N Korea fires nuke at Guam. US defense intercepts and destroys it.
What happens next?
N Korea fires nuke at Guam. US defense intercepts and destroys it.
What happens next?
Fire. And Fury.
Also Power.
North Korea gets combed over with hundreds of strike fighters that down all their SAM systems. Then they come back around and hit all their fortifications, armor, and artillery positions.
Afterward? Norks have nothing and they can get pushed over. Marines will march over the DMZ hip firing at anything that moves.
Ultramarine Crusade across the Void
>norks have literally nothing
except all the underground bases they have been building for decades
it will be vietnam 2.0
USA bombs the shit out of every NK military installation, Chinese assassinate kimmy boy and Chinese troops move in from the North. USA won't engage in a ground war.
New NK government will be Chinese puppets and both China and the USA will benefit from the rare earth minerals.
Like you've never seeen before.
Kim's hideout immediately nuked, and if not in the vicinity of pyongyang, probably pyongyang too.
And we finally get sweet satellite video of nuclear explosions.
But NK is basically a China pubbet. It's the only thing staying the hand of righteous American vengence.
North Korea makes an atmospheric test showing off a gigantic fireball mushroom cloud that they are willing to use on south korea and on their own territory if need be.
the world gets a fireworks display before a tearful germany style unification.
Some Kikes make a shit ton of money selling arms at inflated rates.
lol people thinking China is on USA's side.
China hates the fact that guam even exists. They do not want USA to scorch NK and then start building military bases in the ruins of NK. Neither does Russia. Neither does Iran.
It is but they can't keep having crazy dictators who stir up too much shit
hope they have a lot of rations, they'll have to come out eventually
>N Korea fires nuke at Guam
Won't happen.
too fucking bad
Smart man.
they will eat the lower class people
First step would be for all nearby jets to start bombing runs on all known launch areas and to destroy any Nork combat craft. After that, the airforce will send in reinforcements for more planned attacks against their infrastructure and armor. Meanwhile, US and South Korean forces that are present will rush all available ground forces to the current border to ensure any Nork attack will be stopped while the South builds up its forces and the US sends in troops. Within a week or two, the Navy would come to assist the airforce in targeting strategic assets that the Norks could use for their defense. Within a month, allied forces that would most likely be spearhead by the US Marines would start a massive artillery bombardment of the current border and areas behind it to soften up the defenses and to destroy the morale of the Norks. After a day or two of this, the actual invasion would begin. US would likely easily penetrate into North Korea due to troops defending the front being shell shocked and realizing that enemy forces are far superior to their own, especially when they see their tanks get demolished by Abrams. The Norks would attempt to keep the rapid advance of allied forces a secret but it would only be a matter of time before the general public realizes they are losing badly. This will most likely cause hysteria among the populace and many would start questioning the propaganda that was drilled into their heads. After the capital falls, if Kim is not captured, his generals would dispose of him and would most likely sue for peace with allied forces in exchange for them receiving light or no punishments. South Korean forces would take up a majority of occupation forces and would help rebuild the newly annexed areas which at first would be a drain on their economy, but if done correctly then the reconstruction would greatly benefit the nation in the long run and could allow Korea to become more relevant in the politics of East Asia.
nothing will happen until the rain season starts and kims tunnels get flooded
>underground bases
>that they lack any rations or training to use
Norks are trained that Americans still use Sherman tanks and that the only thing preventing the from conquering the world is not wanting to hurt their countrymen in the South. They are so delusional they think they'll win, so their soldiers lack any asymmetrical warfare training and are instead trained in 1960s era offensive soviet doctrine warfare as if it's still relevant. They do not know how to fight.
>Chinese puppet
Yeah nah. Both countries want reunification, and the US isn't about to give SK to China.
How many MOAB left? Don't we have to use them soon?
>Norks build hype
>Wait for cool down when America is busy with the middle east again
>first missiles hit
>interceptors activated, only have 49.5% success against 1970's era missiles. Fail to prevent most Nork strikes
>user: Oh god! My hubris, why was I so arrogant!?
guys wait a second what did North Korea do again?
they tested some missiles in the ocean wtf i hate NK now
South Korea suddenly becomes an island.
