I got selected for jury duty and I am pretty excited.
Do I hide my political beliefes and try to get in?
I seriously doubt they are going to let me on the jury if i say i think the defendant is a nigger that ought to be strung up outside.
at the same time if i play it cool maybe I will get in and be able to sway them to free a white guy that barley did anything wrong. or hammer some nigger that is going to get off.
also ive been looking into "Jury Nullification"
sounds pretty bad ass. seems that you basically arent allowed to even know about it practically.
its basically that a jury can find the defendant NOT GUILTY even if they are GUILTY but the jury feels that the defendant shouldnt be punished for the crime anyway. lets say a dude killed a pedofile for example. using jury nullification the jury could find him not guilty since killing the pedopfile was a crime but the jury doesnt give a fuck and thinks he should be set free.
the courts are apparently super hush hush about this but they have absolutely no recourse if its used.
so... if i do get selected are there really any rules I have to follow or can i just act a fucking fool in the deliberations redpilling the fuck out of people and rambling about nonsense?
Not hiding your power level in public is a bad idea, not hiding your power level in a court is a real bad idea.
You will hear two sides of a story and your job is to try and find the truth, probably somewhere in the middle.
Jose Rogers
fuck that.
if its a darkie or some god damned kike im sending them to the fucking chair.
Angel Hall
They'd probably just release you if you get too disruptive. Honestly you ought to be acting like a fucking fool during the selection process so they don't pick you.
Evan Cox
What are you 12? I've served on dozens of jury's criminal and civil. If you can't be fair fuck off and go home. I'm a fucking natsoc and you disgust me. Just because someone is white doesn't mean they should be excused or cut a break for degenerate behavior/actions. I fought for 10 days to let a 70 year old white man free after he shot his terminally ill wife in the head after she asked him to. Had it been a black man I would have questioned his motives and done the same. Just asking if you should reveal your pl shows you aren't mature enough to judge others.
Eli Baker
>>What are you 12? I've served on dozens of jury's criminal and civil. .... dozens...
are you aware that a common occurence when someone is lying is taht they tend to repeat numbers since their mind is jumping to imagined events?
>> I fought for 10 days to let a 70 year old white man
hmm. awefully round numbers arent they?
I smell bullshit. Nobody serves on 24+ trials dumbass.
and fuck you anyway. just for that im gonna really cock up this fucking trial
William Scott
You should try to get in. You could be the one who condemns a nigger to death or sets a white man free after he shoots a feral groid.
Jace Butler
Amen brother. Imma get in there and blow the lid off this fucking thing.
Christopher Flores
Serving on a jury is part of your civic duty. One day, you may very well find yourself having your case pled before a collection of your peers. For the good of your society, you should serve. Fairly and impartially.
I got called once. I wore a shirt, tie, and dress pants. Fifty or so people were part of the group that was called that day and nearly all of them dressed like utter slobs. The guy charged with sorting us out by number for anonymity explained, clearly and concisely, how we were to sound off when called and the first fucking guy called screwed it up.
The judge explained, carefully and calmly, that everyone was to remain silent during the selection process. The women next to me proceeded to complain to me, over the course of several minutes and through a stream of expletives, how she shouldn't have to do this and was drooling with anticipation for the chance to say something about her biases to the judge.
These are your peers in the eyes of the law.
Benjamin Mitchell
The man was 70+. After 33 years since the first time I served i know I've served on over a dozen. Some of us have jobs that continue to pay our salaries while on jury duty. In that time I asked the judge to be excused once on a mesothelioma case, it would have run for months and I had a family member in hospice at the time. I doubt you have the competence to make it past voir dire. >summer can't be over fast enough, kid+reddit = you
Jayden Edwards
your a fucking bore.
of course i can pass voyeur dryer :)
all you have to do is stay neutral to everything they ask.
>>can you do XXX while still remaining impartial to blah blah blah...
>> do you have any prejudice against XXX
>> do you have any preconcieved notions about...
>> do you understand XXXX
its easy as fuck.
oh. and dont think i havent noticed your switching numbers around as if your past is a shifting reality that doesnt conform to known patterns of what we concieve as time.
take your shifting trial times that last for eons and diliberate on that dark side of the moon over to >>>>/X/
That's why the need a classy mother fucker like me. I have style, sophistication, and eloquence, shooting out of my asshole.
William Long
Hide your powerlevel and be rational. Judge based on the evidence and your sense of right and wrong. You don't want to be one of those idiots making threads about how "pol ruined your life" after going full-retard in a court room and you don't want to be one of those "muh feels" retards who judge based on how well the defendant can act out a sob story. At least I wouldn't want to be if I were to do jury duty.
William Young
Jesus. another pansy.
I am going to go biblical on their ass.
all after i get selected of course so im locked in and they cant do fuck-all but be my captive audience as i terrorize them in deliberation.
Mother fucker im pumped.
im not gonna let some fucking judge tell me what to think. ill tell that mother fucker to stick it up their ass. when i am on the jury I AM THE LAW.
cock suckers.
Brody Wright
they want a middle of the road person..someone who doesnt nessicarrly have strong feelings one way or another. it all really depends on the trail and the lawyers who help select the jurists.
