Women hate thread
Women hate thread
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But I liek womin user.
its always the men's fault, goy.
This really isn't true anyway, it's the slut it up till you're 30 you don't need no man feminism that has done this. Men seem to just be pulling back as a reaction. Encourage your daughters to babysit and work in summer camps or as lifeguards so they begin to see how great kids are and will want their own.
Lmao, men have always enjoyed hobbies after getting married.
I highly doubt this is the reason men are not marrying.
the kike propaganda isnt going to say that though.
lol what are you guys doing? you're spamming the board with nonstop woman hate today, can't you mix it up?
are you really that fucking stupid and herdlike?
faggots, sage
I was ready to marry and breed in my teens. Whore X girlfriend buys me Mortal Kombat 3 even though I tell her not to buy it for me for Christmas. She buys it anyway then kills a baby somewhere during our 1 year relationship. 6 months later graduates HS leaves me and tells me she has to sow her oats. Goes to college whoring like a whore. What did you say again?
more like "virgins unite" thread.
>By Melanie Notkin
Every time I see an article like this, it is written by a woman. Looks like Melanie's baby clock is ticking.
Yeah instead we get this
looks like its the woman killing the white race.
t. woman
There is another "White women hate thread" already up. Realize that this is nothing more than propaganda. Women have been misled but so have men. We have both been lied too, both been subjected to treason, both been tormented and reduced to shells of what we should be.
Whites need to unite, any act of division is an act of war against our race and our people.
"For the brave we shall build altars,
for traitors we have only bullets".
what is this, a post for ants?
I've pretty much accepted that the White Race is finished. No man will breed that is not a cuck, or a one-percenter Chad. You either fall in line, or go extinct. The future is female- it's the sad truth.
lurk moar
Kek same
>dating girl for 1 year
>buys me expensive tickets to a Bulls game I implicitly said I didn't want, many times
>Calls me ungrateful bastard, huge fight
>Things are the never same
>Stay together another 15 months, fight a lot
>She finally dumps me
>Now huge whore in another state
I consider it a win though, I got that pussy when it was prime and tight and not loosened like a ketchup bottle at Steak n' Shake
It's them who hate me REEEE.
>t. western slut
>>buys me expensive tickets to a Bulls game I implicitly said I didn't want, many times
Shoulda said it explicitly, I guess
Why don't these girls just marry older men then?
Both are to blame; it's the circle of cuckery. Women demand rights and can't hang->men fall victim to feminist propaganda to slip it in-->women grow out of rebellious phase and realize they want children-->men gradually losing testosterone and play video games to simulate being real men-->manlets breed weakling offspring with ovum 3weeks away from expiration-->woman grows resentful of manlet husband after child born because her purpose is fulfilled so she divorces him and takes everything-->woman becomes eodipal mother to offspring because she has nothing better to do-->child grows into manlet or third wave feminist-->repeat
I have a situation with a good friend of mine. He wanted kids and his GF didn't, so after a serious talk, he dumped her.
A couple years later he graduated from his master's engineering program, is a lead software engineer and getting married next year.
His ex started talking to me asking for guy help or some shit. She's turning 30 and her life is terrible or something. She has a decent job but she's had years of being ass fucked by Chad's trying to get one to marry her.
What does she expect, to find some Prince Charming by blowing guys in a bathroom at a club? Her value is going down and she knows it.
But childish men are a result of every white girl being a super trashy slut that fucks everything with a dick, sometimes including pets.
Honest to god, I hate women now. I have nothing but contempt for them. I don't enjoy my time with them, and I genuinely think they are infantile greedy retards as a whole. I could go as far as to say I have never had a satisfying conversation with a woman. Even when they are an expert at something, they don't care about it. It's just a way to make money so they can go clubbing more.
So after a chick fucks 500 guys, has STD's, and has raqvished her body with drugs and alcohol abuse, she has leathery skin from all the tans, and lines like a 45 yr old at 30. She starts failing to attract hot guys and the money runs out, parents kick her out.
I am supposed to just have kids with washed up garbage at the drop of a hat? What's amazing is even when they finally want me they still insult me.
