Have any of you read Atlas Shrugged?
Is it truly an amazing book and well-written? Worth the very long read?
What was one notable theme that you took away from it?
Have any of you read Atlas Shrugged?
Is it truly an amazing book and well-written? Worth the very long read?
What was one notable theme that you took away from it?
Other urls found in this thread:
objectivism is win
Jew shit. Literally praises cuckoldry as a virtue.
It's trash, along with the rest of her "philosophy".
Isn't the whole point of the book the exact opposite?
That the hard working and creative minds shouldn't carry everyone else?
I enjoyed it enough. But this is bait and not worth anything.
The author seems full of herself and shows it to the reader. Also near the end of the book there is a fucking 30 page monologue from one of the main characters where he gives a speech about basically everything the book was about. I could barely read 3 pages of it. Fuck that noise.
But overall it was a good book worth one or two reads
Ayn Rand died while subsisting on welfare.
She didn't even practice what she preached.
Is it worth the read? Yes.
The writing is hit or miss. Rand writes in a very romantic which usually makes for very poetic pieces, but sometimes she tries too hard and comes up with pretentious sounding word salad.
The philosophy itself is another matter. Objectivism is a meme, but calling it a meme is even more of a meme.
If you consider yourself right wing, then it's a decent starting point, but the philosophy appeals directly to angsty, know-it-all teenagers, so take that how you will.
Read it, learn from it, move on to better stuff.
t. Randroid throughout highschool
>(((Atlas Shrugged)))
>trust (((outsiders))), ahem don't be a looter
>don't help your community, ahem moochers
>be a good goy like Eddie Willers instead
>let jewish catladies make your decisions
>be a beta orbiter like Rearden and d'Anconia too
>The Rules of Acquisition govern your life now
>get back to work goy
gas this shit
The monologue is 70 pages in the standard version.
Living on welfare was against her wishes, if I remember correctly. Furthermore, it could be justified by the fact that she spent her entire life putting money into what she viewed as a parasitic system, so maybe she felt entitled to draw benefit from it.
Regardless, this is about the book, not the author.
Objectivism is fucking cancer for your soul. People who succeed do so because they can understand what other people need and then figure out how to give it to them. Objectivism teaches you to be a selfish narcisistic retard with no empathy for others. Every person I've ever met in corporate America who called themselves an objectivist is a fucking useless retard. Also, Ayn Rand was a Russian PsyOp who showed up in America with 3 shitty pre-written books and mysteriously enough money to immediately gain access to DC high society. Atheism is the religion of retards btw. Smart people can use the God-given power of rational thought to deduce the existence of God.
hey pol, who is your ideal casting choice for (((Dagny Taggart)))?
>Ayn Rand died while subsisting on welfare.
False. She took medicaid to help pay for her lung cancer treatment.
In any case, she paid social security all her life, so if anything the money was hers to begin with.
>Living on welfare was against her wishes, if I remember correctly.
Against her wishes? I'm pretty sure nobody wants to live on welfare mate.
And it's not like she didn't have a choice to decide to starve to death for her beliefs, she could have and other people who espoused the same beliefs as her as a matter of fact did.
She was weak.
It's just some Jewish lady justifying being a cunt
It espouses a great philosophy; but don't take that philosophy too serious, still be you while giving it credence.
People who militantly follow it are assholes and tend to have no friends.
Lisa Anne
The Fountainhead is better as a story about two different men, one being praised as a success who is never really allowed to succeed, and the other being one who defies society and makes success for himself in a world that declared him a failure.
You are so retarded holy shit
Ayn Rand didn't believe in any government yet benefited from the American government
She wanted to bring down the system that kept her alive, she was literally a parasite
Stop lying.
>Rand didn't believe in any government
Rand hated anarchists. If you had read a word she wrote, then you would know that.
>she didn't believe in any government
She outlined the government's role in Atlas Shrugged - protecting it's citizens from foreign threats, rights violations, etc.
She believed in an anarcho-capitalist utopia, but that doesn't mean she wanted the entire American system to collapse.
It got me into classic liberalism/the austrian school of economics. So i'm glad I've read it. It's shit writing but it's a must. I think it displays egoism and upstanding moral values too.
It's one of, if not, the best selling book in the US. Make what you want of that sentence.
The protagonist is a (((liberated))) feminist whore fucking her way to John Galt.
> hated anarchists
Galt's Gultch was an anarcho-capitalist's wet dream, minus the memes
>300 page monologue
Just write a fucking essay, Rand. Women writers.
This in large part. Book is not perfect but rather an answer in opposition to collectivism. Her book Anthem is a shorter more distilled look at same.
Sup Forums asks itself every day , " Who Is John Galt ? "
In a way I guesse you are a bit right. For someone who so vehemently believed in savage capitalism, she chose a pretty unprofitable career as a book writer.
