Well Sup Forums?
Date a tranny or else
It doesn't bother me if cucks call me transphobic.
>*wish I could disable commenting*
Too fucking perfect. Retards like this will freely admit they can't defend their position.
I'd just tell xer that there is absolutely nothing wrong with transphobia
I hope they keep pushing this bullshit. Normies are by and large disgusted by it and it will blow up in their LGBTLMNOP face.
oh well im sorry ma'am, i didn't realize my BASIC HUMAN DESIRE AND FUNCTION TO REPRODUCE is so highly offensive to you?
Wait until they start getting people fired for muh transphobia.
being called racist or whatever-phobic is starting to lose all meaning. it's funny watching commies run those words into the ground. they're helping to normalize discrimination
What if the trans trend is actually a 4-D psyop to get degenerates to self sterilize? Would we all be excited about it?
This is cisphobic hate speech
>the pain of being called transphobic
Also, I'm heterosexual, that means I am attracted to the opposite SEX. I don't care about gender.
I think I've just become conscious of the fact that I'm proudly transphobic.... except there is no fear involved.
>wish I could disable commenting
Don't you worry, mental patient. You'll soon disable living.
Ok, guess I'm transphobic then. Am I supposed be upset about that? If the only way I'm allowed to have a preference of not wanting to have sex with someone that was not born with female genitals and is not FtM is for me to admit to being transphobic then I really don't mind doing that. Do people like this really think that I feel bad about it? Or that it causes me pain? Transgender people are so far down at the bottom of my list of things to give a shit about, I have too many other things to deal with, I don't feel bad about making less than 1% of the population feel bad.
>I know it hurts to hear you're transphobic
Not as much as it hurts for you to hear you're mentally ill.
Can someone make this about bread as a retort to this idiocy?
>if you would not eat wheat bread you are wheat-breadphobic. If you arent attracted to wheat bread you are wheat-bread phobic and lying
For this shaming to work, you really need decades of overt transexual oppression and atrocities or a transexual holohoax for it to be effective.
Can we just have a new neo-Hitler and purge the world of this faggotry?
Being transphobic is a completely rational fear
>these freaks think I care if they call me transphobic
hahaha jokes on them I don't give a fuck
doesn't phobia imply fear? I, for one, am not scared of trannies, I just think they're fucking faggots.
ye but at least im not a faggot
I wish they'd call it something other than 'transphobic'. We need a new word for it. I'm not scared of you faggot, I think you're gross. I'm transgrossic.
Im not scared of transexuals therefore I am not transphobic,
That's fine, my skin is olive and my name sounds foreign. I'll just play up the muslim act and who knows, might even get a coupon for one free bombing.
>*wish I could disable commenting*
Wish you would disable your fucking brain cells with a bullet, you fucking mental ill waste of space.
I like to think this is true. I also enjoy the thought that all those tard like pop stars are actually geniuses using their knowledge of the lumpenproletariat culture we live in to make their money while acting like complete fags.
>if you reject me, you fear me!
>if you won't fuck me, you fear me!
>if you don't want me, you fear me!
>if you don't want to touch me, you fear me!
>if you want people based on their genitals, you fear them!
fear, fear, feeaeeeaaaaar
>You want kids
>You're Transphobic
I didnt used to be like this, I used to not care. I honestly cant wait for the Civil War
What if you're asexual, demisexual, sapiosexual, tho?
1. I only have sex with women I want to have children with
2. I am not Transphobic, I am not afraid of them, I will fight all trans people in fisticuffs to prove as much
Screencapped for future meme use
I don't see an issue. I'm a transphobe. Trannies are mentally ill suicidal nutjobs with imbalanced hormones that repulse me. I don't deny any of it.
>sex with women
pick one
i am transphobic and proud
Who the fun is by being called phobic?
Oh I'm transphobic? How sad. What will I do now? Some faggot on the internet said so
They also get assblasted by "tranny chasers" I'm confounded by these creatures honestly, the fact that there's a diaspora of men willing to fuck them you'd assume would sate their faggot lust but that's not enough!
It has to be a "straight" guy who fucks them and if he doesn't he's a bigot, confounding as fuck and really just reveals the corrupting nature of the fag agenda, it seems gassing them was the best of solutions.
>_______ van _______