I have VR porn. I literally have no further use for women. Ok, I can't reproduce like this. But when I've been rejected and treated like crap, or broken up with because I didn't want my gf going to a sex party, or broken up with via her cheating with my room mates. ... Whose fault is it really that you can't have kids NOW? I wanted kids 10 fucking years ago but you didn't want to be responsible. You don't get to just change your mind after you're damaged. I worked way to hard for the income I have to risk it on trash.
>Those jokes about obsoleting women with sex robots and traps is slowly making more sense
Worth the read
>find some Prince Charming by blowing guys in a bathroom at a club
Prince Chading
>not the media brow beating women every week with a story on why they should wait till their 35 to reproduce
Youre a faggot
Roasties/tinder are to blame
Why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free
>God why are all men manchildren
>continues swiping on Tinder
2 ex-gfs both 30 now and childless. God doesn't want me to impregnate women. WHY HATH YOU FORSAKEN ME
Would you really marry and financially support a woman for the rest of your life just to get sex?
Jesus christ, man.
Just proves more that women will never be pleased.
MGTOW will save the west.
if they had not pair bonded with someone else
Are you fucking retarded?
If you consider Hapas, Western, then sure
Curious, and genuine question from a red pilled log time Sup Forums faggot nigger.
Why do you think it's the jews who are behind this article? Orthodox Jewish men have absolutely no desire to push a narrative that white males should breed sooner and more often.
If you're going to subscribe to the Joos Are Behind Everything meme, at least be consistent you fucking retard.
In what fucking sense
>Women hate thread
More like I don't understand how Women operate so I hyate dem fuckan hoes.
Fucking white bitches and their religion(feminism.)
I'm gonna fuck Persians instead. Thanks Trudeau for all the Persian bitches who've never even heard of feminism!
Enjoy killing the white race for your kike masters and having shit skins for your children.
Jolie is on the train. Why aren't you?
To capitalists, maybe.
>British guys
What fucking world does she live in?
British people are literally white niggers aka Chavs.
How can the west be saved if you virgins never have kids?
Not true, I know of 2 good friends of mine that after getting married and having children still manage to find time to play vidya.
Unattractive women just don't like taking responsibility for their own miserable lives.
Makes me so fucking mad
Pic related has a happier ending
New channel
> long time poster here
shut the fuck up you larping shill faggot. I bet you the head of that "news" outlet is a fucking kike, probably very much like you.
someone find me a picture of a group of women genuinely laughing like the men in the right of this image
I have never seen a woman with an honest laugh ever
>not using one of these instead
>somethings the matter?
>better blame men again
That's worked so many times before, right?
Dam it just made me realize how fucking retarded I am, I had this hot white chick asking me for my number yesterday but didn't give it to her and now I highly regret it i literally just fucked my own shit up yesterday and if I hadn't I could've been smashing but now it just me and my hand again.
It's sort of true
Most men I know don't want kids anytime soon and all my guy friends are staunchly opposed to getting married. They all think they're the shit and they're going to sleep with a million women well into their 30s and then they might settle once they hit 40.
>Answers legit question with absolute autism
Nigger, I've been contributing to Sup Forums since 2010. I've voted for Romney BECAUSE of the 49 % statement, voted McCain despite Palin and helped get Trump into office. You were probably discovering masturbation while I was being redpilled. Fuck off with your kike meme, at least apply it correctly. More than likely you're the kike trying to make Sup Forums seem even more retarded than it is you dirtbag piece of scum sucking bottom feeding basement dwelling trash.
Yeah right, bud. MGTOW won't solve anything, sexual dynamics is a market just like any other, and boycotting only gives the remaining buyers even more power and the suppliers less incentive to give a shit.
By dropping out, you not only increase the power of the actually sexually successful men, you also increase the market power of women over those men, so all you will be is the useless parasites you are while the other two become ever more radicalized.
Go tip your fedora somewhere else.
I'm MGTOW but I'm honest with myself - the reason I will die alone is because of my own failure and genetic defects. I will keep myself out of the gene pool and do a service to society.
