Going to jail, should I join the nazi gang?

How would I survive in San Quentin prison? I'm Mediterranean white (I look italian), I hate fighting and I dont want to get raped. A friend told me to find myself a group (in California it's mostly by race) and stick with them and worry about the convict code, not the Title 15 (California's rule book). The problem is I'm not so sure if the Nazis will accept me, even though I'm full 1488 but I don't have tattoos and I have olive skin with black hair/eyes.

So I guess the question boils down to knowing if an average Sup Forums larper is capable of joining a neonazi prison gang by ideological similarities and not racial ones.

what did you do that got you in pirson?

They'll let you in if you let them fuck you in the ass.

shave balls

what did you do? prison gangs sometimes have admission related to the crime you did.

Depends what you did user. Prisons separate people depending on their crimes you know.

>Hey, pol, I'm going to prison. Have you been to prison? Describe some of the code/language/culture that has developed for the 14/88 gangs inside.


Don't join a prison gang dipshit - that's why many inmates who would have had a couple of years get life sentences.

There's literally dozens of prison documentaries on Youtube - most of the AB don't look like Dolph Lundgren.

feels good man

I have a buddy who went to prison and know another guy who did as well. One did 1 year. The other 5. The guy who did 5 just didn't talk to anyone. Stayed away from fights and gang shit.
The other dude got into a couple fights but it never got out to the guards and shit. So he finished his year.

The bbc can save you if ass be traded.

How long.

I did 3 years in Chino. A few tips, hang around the whites but do not join a gang. Make it clear you'll have their back if shit kicks off.
Do not accept gifts from anyone, they will want it back with interest.
Do a minimum of association with Latins and blacks.
Get a job, go to church, join any extracurricular you can.
Read. Learn to draw. Write letters to everyone you know, even people you havnt talked to in years.
Just keep to yourself and do not fuck with anyone. Don't cut anyone in line, don't backtalk anyone, dont screw anyone over, domt cheat when plahing cards or chess. Do not EVER touch anyone's shot unless they directly offer it to you to look at.
I was terrified going into prison but I learned pretty quick that most of the guys in there are decent dudes who fucked up and got caught on the wrong side of the law. There are very few monsters inside, and they get adseg pretty quick.
Also, don't be afraid to ask someone, probably your cellmate for some pointers, dos and do nots.

Good luck brother.

Honestly depends on what you've done.

If true, just don't be a gigantic pussy and you'll be fine.
>I don't like to fight
Better start learning lad

Hitler would have gassed you for being a degenerate criminal. Now fuck off and kys

I remember seeing something about the aryan brotherhood's second in command, being half jewish a few years, apparently it was known by the gang but they didn't care? So, not too sure they're as strict on membership criteria, despite their ideology. Probably due to white people in prison being in the clear minority. If all that holds up, I'd say you'r pretty safe looking kind of med

Shot a dog 3 years ago, paid $3000 fine. Just shot another one, got a year being my 2nd offense. You may not believe me but neither case was for shits and giggles, I dont get off doing it if that's what you're wondering.


They're going to fucking rape your ass if they find out you're in for shooting dogs.

Hitler loved dogs.

Go back to Mexico, dirty spic.

LOL you're gonna have a terrible time faggot u fit in nowhere and can't fight.

>shot two of man's best friend
Tyrone is gonna have fun with you. Better start stretching out your boipussy for him.

>I'm Mediterranean white


what flavor of dog was it?

pretend your irish. you sound like a beta cuck who the aryans would turn into a punk. irish are pretty cool guys

Just sent word to my boys in San Quentin with details regarding your race, origin, and crime. They'll be looking for you. Already put a bunch in their commissary account. Good luck, dog killer.

hitler was a "criminal" in his time, never forget that mountain kike.

This, not even joking, OP. If you go to jail for hurting animals or molesting children they take that personally. All they talk about in prison is their family and when things like that happen they only picture it happening to their family. You probably won't even be kept in the same general area as everyone else because your handlers already know the outcome of throwing you in there.

oh look, a tiny penis bitch who tries to feel like an actual man by hiding behind a gun to kill a dog.

how nice it is knowing that you will be made into the prison yard fuck toy you gutless subhuman.

>Just trust me

Why did you shoot the dogs then?

Did you at least eat the dog after?

Let's put a bounty on a dark net market for the lulz. I'm serious.

>implying he didn't shoot that dog wanting just this

Unless you have a damn good reason for doing it, like "pit bull gnawing on little girl" good, then I hope Tyrone disposes of you.

thats not how prison works retard.

ATF have fun...

Hmmm, black-eyed shitkin faggot omitted the reason he killed the dogs hmmmmm, sounds like it was for a totally noble reason you lasagna-sucking cock-mitt.

honestly.."hate fighting / going to jail / raped" is literally whats going to happen to you no matter what. You will fight or you will be raped. No gang will fight for you if you wont fight for yourself

I'm going to give user the benefit of the doubt and say they were rabid leash less pitbulls owned by niggers.

