What if

...Rome had stayed pagan ?

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It would have conquered the world with its master morality. Unfortunately it got lazy and collapsed

It wouldn't have changed much, by the time Rome actually became Christian there were forces working against it and the empire wasn't in the best, most stable position.

Too ethnically diverse, the issue of a nation of conquest is that the conquered will repopulate faster than they assimilate.

It would have fallen either way.

It would have fallen either way but Europe would have dominated even more due to lack of constraints on scientific knowledge

It would not have gone commie and they would have landed on the moon about a thousand years ago.

Rome literally collapsed because of mass-immigration of violent foreigners that didn't assimilate. Same shit that is happening to the West today.

It all went downhill when that German named Otto became King of Italy.

Then man would have loved man as nature intended.

Homopaganism is the natural state of eurooe. At least two of the Roman Emperors were in same-sex unions; and in fact, thirteen out of the first fourteen Roman Emperors held to be bisexual or exclusively homosexual. The first Roman emperor to have married a man was Nero, who is reported to have married two other men on different occasions. First with one of his freedman, Pythagoras, to whom Nero took the role of the bride, and later as a groom Nero married a young boy to replace his young teenage concubine whom he had killed named Sporus in a very public ceremony... with all the solemnities of matrimony, and lived with him as his spouse. A friend gave the "bride" away "as required by law." The marriage was celebrated separately in both Greece and Rome in extravagant public ceremonies. The Child Emperor Elagabalus referred to his chariot driver, a blond slave from Caria named Hierocles, as his husband.


Fuck you. This is what centuries of (((Christian))) occupation has turned you into.

Your ancestors knew true love could only exist between men. Alexander conquered the known world. Men are made to love men. This is particularly true in the case of Sparta, where the relationship was intended to further a young boy's military training. While the relationship was generally lifelong and of profound emotional significance to the participants, it was not considered marriage by contemporary culture, and the relationship continued even after participants reached age 20 and married women for the purposes of procreation.

>No mention of how splitting the Empire in two was the true beginning of the end

>using platonic "love" as an argument for faggotry
>semantic arguments
>bad semantic arguments

Notice how the (((Christian))) can't address any of the actual arguments in this thread, so he now attempts to detail the thread and cause pagan to fight pagan.

Answer this, you fucking kike worshippingcuck, why in Plato's Symposium, did the interlocutor Phaedrus commented on the power of male sexual relationships to improve bravery in the military?

>... he would prefer to die many deaths: while as for leaving the one he loves in a lurch, or not succoring him in peril, no man is such a craven that the influence of his lover cannot inspire him with a courage that makes him equal to the bravest born

Bet you ignore this don't you, you fucking christcuck

>American education

they wore dresses, what'd you expect? The greeks were fucking fags, man.
>free time - contraceptives
boom, brazil

Once again I see you can't argue with any of the facts I post, including sources and eye witness accounts of glorious homopaganism, so your resort to calling me a (((Christcuck)))

Not very Christian if you, you should pray to Yahweh for forgiveness.

I'll be over here imbibing my bothers seed for strength, as is the natural state of the European man.

Hurr durr he used the term "lover" which must mean he meant they were sexually involved. Hurr durr a wise Roman faggot once said ____, therefore sodomy is natural. Checkmate, faithful Christians.

You can't argue with facts (((Christcuck))). Homosexuality is a beautiful tradition between warriors. Greeks structured military units along tribal lines, a practice attributed to Nestor in the Homeric epics. The Theban military commander Pammenes, however, is supposed to have advocated military organization based on pairs of lovers

>Homer's Nestor was not well skilled in ordering an army when he advised the Greeks to rank tribe and tribe ... he should have joined lovers and their beloved. For men of the same tribe little value one another when dangers press; but a band cemented by friendship grounded upon love is never to be broken.

These warrior lovers were feared by all until your kike (((Christianity))) used subterfuge to co-opt them.

>so your resort to calling me a (((Christcuck)))

Have fun getting plowed in the ass by big black men. Can't wait to see you physically removed when the time comes, faggot.

Once again another fucking Christcuck post with no substance.

Had your countrymen imbibed strength from each other as the allfather taught, or joined bands of lover warriors, they would have been unstoppable.

But they didn't, they escrowed the true nature of the European man, they denied the very Homosexuality that made them great in the first place, and they died.

Never had a better arguement for homopaganism been made that the cuck nation that is Sweden.

You reap what you sow, (((Christian)))

Rome would've fallen anyway, except this time there would've been no Catholic Church to keep ancient texts, but then libraries wouldn't be burnt.

As a mix of no ancient texts for monks to copy and no libraries being burnt it probably would've turned out the same as our timeline in terms of knowledge.

Problem is the Pope promised peasants that they would go to heaven if they fought in the first crusade. Since almost everyone in Europe had different gods Europe may have become like 20% Muslim.