In a way it's a bit hypocritical of her to choose that, which was likely her passion, and not something more profitable.
You do realize Ayn Rand got a free education from a college in the Soviet Union?
It wasn't just medicare.
>Aynus rand
Harry Potter is at least 7 times better than fatlas sharted.
IDK why burgers like assgas sherbert so much. Probably because it's nearly picture book tier in terms of writing.
Any right wing Nazi dumbass who reads fatass lassgas shiggy doggy fugged is probably better off reading fucking warrior shats
A bit unfair of you to account that since she was young when that happen, and didn't have a choice.
If they come to take it all away from you, burn it to the ground.
(You) use a lot of ass metaphors.
>fag flag
Read the "Fountainhead" and "We the Living" instead. It gets her ideology across, and isn't too long winded.
>A bit unfair of you to account that since she was young when that happen, and didn't have a choice.
Oh come the fuck on.
You think little poor Ayn Rand was forced against her will to take free education? That if she had a choice, she'd eschew this enormous socio-economic ladder being offered her to suffer all by her objectivist, lonesome, self?
She was a parasite that benefitted massively from the systems she demonized.
I feel like the core element wasn't that one should build their life around maximizing their profit, but rather build your life around your passions and never settle for anything less than your best.
That was my interpretation, at least. Note that all of her main protagonists do what they love to do, not what brings them the most profit or wealth.
Remember that Ayn Rand grew up in Russia under an oppressive ruler, followed by a violent anarchist movement which lead to another oppressive government.
ur gay
Dana Perino
Anyways, what are you faggots reading?
I'm currently reading Republic by Plato. I just recently started reading routinely and I have created quite a list. I just finished The Prince.
My goodness, this place is infested with children.
Can't people argue here without making these ridiculous strawman "arguments"?
Nice one confagerate FlAG
Sever yourself dumb retard
blood meridian by cormac mccarthy
Crime and Punishment
I don't get my political ideas from women
>Shit, he's right, Ayn Rand got where she was because of her free college education
>That, if it weren't free, she'd never have been able to graduate especially considering she was a woman.
>Better call it a strawman and pretend it doesn't undercut my argument that Ayn Rand was self-made
Go fuck yourself.
Nobody made the argument that Rand was self-made.
You originally sperged out about her dying while on welfare, and when you got called on that, you changed the subject to her educational history, which occurred before any of her ideology was codified.
>Galt's Gultch was an anarcho-capitalist's wet dream
Wrong. It was forming a government. The last chapter has the judge adding a new amendment to the Constitution.
Just watch The Incredibles my dude.
>You originally sperged out about her dying while on welfare, and when you got called on that, you changed the subject to her educational history, which occurred before any of her ideology was codified.
My entire point was that she's a hypocrite, and that she died on welfare does emphasize that.
That her entire fortune is predicated on a free college degree moreso.
Without taking advantage of a welfare state she'd have died some unknown whore in the backwoods of Soviet Russia.
It's one of the most captivating books ever, even though nothing barely happens. It's turbo-capitalist porn.
>Rand got a free education from a college in the Soviet Union
No she didn't. Where do you people get those lies? A marxist cartoon about Ayn Rand?
>notable theme that you took away from it?
mind control
However, the constitution did not apply to the Gultch, but rather the new America which they were about to rebuild.
If I had to assume, I'd say that Rand would think anarcho-capitalism was an unrealistic, but preferable utopia.
Ayn Rand is pure trash. It's naive ultra conservatism mixed in with pseudo philosophy.
Objectivism is loosely based on unprofessional half educated people reading Kant and not understanding what he was writing about.
I bought the audiobook and have listened to it several times. If you're into that type of stuff (podcasts) it's worth a listen. Rand was way too descriptive and that is why it's so long. She's not right about everything but she nailed what the media and academia would turn into.
Read The Fountainhead. It's an easier book to read and a good story too.
Read "My Life" by Oswald Mosley instead. It's much less likely to turn you into a cuck for Jews.
>No she didn't.
She did.
She went to the University of Petrograd in the Soviet Union.
It is neither well-written nor amazing, but it does a decent job of explaining a free market and libertarian ideals. Probably not worth the 1000 page read, but I had a week of nothing to do so w/e.
>(((Ayn Rand))) was born to a Jewish bourgeois family.
>the constitution did not apply to the Gultch, but rather the new America
Now you are just lying. Rand has never, ever supported anarchists. Prove me wrong and post a Rand quote.
>If I had to assume
That's all you have been doing the entire thread. Lying marxists are spewing propaganda that is older than all of us, but you never refute them. You seem to go along with whatever they say.