Too bad it won't save him. He will be segregated into an area where people have done around the same crime so he won't get killed. The inmates won't ask why and how he did it.

1. Don't join a gang, easiest way to get into some bullshit.

2. Do get into extra curricular stuff like school, church, a job, working out. If you aren't a total autist, you can leverage these to meet other not shit inmates. Having cohorts beats having a gang any day.

3. Don't accept shit from strangers. Odds are good that it's not a gift.

4. Don't lend shit to strangers. You're not going to get it back.

5. Don't go into debt, ever. Can't stress this one enough. You'll be sucking black dick super fast if you get yourself strung out on drugs you can't afford to pay back.

6. Don't be in prison with some creepy charges. If you are a toucher, going to get fucked up in most places.

why do you retards think people give a fuck about dog killers? are you guys fucking retards? your "buddies" are gonna take your money and do literally nothing, because what're you gonna do about it? larp on the fucking internet? does no one on here know that dog fighting is a large part of the criminal underworld?

Just let it happen mate.

You don't know if you like it if you've never tried it.

He will probably be sorted into a low security camp with a bunch of young short timers, which is way worse than medium security with lifers.

Young pricks who know they get out in 6 months, and have nothing to gain by not being shitters. Hated that scum so much when I was doing my 3 years in Ohio.

god you people on here are so sheltered and dense its fucking insane.

Eric Clanton is that you?

Going to jail myself on monday but only gonna be in county for 42 hours. Cops pulled me over like 2 minutes away from my house and charged me for DUI. They also smashed my face into the pavement a few times just because (wasn't resisting or anything). Only thing I'm worried about is the local county jail is mostly niggers. WAT DO?

This guy knows what's up.

The guidos are trying to infiltrate the aryan brotherhood.

Kinda surprised its San Quentin instead of Santa Rita

A big part of LARPing is fantasy, but you seem to be the master of fantasy. You think that dog fighting is a "criminal" activity when you meant to say "nigger underworld" rather than "criminal".

The first one yeah, was a spic's rot weiler that came at me. The problem was that it was on a leash (albeit a very long one) so I paid the fine. This time I accidentally shot my friend's dog during a duck hunt, he was a good friend but he couldn't forgive me for it and sued me.

just sit down, be quiet, don't start fights, don't talk to anybody unless you absolutely have to. its 42 hours nigger you'll be fine, also don't take a shower, if they're is a lot of niggers there is always some faggot hanging around the showers looking to punk somebody.

don't do anything, literally stick to yourself, make small talk if asked, if they offer literature get some and read, if anyone ask you what you did just tell them DUI.
You're not going to be in there long.

I wish they had crippled you to the point of not being able to operate a vehicle ever again, you worthless piece of shit.

>There will be niggers there!

Then you should fit right in, reckless albino chimp.

>t. Guy who has never been to prison.

Three years in a medium camp, and never had to fight anyone. Rape was incredibly rare, like actual did nothing to get butt fucked rape. Plenty of people paying their debts in the showers.

Most people crazy enough to fight you for no reason are going to get moved to higher security camps pretty quick.


Counties not to bad i survived when i was a little leftist bitch with long hair did a two weeks for shop lifting

Its hilarious that Sup Forums is full of criminals and yet you whine about muh niggers and beaners

no I meant criminal, you don't know any actual white nationalists, I can tell, you've never been to prison, and you're typing this from your parents house you little cuck, white people can be niggers too, and I've met many of them. now show your flag you fucking cuck.


OP, you better get blacked before u go to jail, to get used to it and shit

If you find snacks on your bed, eat them. It's insulting to refuse a gift.

You're a fucking degenerate, but you will be fine.

Your cell-mate is the only person you need. If he is in a gang, be prepared to bust a move for him, and only him.

Sure, immediately joining up with a beat gives you protection from others, but the likelihood that you will be called upon is highly probable. You WILL be asked to do dirty work to prove yourself if you assimilate into gang life.

Most people in prison just want to do their time and get out. See if there are any courses you can take while in the penn. If you are considered a docile prisoner, they might even let you bring pens and pencils to your cell which can be sold to artists. 9 times out of 10 you will be ignored and ostracized for studying, but you will rarely be attacked. Who knows, you might even meet an illiterate nigger who needs you to write home for him.

t. 5'8" chubby manlet who did just fine as a "smawt lil nigga"

>but he couldn't forgive me for it and sued me
AHahahahaha I love how litigious and selfish you amerifats are

this guy knows exactly whats up, you don't go in with the lifers for shooting a fucking dog, OP will probably be out in a few months with good behavior, and at the level he'll be at, it'll probably just feel like summer camp. albeit one you can't leave.

>Most people crazy enough to fight you for no reason are going to get moved to higher security camps pretty quick.
this is assuming you aren't in a large pop county with a lot of spics or blacks.

