Is Fascism/National Socialism the ideology of objective truth?

It seems as though the basis for these ideologies is rooted in obeying natural law and acknowledging the fact that nature is unequal.



ideologies are inherently subjective. They are the subjective truth, essentially a philosophy of nature.

Yes. Nazi Artilects will right our world and natural law will be respected by all. The technocrats are only the temporary guides of the a i awakening.

Yep, I've been on a real deep dive into chaos recently and my readings into neurobiology and listening to Jordan Peterson have given me a new hope for an ethnostate brought about through young white men looking inward to self improvement and then win some sort of race/class war they seem to have been working on for a hundred years.

Surf the kali yuga

>welfare state
>natural law


All of us cannot be awakening for no reason, history dictates that is not likely

It is inevitable. White birth rate is about to explode with the swing to the right. Demographics will shape the future of this planet and a race/class war is happening on all levels of our existence.

Yes, it would seem so. It seems like one of the only ideologies that does.

This is literally how you become brainwashed into an ideology:

They combine some statement of fact with a conclusion or series of conclusions that are generalized, black and white thinking, or a heavily emotional argument.

>Nature is unequal

Good start.

>You must, therefore live under OUR regime because WE are the (insert emotional argument here)

Nope. Fascism is for people who are afraid of the chaotic truth of nature, who lack clear direction, and who are afraid that their argument is not persuasive enough without force to back it.

I know I've been against the idea of children for a while but I've rediscovered some purpose in my life, sacrificed my enjoyment of degenerate elements and will be having many white children.

Sleep naked

You are too worried about being brainwashed. Nazis are right get over it.

Natural selection inherently implies that. Safe spaces are what deny that right.

The way I've come to the conclusion is by no means totalitarian.

Nature is about the exchange of ideas, not fighting over ideology. Natsoc is simply the best way we currently have to work within that natural order.

You're missing the point. This is how we sidestep critical thinking. Same shit the left does

white baby due in a month

Ah, sperm count?
Good call

the thing is, and there's no arguing it. we made these countries what they are. you guys came here to make it easier for us, whether through slavery or low class workers.(for the most part) but the differences between whites and others is too great, we gave you guys a chance, and its drastically changing our politics while simultaneously turning us into a minority. it cannot stand. you have to go back.

Opinions are subjective by nature.

Natural laws are collectivist.

Society is proprietary to ideas associated.

Dissasociation from original ideals creates disambiguation into separate, idealistic, routes for ideologues.

So therefore any form of linguistics, beyond any associative rhetoric, fact null when discussing anything in *insert horseshoe meme*

i see your point and im stepping over it on purpose. no rules to follow when your proving that truth is true.

the chaostic truth in our nature is, one species is out breeding us because they have no other option to win. white people have grown so accustomed to peace, that they are literally willing to let it happen because they've been brainwashed by Cultural Marxism. We could easily win the fight.


They do reject materialism / modernism, which is why I like them.

Charly, go back making music and stop trying to start the race war, you are not a bad guy

Helter skelter in our lifetimes, I know I'm doing my part

Natural law is a spook that lots of impressionable people fall for. Mankind may be able to truly triumph over nature.

>Conflating Fascism, National Socialism, and Objective Truth

In the end the best we can do is say that Fascism and national socialism are coherent political ideologies, then debate their merits over other coherent ideologies. OP's assertion is juvenile. Anarcho Capitalism acknowledges inequality.

Nice irony

We literally just want the world to burn. :)

Helter skelter