If you work everyday and are saving for retirement you are working to become a NEET. Why not embrace becoming a NEET Now and get supported by retarded wages slave cucks living the rest of your life like your retired.
Wage Slaves are Restarted
Just like my autocorrect
I'm wealthy.
It's like being a NEET except you can have more than ramen everynight and girls love you.
Also significantly less crying into a cum stained anime pillow.
Nice larp faggot
Not a larp you poorfag.
I can tell I hit a nerve.
You almost sound like your larping as a commie. Usually they aren't this open about exposing their bullshit.
calm down nigger
Because I can get more money out of working, not to mention the social capital that having a job gives me?
the future man is the proletarian
I guarantee im wealthier than you faggot however I don't care about material possessions I spend all my free time enjoying myself playing video games and reading books. Just keep working a job you hate though for 40 hours every week just so you can retire at 80 when you are sick and tired and old...
I've been one for six years now ask me anything.
You're definitely poor. I can tell.
Besides, who says I work? I own my own business. I employ people to do that for me.
I have no one to support me in the here and now. Savings? Nearly a third of my paycheck is nothing but deductions.
I've been working at Walmart for over a decade. It's the best possible outcome that could have taken place, given unlucky circumstances.
work hard while you're young and relax while you're old ;P
A wealthy NEET is the best but only if you didn't need to be a wage cuck for most of your life to achieve that point being a wealthy NEET. Working to be a wealthy NEET is not as good as being a thrifty need from the start.
What's wrong with phoneposting? I'm doing it right now!!!
Do you ever regret it? Would you ever do it over and be a wage cuck?
>changes name and flag in an attempt to samefag
you're severely retarded. granted, I'm not surprised as you're a commie
Not phone posting the safari extension is shit
Changed flag to show which wage cucks I'm leaching in a subtle message.
Only retards would try hiding they are op without changing their ip
implying a newfag like yourself knows how to change their ip
you're just autistic
Fuck off leaf
lol just airplane mode on iOS resets it its commonly known
Or relax the whole life and just be thrifty
Lad its time you look into factory and warehouse work i guarantee you they will pay more.