I hate this jerky prick but i do also feel bad he's about to cancer out.
I hate this asshole
hopefully it hurts when he dies and his family isn't around ;D
they'll be around to cash his legacy out
You should wish painful and swift death upon your enemies. After all, they are your enemy for a reason.
Jesus talked bullshit about loving enemies. I can agree that you should choose your enemies carefully, but McCain, founder of ISIS, needs to die.
if Sessions could be the one with cancer, i'll sell a testicle to the devil.
Arizonan here. I hate him so much I actually voted Obama in 2008.
Dont pity this faggot because karma came calling for its due.
lol I hated him in 2008. But I will forever worship him for how he humiliated Trump in the 11th hour in front of the entire nation. Holy fuck that was great night watching you hicks and your daddy get rekt like that.
spotted the pot head
spotted the cuck head
I'm cheering for the cancer. I send my energy to his tumor every day. He's worse than any Democrat, I'd happily trade him for any two progressive liberals in Congress.
The day he dies I will celebrate.
that is old stuff. long forgotten. noone cares. new things are happening. if thats the only security blanket you've got though....you can have it. u win. there was a brief moment of butthurt.
says the guy with the green ID
we all know yƓure a pothead too
watch Assad get his whole country back the day after McCain dies
Muck FcCaine
Hell for me would be dying of old age right now, running out of time before being able to see what becomes of humanity and the world in this age.
I shudder.
You're right. Cant wait for the finale when your daddy hangs from the washington monument. Maybe we'll finally get to see the "thousands celebrating in the streets new jersey" like he promised.
you're in hell, Sup Forums
You mean the finale when he gets re-elected in 2020?
Wanna know who didn't get to live to be a geriatric fuck?
The 134 sailors he killed by firing a rocket across the deck of his aircraft carrier. Fucker should've been court marshalled and rotting in prison to this day.
>feeling bad for the deadliest pilot in the North Vietnamese air force
Of course he'll get re-elected when useful idiots like you are still in plenty. We're working on that though :)
Wait until Trump speaks at his funeral
Can I punch pluto?
I like people who don't get captured.
Pluto doesn't have a ring you fucking right wing retard. It's Uranus.
mccains brain baby is well deserved. god smote his left frontal lobe and called him a hungry nigger
Fuck off nerd, I didn't know that.
I like presidents who weren't elected by Russia
>fuck off nerd
lol are you one of the 70 year old grandmas who recently started browsing Sup Forums?
I feel sorry for his cancer. Imagine being stuck in that skidmark and never being allowed to just finish his faggot ass off forever.