Most of them are on our side

You guys sit around and bash Jews 24/7 when really it's just a small majority that are extremely rich and powerful. The vast majority agree with most of what you probably agree with, not to mention they're constantly at war with Muslims. Jews aren't the enemy, globalist are (which do tend to be Jewish, but they aren't exclusive). Also the left is the ever growing ideological foot soldier of the globalist. Muslim terrorist is the actual military, waging actual war.

Other urls found in this thread:,_Poland_and_Russia

show me the many Jews who are protesting white genocide by Israel and the diaspora. go ahead. show me all the many Jews who are on our side.

>people aren't out there having pro-racist protests in the current year
Are you guys for real?

i didnt say "people."
show me the JEWS who are standing up against white genocide by their fellow Jews. go ahead. ill wait.

It's not about white genocide. You can't expect them to care. But you can easily see them spreading western civilization is the Middle East. Just look at pic related. Not too many places like this in the Middle East

Dude they fucking love us. OP is right, Jews are just like us and they generally have our best interests at heart, and care about empowering our people and traditions.

Most whites support the same stupid shit.

>Most whites

>It's not about white genocide.
oh but its about the holocaust every other sentence? lel fuck off kike. no one wants you here.


>I wonder why public opinion...

>...Is the way it is?

>And how did they get there? Good ol' hard work! Like us, but without the white privilege.

Lots of jews in the elite for sure.

>But you can easily see them spreading western civilization is the Middle East
i see jews doing a better job of spreading african and muslim "civilization" into the West.

And they care about goys like me. But not even just the elite, the everyday low level journalist even

There's a difference between a Jew and a kike, just like the difference between a black person and a nigger

And they cared so much about my ancestors, they spread communism to our ancestral homelands in Russia, the Baltic states, Hungary, and they tried in countries like Germany. There were a lot of civil wars, and they ended up losing tens of millions of lives. The end result was an industrial and agricultural reset, millions starved, potent secret police, no freedom of expression, speech, or often religion so the culture stultified. But somebody had to bring progress to our peoples!

Looks shitty, at least the Arab countries have pretty cities.

regular jews are the scapegoat for the top jews, the plan of the elites for regular jews is an endless cycle of genocides. this plan has been successful for millenia because we keep falling for it. the top jews don't even see themselves as being jews. meanwhile while regular jews have problems in general, they're not all bad. and though white people have problems in general, we're not all bad either.

There were only 300 Jews in the Bolshevik movement pre revolution out of 5 million Jews in Russia you fucking retard.

jews are like genestealers, any purestrain can evolve into a broodlord. total extermination is the only way to be sure.

use people a to manipulate people b and a in a bad way. people b blame and attack people a, even though many of people a were against it the whole time. when people finally decide to do something about it, they attack a bunch of puppets, and the cycle starts over again when ready.

the jews are being played here, so are we, we're all pawns. rather then let ourselves be played in chess against each other, why not just stop playing. the pawns stop playing chess. and the chessmasters rendered impotent by us refusing to play along

>Over 500 bundists, the Bund being entirely jewish
>Most Mensheviks were jewish
>Many Bolsheviks were jewish

Where's your proof?,_Poland_and_Russia

Here are the people that destroyed the homeland that my ancestors were in. Why are you defending that?

a completely reasonable opinion. Sadly this is a larping site, so if you post such things, you'll get 15 merchant sageposts

Now why wouldn't I want this to be seen? More people should be talking about it, they just aren't.

because it isn't anti-jew enough

Sup Forums likes to believe the jews are some metaphysical boogiemen who can read minds and acquire shekels through walls.

reality is similar to what the OP says.

based post

easy to generalize and create an insane fear basedworld w internet & tv culture.

go out into the real world and meet people.

>Sup Forums likes to believe the jews are some metaphysical boogiemen who can read minds and acquire shekels through walls.

It's true. I'm just mad af the one gommie ones never got justice, and the rest today act like nothing happened and wonder why they were being removed from Europe.


>not to mention they're constantly at war with Muslims. Jews aren't the enemy,
if those faggot "jews" would stop larping as middle eastern people and go back to europe they wouldnt be responsible for refugees going to europe

bush was a tard who thought god wanted him to be president and thought jews were gods chosen people. ruining the middle east was just part of making israel happy. that made refugees who now live in europe

if france and germany get their way there will be more taken in. germany and france can pretend they dont have to do it but they will. a whole 4 million more minimum will be taken by years end if they try to put their refugees in other countries (thats between the 2 so if evenly divided 2 million in each)

>Most of them are on our side
most diaspora are rabidly against us and want whites exterminated by any means

even if it means seeing their own country filled with primitive antisemites, they hate us that much

Speaking of the JOOS... what actual actions has the Rothschilds taken against us? Are they just opportunists or are they the ones inciting war against non Rothschild bank countries?

"They're at war with muslims."

Is that why they are allied with Saudi Arabia who funds Wahhabism all over the world?

Neo-cohens like to push this fucking lie? We were never at war with Muslims. Jews were at war with Muslims and fund terrorism so they can keep expanding and use Americans as cannon fodder. And "globalists" are JEWS you fucking retard.

Go fuck yourself kike.