The political elite assassinate Kim and depose his regime to set up a new puppet government under the China/SK/US control
>Norks don't know asymmetry
Have to call bullshit senpai, all they practice is asymmetrical warfare in every dimension.
Isolationism, national sovereignty, ruins (((their))) plans.
Lofted trajectories, user. The velocity that allows the warhead in these new missiles to reach an altitude of over 3,000 km can be pointed in a different direction to hit the US.
NK is saying "See these missiles that are going maybe 300 km east and 3,000 km up? We can make them go 10,000 km east and 300 km up." Which is a threat.
is it bad I want nuclear war to happen in a small spurt just to get some (hopefully) HD footage of nukes going off?
According to our current nuclear deterrent policy, we launch a nuclear counter-strike against them, regardless if we shot down their attempt or not. The fact that we defeat a single missile is of no consequence. As soon as they fire one missile, we have to assume more are on the way (we know they have more than one, and no nuclear state would ever just fire one nuke), which means a mandatory nuclear retaliatory strike. Our policy is no first use and we will not use nukes against a non-nuclear state. NK is a nuclear state now and if they fired a nuke at us first, we'd nuke them back.
Evangelists need to be gassed
Threadly reminder that it has been 26 years since Desert Storm when the US revealed to the world Stealth.
You think 600,000,000,000$ a year didn't buy a new toy?
Not much nutrition there
vietnam 2.0? so they'll lose 2 million soldiers?
And the aftermath will be a very early reboot of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars on a smaller and more asian scale, even hollywood doesn't try to reboot shit that quickly. There will be no nuclear retaliation because of their proximity to south korea, so there will without question be nork refugees and combatants that merely pretend to surrender. We'll have guerrilla warfare for years to come with north koreans assaulting allied forces, and even before all of this is just assuming Kim doesn't decide to go down the path of mutual destruction and bring SK down with him.
This shit right here is why we need to adopt conscription in the US. A lot of dumb niggers would be a lot less gung ho about our country going to war if they had to even spend a single tour in a forward base. The spectacle gets a lot less enjoyable when you are an active participant.
just pour concrete over all the antholes
bingo this guy gets it.
Iran doesn't get to bring friends
Make regular announcements that they intend to wipe the most powerful nation in human history off the map.
Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.
It probably bought a lot of new toys (pic related)
>What happens next?
Nothing cause you would lose.
Or, perhaps they were lofted out of necessity? What do you think would happen if they weren't as lofted?
Perceived threat, intended or not, I don't understand. We have offensive missile systems littered around NK's doorstep, along with THAAD in South Korea and Japan.
And it's not at all any secret what our capabilities are.
This is happening because of the sanctions. We just took away 1/3 of North Korea's income.
more than likely China plays defense to north killing anyone crossing into china while S Korea crosses DMZ and America conducts airstrike and command structure for S korea and japan on support.
CNN just manages to get worse every day
>implying other nations will have a say
>Or, perhaps they were lofted out of necessity?
Yes, because generally sovereign nations don't take kindly to being the landing site for unannounced missile tests. It's still a thinly veiled threat.
Seoul is razed to the ground within the hour, possibly two.
Yeah, I get that, but it's fucking words. And..
Not even NK is stupid enough to declare they are willing to strike first. It's always a "if we are attacked first" kind of thing.
China moves into North Korea. I think they've made a deal and this whole thing is a way of putting America's missile interception tech to the test.
You have boost phase, re-entry phase, and now, thanks to trump and mattis, a revival of space based defense. So for each nuke you have potentially three chances of stopping a missile.
The last test was 50/50 for an icbm of medium range.
The kinks are being worked out right now (probably)
So what does the fact that they were lofted show? Why did they bother if they are so crazy and aggressive?
>Implying trump doesn't have a mandate of god
>So what does the fact that they were lofted show?
>N Korea fires nuke at Guam. US defense intercepts and destroys it.
>What happens next?
We laugh out loud, make fun of utterly embarrased NorKville, and go grab a beer?
