocons and neoliberals kept kicking the can down the road until the point we are at today, all for their middle eastern wars.
Yeah who cares if the human race won't live past the 21st century! We had a good run.
198,000 BCE - 2017 CE
What war has he started?
North Korea is small time. They're a rogue state that can't do shit that nobody would miss and that could be destroyed with minimal loses to US soldiers and civilians if we hit hard and fast.
That's different than Hillary wanting to take down RUSSIA, CHINA, AND IRAN.
The Korean War 2: Nuclear Boogaloo
>implying Trump isn't trying to prevent a war
>implying the norks wouldn't be continuing nuisance without Trump
> but my argument is that North Korea could have been dealt with,
>The Agreed Framework between the United States of America and the Democratic People's Republic of Korea was signed on October 21, 1994 between North Korea (DPRK) and the United States. The objective of the agreement was the freezing and replacement of North Korea's indigenous nuclear power plant program with more nuclear proliferation resistant light water reactor power plants, and the step-by-step normalization of relations between the U.S. and the DPRK. Implementation of the agreement was troubled from the start, but its key elements were being implemented until it effectively broke down in 2003.
>The term axis of evil was used by U.S. President George W. Bush in his State of the Union address on January 29, 2002, and often repeated throughout his presidency, to describe governments that his administration accused of sponsoring terrorism and seeking weapons of mass destruction. Iran, Iraq, and North Korea were portrayed by Bush during the State of the Union as building nuclear weapons. The notion of such an axis was used to pinpoint these common enemies of the United States and rally the American populace in support of the War on Terror.
Yes I agree user Republicans caused this mess.
In the 1990's Trump was advocating dealing with No Korea. Meanwhile Bill Clinton was providing them with nuclear technology "for peaceful energy" generation.
We've been at war with North Korea for 50 years. Trump might be the first president ballsy enough to actually end it.
>implying Trump isn't trying to prevent a war
fire and fury comments are something anti-war activists say all the time.
Trump is the code pink of presidents.
>small time
you cant be this stupid.
>We've been at war with North Korea for 50 years.
Nice manipulating of words you fucking faggot.
Rural and suburban detected see
The Korean war never ended. It says that right in your screencap. America is still technically at war with North Korea, so we can attack each other at any time without a declaration of war (since the declaration from the 50s is still active).
WW1, WW2, Korea, Vietnam, and even the Civil war (to some extent) where all Democrats. Then we have Spanish American war, gulf war, and the Iraq war for the Republicans. Those two lists seem don't seem very balanced.
I'm talking about the last 40 years.
WW1 and WW2 America was attacked by the enemy. Republicans would have just surrendered because they're anti-American pussies.
FDR won WW2 and put America on top of the world. God bless him. Greatest president of all time.
>so we can attack each other at any time without a declaration of war (since the declaration from the 50s is still active).
There was no deceleration of war passed by Congress you faggot.
Literally when did anyone say that
>north korea
>uncontainable nuclear capability
Korean missiles are Chinese surplus patchwork shit they can barely get to work. They can't hit shit, probably not even the south without them being taken down by MODERN SAM SYSTEMS. If we hit them now they'll never develop to do anything with them.
Personally I think we should've hit them instead of Iraq since that was their worst point, they've steadily gotten stronger since then. If we don't eventually take them out they will eventually actually pose a threat. Right now they don't.
Like they won't turn around and pull random ransoms on countries around the world
>Literally when did anyone say that
Literally there was a lot of retards on here i 2015/2016 saying Trump would "bring and end to the neocon wars" and "fight Israel" once in office.
>Like they won't turn around and pull random ransoms on countries around the world
Which country used nuclear weapons in war? Oh right.
Hillary just said Trump is being North Korea's best friend.
You need to learn a bit more about Woodrow Wilson my friend. And if you honestly think the Democrats and the repub have significantly changed over the past 100 years you're retarded. Both of them are up to the same old tricks. Also FDR, was a power hungry dictator who used social programs to get votes. I'm just glad God struck him down before he could go any farther towards making America a one party system. Read about the court packing scandal.
Apples to oranges comparison, see
Nice source faggot
>No, Hillary Clinton Would Not Have Threatened North Korea With "Fire, Fury and Power"
The great switch is a made up term to fool people on both sides into thinking that either the Democrats or the Republicans now holds their best interest.
Plus we are talking about foreign policy, while your "great switch" is based around a switch in domestic policy.
Click on the Periscope that talks about fire and fury
War with nk is better for the world than a war with russia
What was going to happen with that no flush zone over Syria then?
Fuck off leafnigger.
I wonder if there would be rape insurance with hymen restauration in an ancap society.
What an alpha male. Look how badly he hurt that manlets feelings
>people seriously think trump is going to start a war
>if he does it will be a justified war with fag Korea
>it won't even be a war, we'll just blow that shit up
>implying if shillary had the power she wouldn't be sending troops to russia right now
He was the anti war candidate and he is the stomp them in 4 days President.
>too friendly
>fire and fury
Pick one.
What a shame. It's about time our degeneracy has caught up with us.
Both of you leaves are faggots.