No, Hillary Clinton Would Not Have Threatened North Korea With "Fire, Fury and Power"

Anyone who believes otherwise is subscribing to the same conspiracy theories that helped get Donald Trump elected in the first place.

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What's the deal with Hillary's recent plea bargain to the FBI.

Also, who killed Seth Rich?

>hurrr I'm too retarded to understand nuclear proliferation please rape my ugly face
>collapsing Libya for trying to gold standard is okay, gold is evil

The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

We're pretending n. korean nuclear banter has substance now?

>yeah let's let North Korea perfect their nuclear weapons technology AND THEN go to war with them

Do you leftist's even hear yourselves? It's best we swat them sooner rather than later, preferably with China and Russia's support

But what would have my aunt have said?

She would have given more of our tax dollars to them so they could keep building ICBMs like a good cuck

Ruralism was a mistake.

>Anyone who believes otherwise is subscribing to the same conspiracy theories that helped get Donald Trump elected in the first place.


Thanks for the global warming, city retard.

>muh government housing makes me superior

Silence leaf!

>Do you leftist's even hear yourselves?
Nah. They unironically advocated no fly zones in Syria and shooting down Russian planes, but condemn Trump for how he's dealing with the Norks. They're not rational people.

>implying the person in that pic can afford to live in the city

True. She would of sent them money like her husband did. Kim would of shut up for a while only to extort more money later on.

hurrrrr I don't know who David Frum or GWB are, the posts!


>Syria 2017
>NK 2017
Nooooo war piss and love

Jes, lefties decide. Worse than women

You're right, shed be too busy threatening Russia

Trump just signed a sanction bill that sanctions russia and pushes them off the US dollar.

She did day that she'd attack Russia. She'd probably be down to blowing up NK.

Remember what she was saying during the third debate? She was looking forward to the "awesome responsibility of the nuclear launch codes". Unhinged, capable. That's a combination I don't like seeing together.

What trump did wasn't a threat, it was a promise.

>she'd attack Russia.


>Anyone who believes otherwise is subscribing to the same conspiracy theories that helped get Donald Trump elected in the first place.

Rural and suburban voters.

it's rly simple, Trump WANTS Kim to nuke Los Angeles and I can't blame him

fucking bait, nobody can be that inept and arrogant

Faggot, she and Obamarama said they'd treat any cyber attack against America as a military attack against America. Hillary is still so daft to think the email leak is Russia's fault, not hers. She would totally go to war against Russia, and said so herself.

>Anyone who believes otherwise is subscribing to the same conspiracy theories that helped get Donald Trump elected in the first place.

No, she has spent a decade threatening Iran, Syria and Russia with war. It's part of why she lost the election, twice. War with North Korea is inevitable unless there is a coup against the Kim regime.

Check flag man. Shillary did get "muh popular vote", after all.

this 100%

>Worship pic related
>Trump says something similar
>"Ahh he's the devil."

Always hypocrites.

Of course not.
Hillary would make more subtle passive-agressive threats of nuclear anihilation.

You're right, we'd already be in full scale conflict in Syria instead.

No, she just wanted massive war in the Middle East and war with Russia

She voted for the Iraq war several times, she went full blown psycho after the killing of Gaddafi, and she purposely destablized Syria.

There is no living politician more evil that Hillary Clinton.

Having lived in the city too, they are also retards.

NK has a lot more reason to fear us than we have reason to fear them.

NK is like a rowdy toddler threatening to kick people in the shins and America is like a 7 ft tall athlete that just stared the kid in the eyes and gladly challenged the toddler to a shin kicking contest.

>we'd already be in full scale conflict in Syria instead.

she threatened military action against russia in the debate ffs, not a conspiracy faggot

You're right, she wouldn't have said that to North Korea.

She would have been saying it to Russia while sending troops to Syria.

Of course not, she would have threatened Russia

But she threatened Russia with fire, fury and power in the middle of the 2016 campaign

she is WEAK thats why she lost

I came here to laugh at this post

with a side of sage

stwp 1: go back in time and don't sign up for a fucking womwn's studies major

They have some kind of weird disconnect where they think it's their job to give "the less priveleged" free blow jobs but simultaneously indulge in power fantasies where they can live free.

Indoctrination is a hell of a drug.

Only USSOCOM and an Army BCT are there. 3,200 Personnel can not do much, besides air strikes and limited raids.

and start WWIII with Assad and Putin

And its those city people who will get vaporized by North Korea

>hillary clinton joking and laughing about a human being getting dragged out into the street and beat to death by muslim extremists is a conspiracy theory

AKA black and Hispanics with low IQs. White men, the group with the highest IQ in America other than ((())), went more than 80% for Trump. Try again, nigger lover.

did lebshits forget she blurted out our nuclear response time?

Stop crying you faggot.

She wouldn't have had to because she would have actually used the diplomacy skills that come from her years of experience with the state department instant of using incendiary rhetoric to antagonize already volatile regimes.

yea but hillary would have sold your children to saudis as fuck slaves. this way we get to have roving bands of rapist murderers that are american molesting the white children after N korea nukes america

the second any one finds out a state got nuked all bets are off .grab your gun and get to raping and pillaging

No, she wouldn't have threatened North Korea with nuclear war. She would have threatened Russia. Why? Because Russia would have threatened the United States with nuclear war because Americans were stupid enough to elect a satanic, murderous pedophile as their president. That was the deal. That is the red pill. That is the ultimate big fucking red pill. Now eat it or live in your blue pill dream for the rest of your fucking lives.