>Living on welfare was against her wishes, if I remember correctly
>post the same thread on /lit/
>nobody responds because the book is trash
>post the same thread on Sup Forums
>50+ replies
Ayn Rand is one of those authors you read while a teenager and it ruins you for positive social integration for the rest of your days on earth desu. Like Tolkien and yea bout as useful
It's not particularly well written and the message is pretty simple. It's just anti communist/soviet propaganda, which is always good and necessary, but I don't think you need it.
Read something deeper and interesting, like Crime and punishment, Don Quixote or Beyond good and evil.
>She went to the University
You completely failed to prove that it was "free".
I agree with a lot of her philosophy, and have never had trouble with long novels, but the political message was so heavy-handed and repetitive that I couldn't even finish it
You dumbass, it was a college -In the Soviet Union-
All colleges in the Soviet Union were free of tuition costs.
Objectivism is for people who don't understand critical thinking at all.
Colors of objects are a subjective attributes that brains assign to frequencies of light. We are not viewing the properties of the world "in of itself" in these cases. We are viewing through a subjective way of intuiting data. We could just as easily be wired differently just as surely as a dog has a spatial sense of smell or a bat a different spatial aspect of sound.
Have you ever actually been to lit? Those faggots read the worst trash. They're always reading "I wanna kill myself" books about how meaningless life is and then pretending that the books are deep rather than admitting they are useless faggots with no value to humanity.
only numale cuck beards read
seriously faggots if you take the time to sit and read books you should be burned along with them
this is what a real philosopher looks like
The book itself ought to be read as akin to golden age SF like The Shadow or Doc Savage. John Galt has a machine that stops the world, theres SF worthy metal alloys, an industrialist that turns pirate, etc. It gets bogged down with speeches and trains, and the movies are utter shit. Theres a good novel to be edited out from it but then the Rand version of Scientologists would scream autistically
Who told you that shit? Michael Moore? Moore says that Cuba has the best healthcare in the entire world.
It is worth a read. Not worth idolism of it however.
Should oodle your noodle a bit.
>Higher school workers most frequently share the view that any capable person should have the opportunity of following higher education. But frequently the problem of accessibility of higher education to the people is turned merely into a theoretical problem.
>The main element in this problem is: what
practical measures can ensure the people the
actual opportunity of receiving a higher education. In our country the State ensures the accessibility of higher education by a number of measures. We shall mention the most important of them. Universities will develop successfully if they are able constantly to draw from among talented people, students who received a sufficient education for mastering the sciences they teach. The Soviet
school ensures such a possibility. The Soviet Union has introduced compulsory eight-year education and is promoting full secondary education (10-11 years) in every way. Tuition in schools is free.
I'm going to stop at that last part because formatting text copied from that pdf is a fucking pain.
>Tuition in schools is free.
Ayn Rand is overrated, grow up.
It's complete trash, just like anything else written by ayn rand.
Not a faggot but reading:
Oswald Mosley's autobiography
Culture of Critique
Snorre's Edda
Six Saga Adventures translated by Ben Waggoner
Isn't he just a Jungian arch-type conversationalist?
You're right but stop saying grow up and grow up.
>Moore says that Cuba has the best healthcare in the entire world.
Sure, their doctors earn $26 a month. Also, the hotels beg tourists for their aspirins and whatever medicines they can give at the end of the stay.
Wait, didn't this book had another name? And a slightly different cover?
>spurdo sharted
Read it in high school and it was my favorite book. Really related to Hank Rearden, and do even more now that I have had more real-life non-school experience.
Notable theme: competence. I wanted to always be like Rearden, Dagny, John Galt, Francisco, Wyatt, etc. Never like any of the stupid parasites that leech off of the businessmen (and woman). Motivated me to see how much of a weapon compassion can be if the wrong people try to manipulate it.
Pretty useful for people to read when younger before they have to deal with government and society.
Did you say something leaf?
Atlas Shrugged is just like Thus Spake Zarathustra in that it has a very interesting and unusual message, but one that is pretty much the same throughout the book, and you can understand it within the first 1/3. So for both books, that's what I read, flipped through the rest to see that it's just the same message repeated, and was very glad I did.
So no need to read all of it. But you should read some of it, until you get bored.
Atlas Shrugged is unique for a number of reasons:
- the antagonist is an incompetent modern government. Something that's extremely rare, and a big reason leftists hate it so intensely.
Antagonists in most books, particularly books leftists like, are always something that doesn't hurt their psychopathic agenda. A giant multinational corporation. A single greedy person. Bad people working within a good government who can be recognized and removed. A single very evil government like Nazi Germany that the forces of good can defeat and replace with socialism.
Virtually never is it a government that fails and is bad because of petty incompetence, corruption and a lack of morality, even at the highest levels. Even though this is something that plagues left-wing groups worldwide. Like the Department of Veteran Affairs in the US. Or Maduro's government. Leftists can dismiss an a monster that's evil in big ways as "Not Socialist" - but they cannot dismiss a socialist government that's corrupt and evil in small ways.