Basically Rome would've fallen, everything from the Seljuk Turks and afterwards would be completely different.

>denied homosexuality

It's fall was inevitable. Religious conversion wasn't anywhere close to being a big factor as to why Rome fell. The same thing would have still occurred if Rome remained pagan.

There is nothing stronger than warriors standing in sexual fraternity with one another.

>they denied the very Homosexuality that made them great in the first place, and they died
This has to be bait

Spartans were very gay my dude

What if Constantine the Great hadn't fallen ill?

Retard, jews teamed with pagan greeks against christians.

What happens if a man fails to progress to adulthood?

No, it went downhill when a North-African became emperor and made all free men outside of Italy citizens of the emperor.

And they left nothing.

You're a fucking pussy bitch boy.

Fuck off. There is a real Paganism and it involves brother loving brother. You Christ cuck shills are afraid of the incredible power of homosexuality, and that why your kike forefathers used subterfuge to destroy pagan Europe.

>What if Constantine the Great hadn't fallen ill?
>"Fallen ill"
Nice bluepill.

Still figuring that part out.

By that point everyone and their mothers already had citizenship.

(((Christian shill))), Homosexuality is the true state of the European male. In Hellenic Greece, the pederastic relationships between Greek men (erastes) and youths (eromenos) were similar to marriage in that the age of the youth was similar to the age at which women married (the mid-teens, though in some city states, as young as age seven), and the relationship could only be undertaken with the consent of the father.

Using this foundation as a building block for a strong life, warrior lovers shaped Europe more than any other force in history.

Rome went downhill after they defeated Carthage

Uh huh, and how many male friends do you have with that attitude? Also how many children have you molested, degenerate pedophile scum?

>homosexuality is a tradition and not a mental illness
>proceeds to name the two most unstable, borderline bipolar retard emperors

Could have at least said Hadrian. In Rome boys were an option, but every self respecting Roman was with a woman. They were not, after all, eastern philanderers. And if you were fucking a boy, you had to be on the top. Taking it is disgraceful. Not only that but it was only intercrural sex as well, or between the thighs. Having sex with dudes is a modern psyop

Got it, fuck off now disgusting fag.

There is nothing more beautiful than draining the semen out of your battle brothers cock, swallowing it, and gaining his strength. I won't be judged by your fucking standard you filthy (((chrsitcuck)))

Your time ends soon.

>mfw Pagans were the original faggots

Women were just for procreation, (((Christcuck))). Spartans had the women shave their heads and had to bend over in a dark room so the virile warrior didn't see her disgusting femininity.

A man can never love a woman. Not really.

Listen up faggots.

Rome collapsed because it allowed the Goths to come in as refugees. The Goths then became part of the Roman military force, however the Goths did not assimilate and share the same values as Romans. Lots of infighting began and break downs of government commenced thereafter.

Rome died because it diversified.

Yes. And that's why your kike ancestors feared us. Brother loving brother and sharing strength through seed is an unstoppable force.

That's why your forefathers used subterfuge to end pagan tradition.

>Your time ends soon.

Oh shit, you're right. I just heard some Village People music start to play outside. Why are you doing this?


The state religion was such a joke that soldiers and citizens turned to eastern mystery cults en masse.

Also holy shit, I never realised just how fucking gay that song is

>ad hom
>sharpshooter/examples/appeals to emotion

yea listen just because you're gay doesn't mean everyone else has to be

>And that's why your kike ancestors feared us
Pffft, I'm Scottish you nut gargling faggot, we kicked your ass so bad you had to build a fucking wall. Keep dreaming about Pleteus' colon shitdick.

Your desert cult blinds you to what your ancestors knew, (((Christcuck))). Man was made to love man.

Homosexuals are in the same circle of hell in Dante's Inferno as the usurers are. It's because homosexuals take sex, which should be fertile, and make it sterile, while usurers take money, which should be sterile, and make it fertile.

Basically, die faggot.

>admitting that paganism is literally gay as fuck
It ended because you were a bunch of savages on par with African tribes. Good riddance

Hell is a (((Christian))) invention. When I die I will be with my battle brothers in the bathhouses of Valhalla, sharing seed with my ancestors.

That looks like the Mexican flag nerd.

Basically this. Caracalla made everyone a citizen and it didn't fucking matter anymore. Then there was a the geographic split between east and west. The bonds of social cohesion broke down, and then the [aryan master race] living in their [crystal underground palaces] invaded, spreading [culture and science]. The rest is history.

Why are you still listening to an obvious shill? Are you new here?


Oh look, another DandC Christ cuck.

Why are you false flagging as a heathen? Oh wait, I just remembered. Pic related.

Pick one

What about the part where Roman miles became worshipers of Mithras and Set while the nobiles joined the cult of Isis?

Then Rome wouldn't have fallen to Christ cuckoldry.

