Serious question. What's the best approach to handling this situation? Strike after they strike? Strike now and hard? Don't take their bait?
So what the fuck should be done with burgers?
>let Kim nuke west coast cities
>give Kim a medal
>have a way, way better country then we did before
>What's the best approach to handling this situation?
spank that nk faggot for having a worse haircut than trump does.
then give him a medal for the same reason 'cause that shit takes some effort.
why not just nuke the whole world and let nature start over?
humans were a mistake
Bomb the shit out of these commies they have 10 nuclear warheads we have 15,000
Once the first nuke touches burger land you will all shit yourselves and surrender faster than a Frenchman.
To be safe you should intern all Chinese americans and executed the ones that post shit like this
You're breaking the scale there, boy.
Or maybe burgers should stop talking shit before the get nuked the fuck out.
How many nukes does NK actually have? 1? 2?
fuck them
nothing leave it alone
I dont see any problem, in a way they must have a nukes so they can protect themselfs from the jewish run America, we all know what happen to Gadaffi,Osama and much more
amERICA IS THE CANCER RPOJECTING NK being the bad guy, but NK has the sovets and the chinesse on there side more so america can politely fuck off
You sound like one of those hippie cat ladies "people suck -only animals are good" - But they wont off themselves because THEY'RE dIfFeReNt
latest guess is about 60 nukes, which is not a count of missile bodies but nuke packages
>yfw they hire illegals to drive a truck to yellowstone
dust storm comin, ani!
>too scared to use own flag
another pussy thread SAD
Please god just bomb china/India and all the US cities with heaps of chinks/poos. Problem solved
>implying anyone who gives a shit won't already have a proxy
Nigger :^)
Kim you done fucked up
>Let Kim nuke west coast cities
>1/6 of US GDP gone
>haha libtards btfo
don't us burgers have intercept missiles?
could we stop detonate a nuclear missile before it touches down, or am i mistaken?
Thess are the fairy tales your government tells you so you feel safe enough to support them in to launching a new invasion.
I already did my time. Fucking let either country burn.
>This is the fairy tales
>Thess are the fairy tales
you tried
Yep that was pathetic I'll admit.
We would also have like 1/6 less people, so it'll all balance out in the end.
It only works about 50% of the time and that's with one missile. The more missiles coming, the less effective it is.
I'll happily die in the nuclear hellstorm if it means the rest of you do too
No, but it will be hilarious watching leftists rush to kims defense after we nuke them back because they hate Trump so much
Best? Boomers off the coast open up a full volley. Pyongyang gone in less then 10 minutes from go order. Followup strikes by B-2s at any location that seems like it's on the move. ICBMs on standby for launch detection from China or Russia. Once N.K. goes quiet, and no military movement is confirmed, send in diplomats to deal with the new North Korean junta that takes over.
Announce to the world the threat of WW3 has now been diminished and the next order of business is Crimea and the South China Sea. Those guys will get the hint and remember that we are the only people crazy enough to use nuclear weapons against our enemies.
But it won't happen. Too many cowards. Need balls in the White House. We got a shriveled old sack.
If ANYONE nukes us, it would be the ultimate redpill. Let's hope it is NK.. Their nukes don't even register in the megaton range, and the response would be three 40 megaton warheads during a time when the wind blows south-to-north in that area of the world. China would catch the fallout, and the Kim dynasty would be to blame. Even China has been telling Mr. Kim to chill the fuck out. I don't understand the end-game quite yet, but it's coming to a head soon.
> Even China has been telling Mr. Kim to chill the fuck out. I don't understand the end-game quite yet, but it's coming to a head soon.
China is only acting that way. In reality they'd love it if kim nuked one of our fleets because that would allow them to assert more control in the south china sea
>So what the fuck should be done with burgers?
show them some trouble rubble
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reminder every Nazi nu-flag larper is a Jew
Reminder most burgers are mutt.
Strike after they "strike," obviously, moron.
The destruction pays for themselves.