>launch of a magazine
I bet this bitch is living with her parents. Magazines aren't even a thing anymore.
Actual National Socialists would never say this shit. Some attach themselves to National Socialism because they are antisocial bastards. Being a National Socialist in the Post-WW2 world is walking around with a crucifix, we are much like the martyrs of Christian theology.
And we will win.
...are they all that wrong? compared to the sex market in their 20s, I mean
D&e abortion is only used when the baby is already dead or when the mother is in danger, you asshole.
As a woman I hate it that you try to take away our rights with false propaganda.
yeah because kikes aren't also getting behind feminism, ya dumb fuck.
these threads are scarier than any other type of thread on Sup Forums
>not just stabbing it in the head
>not killing yourself
Sup Forums has always has this sentiment toward the Juden as I remember
I dont know whether to believe the validity of your (((longtime))) fag status
>whores around late teens all through twenties
>multiple abortions
>birth control
>my body my choice sweetie
>hit thirties
>mentally unfit from the ungodly amount of abortions
>major weight gain from all the plan B
>smells like shit because of weight
>at least one STD
>probably a drinking problem and/or pill problem
>complains she can't find the right man or all her boyfriends were assholes
>dryer then the sahara so probably no kids
>meets guy who is another asshole but marries anyway
>somehow manages child at 40 but the kid is fuck up because he was the last remnant of any eggs
>gets husband into cuck fetish or swinger fetish
>divorces husband and takes kid
>"Im a strong women who can raise a child on her own"
>cuts father out of childs life
>Cycle if boyfriends repeats
>if kid never finds a father figure grows up to be a fairy or tranny wimp
best thread user.
Also anyone who spows Mgtow bullshit is fucking retarded, you know very well if you found a women of your ideal then you'd breed with her. The real problem is both men and women, women for years now have been huge sluts riding the cock carousel well into their thirtys and some men just have the mindset of get money fuck bitchs. It's because of these mindsets a good portion of men and women stay single because women hit the wall at 30 and start to look like shit and men don't want to Marry older women and trying going for 20 year olds it's sad how the state of dating has become, now everyone promotes degeneracy everywhere now a days.
Ok, tell us how to get laid. But better yet, tell us how that would make our lives better. It's not worth the time or effort. I'd rather just mooch off of people, play vidya, jerk off to porn, and let die the society that failed me. There isn't a point to anything anymore. Men kill themselves sometimes if their lives go to shit. As much as I'd like to get laid, I can't think that it would make my life any better now. I've wasted too much time due to society being filled with lies since birth.
Abortions should be mandatory for all pregnant women not married and not planning to get married before having the child.
Abortions should be restricted for married couples, especially white ones.
>men are not up to my standards
>this is obviously a problem with literally all men rather than a problem with me
>I am a woman, I can do no wrong
>be white Sup Forumstard
>bitch about immigration
>bitch about declining white population
>bitch about how white women are all whores
>want to "ooga booga muh dik" until you're 40 years old and wonder why society is so fucked up
you're the same dumb pieces of shit you come to this board to complain about. kill yourself
Plan B makes you gain weight? And being fat doesn't make you smell bad its bad hygiene that does that
I'm not even laughing or hating. I've seen so many of these that I no longer feel anything from them.
No sentiment, it's like a timeline. You do X you get Y, 100% accuracy.
Why does it have to be this way...
>t. lad who got cheated on
Women are never to blame for their own life choices.
More news at 11.
>long time poster
>doesn't know that feminism is a jewish psyop
Your nose is showing
>men assume all of the risk and are burdened with all the responsibilities in marriage
>married men work many hours more on average to pay for wife's out of control spending habits
>wife can dissolve the marriage at any time for any or no reason and get 50 to 100% of the assets and money
This, the 2D ones are breddy gud.
Paid for by retarded Christian groupe
>lol wtf is wrong with women theyre ruining society i just want to play video games and fuck bitches until im 40 hahaha so fucking alpha amirite lmao fucking women are ruining the West
kill yourselves you fucking idiots. both of you are part of the problem.