Sand nigger religions are cancer.

Why does this essay separate the empire from the republic tho?

Explains why the Christian East survived it's Western counterpart for more than 1000 years. Also the Germanic barbarians were more zealous Christians than the Western Romans. they were largely Arian Christians.

That picture though.

>Homosexuality is the true state of the European male.

>implying Roman religion hadn't already fallen into decadence thus allowing Christianity to gain a foothold

Sure, if you can call this chaos and utter failure survival. A heart attack is a state of survival too.
Sand nigger religions are cancer.

Ha, accurate impossible choice

What about it? There were plenty of other tribal and regional religions. I'm not sure any of those had a significant impact on the degradation of the Imperium at all. Isis worshippers were dicking around with honeycombs and speeches on fertility as far as I know. The cult of Set never transmitted outside the areas it had already transmitted to prior to Rome's expansion. The Mithraic cults could have been a contender for primacy with Christianity, but it just didn't work out enough. I blame the shortage of cave consistency throughout Europe. I personally believe Mithraism was universalist to appeal to a large number of people but not as pacifistic as Christianity.

The ERE was far more advanced and prosperous than Republic and Imperial Rome.


its from Rome 2 total war i think

That's factually correct, idiot.

The worst genocide wouldn't have happened.

>15 posts by this ID
Pay attention, Heathens. This is what is behind the "will to power" neopagan trash that infests Sup Forums - pure faggotry. Your forefathers excelled because of Christian truth lost to modern degeneracy

Nice to see someone who's not historically illiterate.


Abrahamic Faiths are all remixes of Pagan beliefs. European culture didn't not hinge on Christendom until the First Crusade. Read a fucking general history book, or better yet, just read "How the West Won". I fucking hate nu-pol fags.


Basically, you're right.

You are talking to imbeciles who don't understand the Roman empire existed for another thousand years (longer than the pagan Republic) under Christian rule. These are imbeciles who justify everything to themselves through the lens of their degenerate, culture destroying vices. They can't even cope with the truth of secular historians let alone the divine truths that have sustained western civilization for many centuries

Why deny a religion that has an incredible amount of evidence for some pagan fantasy?

It did stay Pagan. They tried to control and suppress Christianity by calling themselves the church, but kept the same festivals and idols.

The Vatican is the Whore of Babylon
The Bible is their enemy. They tried to censor it.

God bless the enemies of Rome

>opens up evidence
>starts to read
>full of people called Isaac, Ezekiel, Abraham, Moses...etc,etc
Why worship foreigners?

Go ahead, tell me you've never had sex with a man. You are filth, that's why the truth of the Christ is impenetrable to your sick mind

We would all be either muslim or buddhist

>steal everything
>claim everyone else stole it

kill them
literally fucking kill them and their families

if you dont know who im talking about there is no hope for you

Rome died. Face the facts. Nothing was truly Roman about the Byzantians.
>Religion is Jewish
>Language is a hodgepodge of Latin and Greek derivatives and local languages. Greek grammar superimposed over Latin as time goes on.
>Most people aren't Roman or from the peninsula.
>Institutions were Roman in name only. One infamous senate house was mistaken for a private estate by historians for nearly a millennia afterward. It was never used for a senate of any kind.

The Roman Empire is basically summed up as a "hiccup". They didn't contribute much to European Society or advancement. The so called barbarians were much more advanced technology wise with navigation and farming, important shit don't you think? I'm starting to think you're all so jaded cause you misinterpret Hitler's first Reich as the SPQR and not the Holy Roman Enpire. It wouldn't surprise me if you made such a retarded mistake.

>ad hominem

rome still exists you faggot

It still would have collapsed.
Rome and libertas died the day Caesar crossed the Rubicon.

Pagans stand against degeneracy

Actually this makes sense. Soldiers would be motivated to fight much harder knowing that they were defending their comrades, who were also their lovers. Every battle is like fighting to defend your family.

Rome is pagan..

There's nothing wrong with an ad hominem if your character is subject to intellectual failure or insight.

>"didn't contribute"

This must be bait. They had a formula for concrete that wasn't rediscovered until the 1930's. They built with volcanic ash and salt water because of it's endurance-we're just now learning the chemical properties behind it. Not to mention political development, or the engineering they built upon from the Greeks(upgraded ballista from earlier Greek Scorpio's, upgraded bathhouses,etc)

How was there any evidence in that passage that it was lovers among troops? Did I miss something?

And no, troops fucking each other is not good for esprit d'corps or professionalism.

Christianity = we behaved
No Christianity = our society has collapsed.

Very very simple.

Why can't you put together your own arguments instead of just pulling bullet points off of Wikipedia? You seriously need to re-establish your way of thinking when it comes to European advancement and who contributed what was really important at different time periods. I seriously can't believe you believe that the political system of Rome is anything to be proud of.