- Some people are more extraordinarily skilled than others, and they can choose how to use this power. Leftist literature and ideology demands on pain of death that the strong sacrifice themselves for the weak, "work according to ability", where the strongest are recognized like Stakhanovites, but it's KEY that the strongest MUST sacrifice all. And they have entire systems to ensure that the strong sacrifice.
Atlas Shrugged, and Thus Spake Zarathustra, show that the strong actually have a choice. cont.
Atlas Shrugged, and Thus Spake Zarathustra, show that the strong actually have a choice. The strong can even judge that the weak are in large part evil, greedy, manipulative, lazy leeches, in small ways.
Atlas Shrugged is hence deathly poison to leftist ideas and ideals. To them, the strong must ALWAYS sacrifice, without question. As part of this it's key to make the poor seem the best and most virtuous, even if they are often the thieves, liars, exploiters, rapists. Leftists shake with glee each time a "strong" person can be exposed as an individualist who has bad traits, completely ignoring that most of the absolute pieces of shit around are amongst the poor. Atlas Shrugged shows that the strong can judge themselves - judge with their eyes and minds - who is worthy. Leftists have never had a problem with judging massively at intensively, in fact, they hardly do anything but judge. Atlas Shrugged, like Thus Spake Zarathustra, shows that also the strong can judge.
- Related to the previous, there's a scene where some shitty poor people are trying to guilt trip and exploit a wealthy, decent person. And he chooses not to help them. As mentioned, this is a toxin to leftist ideology.
Leftists try to play Atlas Shrugged as having the message "you should not help poor people". That's a lie, understandably so because all the insects and psychopaths do is lie. The message of Atlas Shrugged, like Thus Spake Zarathustra, is that you have the power and right to judge and to choose who you help. You might even choose to help the poor and weak. But you might also choose not to, which is a fatal poison to their ideology.
Another quite revealing aspect about Atlas Shrugged isn't in the book itself, but in how leftists treat it. It's not a book with amazing writing, just acceptably good, and it has the problem as mentioned that ideas repeat themselves. This makes it an OK book, other than the extraordinary themes as mentioned.
>an amazing and well-written book
Okay, she has some points but you'd have to be absolutely brain dead to have thought that Galt's speech wasn't overly long to the point of being dull.
Halfway through his speech I stopped asking that and started asking "When is John Galt going to shut the hell up?"
But the "red pill" in this regard is seeing how intensely leftists hate it, and hate Ayn Rand. They will go out of their way to spit venom at her from great distances, then short distances,, then keep spitting as they walk past like some kind of spit-and-piss turret.
This kind of intense, expressive hatred isn't something they direct at most books. In fact, at very, very few books. But this book contains a message that is dangerous to them, and muddies up their ideological unquestioning purity, so the hate they show for it is far stronger than the hate they show for any random murderer or rapist.
That's a true redpill and a core message - not the book itself, but in how leftists react to Ayn Rand and Atlas Shrugged.
>Okay, she has some points but you'd have to be absolutely brain dead to have thought that Galt's speech wasn't overly long to the point of being dull.
If you didn't find what X said "overly long to the point of being dull", then you have to be ABSOLUTELY BRAINLESS.
Isn't this a rather strong reaction to something that's merely "dull"? There's infinite "overly long and dull" books and videos out there. Why is it so very important that people find it dull, so important that they are completely brainless if they don't find it dull?
>Is it truly an amazing book and well-written? Worth the very long read?
Hey user,
I'm reading it right now, got to the end of book two yesterday.
Yes it is amazing, it is peerless when it comes to isolating and examining the impulses that drive the left. It gives them literally no credit at all. The satire against them is endless, remorseless and hilarious. It is absolutely day of the rope tier savage fucking beauty.
Is it well written? Fucking A. Her plotting is absolutely stellar. There is always something happening, absolutely fuck loads of surprises. The characterisation is great - she kills the leftist worms brilliantly, though the protagonists can come across as a little chilly that really doesn't hurt the book because they do develop more and more feelings as the book goes along and America sinks into the abyss.
Also, it is very much a 'womans' book, but in a good way - (redpill your volkisch darlings) she spends alot of time giving us Dagny Taggart's feelings about the potboiler love triangle she is in. So it has that magic of bridging low culture and high art.
I'm an oldfag - nearly fifty (dewyeyedcat.jpg) and am pretty well read, have been reading voraciously my whole life, and this fucking thing has hit me like a train(!) I am in awe of it and consider it one of the greatest works of art I have come across.
So yes, it's shit hot. Break off some time and wade through it. There is nothing else like it out there.
Sorry, "absolutely brain dead". That's even stronger. Either you find this overly long and ull, or you're absolutely braindead.