Nations live or die by their reputation. If you understand why Obama having his red line bluff called was such an awful situation for American diplomacy, you'll understand why the US want the Korea situation to be removed.
Ground wars are expensive and resource heavy. Why not cripple NKs military with bombers and missiles, kill their leader and his inner circle and demoralize their people. Then offer them food and prosperity and they wont want to keep on fighting.
Our secret weapon is a low poly flight sim?
If one bunker buster isn't enough, just add more bunker busters
it's not going to happen.
NORKS are trying to get us to strike first obviously.
>We laugh out loud, make fun of utterly embarrased NorKville, and go grab a beer?
also free Kimchi for life, motherfuckers, as a condition of us not invading.
He then goes for San Diego...
Our San Diego 7th Fleet Tridents and Fast Attacks subs already in the area close the deal.
The 7th Fleet can take out whole countries in the blink of an eye. I know this.
I've always wondered if Aurora ever actually existed. There's a few eyewitness accounts of it flying and people who saw "donut contrails," but there's never been any hard evidence that it was real. My speculation is that a flying prototype of some sort was built using a pulse detonation engine, but never entered service due to how much it would cost and given the fact that there were other, les expensive means available to do its job (like the Valkyrie before it).
Everyone is lower class so annihilation from cannabilsm in like 2 years tops
this. Don't they track korean subs like flies on shit?
What is it going to take for the Chinks to do something and act like an adult?
Their desire to rule the world is truly pathetic
Just take care of your retarded cousin and go back to making useless shit like a good boy
Shit this just reminded me of C&C Generals
Nuclear holocaust
>China gets involved to avoid a flow of refugees
>News reports yet another ballistic missile test
>Pyongyang goes suspiciously silent for a couple of weeks
>Military coup
>General: "We just couldn't continue to allow Kim to continue abusing the Korean people"
>New market for cheap labor
And Russia and China can hit anywhere they want along with the US
That was a strategic move. These people are smarter than you want to accept.
the "Red line" thing accomplished many things, allowing greater support for increased involvement (showing dead babies killed by da ebiil Assad!!111) and an open signal to the Arab states/USA sponsored merc groups to use chemical weapons.
>they'll hide underground and it will be like vietnam
>hiding underground
>in a country no food
>in a country with no defensible supply lines
Jesus am I glad geniuses like you aren't working at the DoD.
Declaration of war
>And Russia and China can hit anywhere they want along with the US
You're a fuckwit.
neutron bombs can eradicate all personnel in any underground bunkers. tomahawk missles and aircraft will take out the nork artillery before they can fire a round off toward seoul.
Amazing game. Pretty underrated C&C game IMO.
Am I an incorrect fuckwit?
yeah i agree with what your saying but i dont think china will move in unless theres something going wrong on the south korean side on things. china will kill their leader that much im certain of,
Chinese and Russians get scared of our capabilities and an arms race begins
you will live to see a war on Titan
All world leaders go to Chechnya and have a gang bang. All world problems are solved and everyone becomes happy. The end.
Yeah one would expect the cia is working over time at this point on their latest exploding cigar event
China and Russia will stay out of it. Neither is that stupid. Kim Jong In is acting incredibly belligerent. China and Russia will not risk the involvement. It will be a limited nuclear war.
This would be totally acceptable to the US government and populace at large, no one has any interest in nation building that shithole whatsoever and if China annexed it would be a win win for everyone. Hell we don't even need tbe minerals, just for fat fuck to die and those nukes to be in the hands of someone rational.
China would move in as a peacekeeping force to oversee the government transition.
We're already at war, it would mean an end to the cease fire.
We would wipe them off the face of the planet and make china pay for it.
If america nukes NK shit will go bad really really fast because: NK is near China and Russia, and they don't want some nuclear fallout raining on them.
also there is the refugees thing. millions of them.
>vietnam has nothing, marines will be hip firing at anything that moves
>you may live to shoot down chinks in space
>you may drink vodka with russian pilots on a space station
we bebop now
Vietnam would have been over in a week if we'd used the atom bomb on them like Trump will use on the Norks.