Medium pop county, literally no one to fight. Most people who were a danger are moved very quickly like you said. Everyone else is just pretty chill.

While on the subject has anyone ever gotten shit for being in the military? I didn't get any flak, but I am curious.

Holy fucking shit what the fuck is this. News flash moron: the only people who hate dogs are shitskins like niggers and OP. How about you show a picture of your skin?

You might as well convert to Islam now before you go in you piece of shit

I robbed a bank. No one got hurt, and even if I'd got away with it, wouldn't have been some little guy getting fucked.

Compare to average nigger/beaner pushing drugs, stealing from individuals.

Also, my recidivism rate is 0% going on 9 years. Compare to nigger/hispanic recidivism.

this desu
being drunk and driving is the most niggerish thing one can do

This is misery.

In kc the third floor of county is the called the thunderdome
Just herds of 18-20 year old hood rats beating the shit out of each other 24/7
Cause turf and he called me a bitch and stupid bull shit like that.

Medical is where you want to be. Or with the lifers that don't want someone to fuck up and get their privileges taken away.

yeah this shit is fake as hell

you don't go to san quentin for accidentally shooting a friend's dog while hunting

show your fucking flag leaf, and you have no Idea what you're talking about, it has nothing to do with hating dogs, these peoples twisted mentality and ideology is so fucked that they believe what they're doing isn't even wrong, i've literally met people who were involved in all white dog fighting rings, its a real thing nigger. but yeah, tell us more about how you sent money to commissary for your "boys" that don't exist.

they don't do that in county

well at least not around here
They do make you watch a video about it before you go do any real time at a pen though.

In San Quentin, dog shoots you.
t. Rover

Wow I should totally do whatever some guy who hangs out with dog-fighting gangs tells me to. Naw, I think I'll just continue with my amusing plan to cause harm to those who do injury to dogs. This upsets you though since you're one of them.

>live 2 minutes away from the bar
>didn't even get very drunk
>out in the middle of nowhere where there's almost nobody on the road
>somehow this is a worthy crime of being crippled for life.

Whatever you say user.

Lose the word "bitch" from your vocabulary.


I know this is troll bait, but the Aryan Brotherhood is not a National Socialist movement. They are a psychopathic criminal gang who make money selling drugs. They have no coherent political ideology. They chose NSDAP symbology because they thought it looks cool. The reality of prison is that you stick with your racial kinsmen or you get raped by niggers.

its because hes lying and shot a dog for reasons Sup Forums wouldnt like

OP, you shoulda just became a cop if you like to shoot dogs.

The leaders are old Jewish men.

I don't remember any instances of that. Honestly the only people with targets were touchers/rapists.

It's different in each state I'm sure, but Ohio actually started everyone off in ultra high security sorting prison. It would be super hard to get fucked up there, unless you did something to piss the guards off.(you /will/ fall down stairs if you piss that places guards off).

By the time you go to the prison you are doing time at, they've already done a measure of sorting. Most of the really unstable idiots got fucked up by guards at sorting, and had their security upgraded.

This doesn't make any sense, doesn't there need to be intent in order for there to be a crime? "Accidentally" killing your friend's dog is not against the law.

Also your friend sued you? Suing you doesn't put you in jail

fucking chink

I hope they BEAT YO ASS you RACIST

I dont think they like faggots, OP

>Going to jail, should I join the nazi gang?
There's educational programs and other opportunities than joining a gang while serving our sentence, if you don't cause any trouble and want to focus on fitness and putting your brain to good use it could help you get out early when it comes to your parole hearing you'll get 1/3rd in serving your sentence.

Respect the code and don't cause trouble to anybody, let it be known to anyone who asks that you made a mistake and want to be a part of your family once more when you get out

tl;dr don't join a gang and hit the books and gym while in prison

Depends on the charges.
Since his friend sued him, he could be in for economic and emotional restitution.

ok, lol.

cry more you impotent faggot.

Fun facts:
The AB at the camp I was in, had this tendency of fucking the young white boys that signed up.

Ironic really, join AB for protection from black dick, only to get it from some 40-50 year old guy.

Like I said in other comments, don't join gangs if you end up in prison.

The suing part is just what I'll have to pay him. He said I did it on purpose, and I have a prior from already shooting a dog so I was fucked.

They give a fuck about dog killers because they'll use pretty much any excuse to turn new meat into the "other" so they can tear him apart. Just like Sup Forums does screeching about reddit and such constantly even when it's obviously just a halfassed accusation, you NEED someone to be the enemy, so you better believe child diddlers and dog killers are going to get to see what collor their intestines are

Request isolation. I was in jail, everyone kept to themself. I stopped eating in protest of their crappy food so they put me in the medical cells.

Still waiting for the photographic evidence that you're not a shitskin dog-hater. But you are. You're the worst scum and I will punish the dog-shooter from this thread extra hard in your stead.

scared straight the thread

keep waiting.

it'll happen.

Not a real leaf