Just try to be as normal and laid back as possible. dont volunteer any crazy political ideas
Sebastian Gray
You can also null and void a law. (ie strike a law from the books.) Or you can say that the law is not applicable. Both of these rulings have big consequences, so think very, very, very hard before choosing either if they even apply at all. Choose wisely. Most likely if this decision got through the judge would dismiss the jury.
Just don't be an asshole and use these at the wrong time.
Oliver Butler
Ryan Miller
Everyone is guilty OP. Make them pay.
Lucas Davis
actually i dont think it has such a great effect... i was on a jury and they cops were trying to charge this black guy with assaulting an officer and we all agreed that while he did run from the cops he didnt try to attack them so basically the biggest part of their case was knocked out but that black guy still looked at us like we had sentenced him to death
Henry Parker
This is the most sensible post i've ever seen from a 'strayan
Benjamin Brown
Ive never evenbeen to redit asshole should i just write like this so its a god damned wall of text that makes you fall asleep and you end up missing the rest of the thread because you fell asleep and your mother wakes you up because she is experienceing a heart attack because you missed one of those fancy memes that had the your mom will die thing hidden in it and that weird frog thing they call kek is causing this heart palpatation thing that is causing her to have a heart attack so you have to call 911 and they send an ambulance but then after they pick your dumbass mom up the cops show up too and you ask if you are being detained and they say they heard that you use that terrorist4chan site and you are under arrest and now you are in jail getting your guts mashed in with BBC and all of a sudden you are going to trial and i end up being the person on the jury and i recognize you as the 70 year old man that went to trial 9000+ times so i decide to give you the fucking ban hammer of life and i get the entire jury to turn on your bitch ass and we decide to send you to death row where even more black dudes fuck you up the ass until you die of aids?
is that what you like?
or what?
i like this better.
Matthew Howard
I'm in EMS
As soon as I tell them that, I am always excused.
It's great
Owen Torres
90% chance it's a spic, nigger, or homeless drug addict and it's something not too serious like a drug paraphernalia or possession charge. Unless it's a grand jury trial, but that's unlikely.
You better put those shitskins or degenerates in prison, don't let the prosecution make a plea deal.
Since we technically have freedom of speech here in freedomville, what WOULD happen if I got picked for Jury duty and just straight said to the judge "If you put me on that jury and its a nigger ill fucking say guilty"?
I mean they cant really charge me for wrongthink. I got nothing to lose, no job or anything so I cant lose that if they make it public.
So what? Contempt of court for saying "ive been around too many bad blacks to be able to judge them fairly"?
Shit, give a medal to an american who actually has the balls to speak the truth these days.
Nathaniel Price
Oliver Adams
What. what fucking drugs have you been taking dude?
Aaron Cooper
They'd just dismiss you as a juror and call in a replacement.
Jason Jones
>Do I hide my political beliefes and try to get in? no
>I seriously doubt they are going to let me on the jury if i say i think the defendant is a nigger that ought to be strung up outside. true
Jayden Jackson
>ever been part of a jury Sup Forums? No, I live in an area with absolutely no crime. In my 3 decades of life I have never even seen a local car theft, let alone something like murder.
Jordan Scott
>I'm in EMS >As soon as I tell them that, I am always excused.
NEVER trust your future to 12 people to stupid to get out of jury duty.
Charles Russell
jury duty is for fags
Wyatt Williams
>tough talking on the internet >lel guys let's play fuck fuck games with the one pillar in society that keeps humanity from eating one another. >LARPing as some foul mouthed degenerate >trying to get the approval of a bunch of anonymous faggots on Sup Forums >probably underage >probably the one being tried himself.
Just gas yourself already you fucking worthless piece of shit.
Ryder Myers
So whats the fucking point of "once you turn 18 IT IS YOUR DUTY to be a juror"?
Honestly, it terrifies me to be on the other side of that.
Look a little creepy or are you a bit autistic and shitty in social situations?
Better hope to christ you dont have a FEMALE juror.
Look a little white trash, maybe fit a stereotype or two?
Better hope to allah that you dont have a black, commie or closet antifa who knows how to keep their mouth shut long enough on your jury.
Be the male in a domestic situation, no matter what REALLY HAPPENED?
Fucking hell, five women and seven men, three of which are OBVIOUSLY gay. One might be a tranny.
"Jury of my peers" my ass.
Hell, to be fair and impartial, you are the one in a million black guy who actually "din do nuffin"......
Guy like me who has had nothing but 99% bad experience with blacks......on your jury.
The system wasnt well thought out for the long term, was it?
Joshua Harris
If a judge knows you know about jury nullification you will never be called on again. Ive never been called back for jury duty because of asking about it on the phone kek
Austin Kelly
Okay. Just don't flood the board with "pol ruined my life, take responsibility!"-threads afterwards.
Ryder Edwards
Generally the examples you've listed are stupid enough to make their bias known and get replaced.
Lincoln Jackson
Brayden Stewart
You are a pansy
Christian Moore
>being this autistic
Jackson Gutierrez
That must suck, never bring able to serve jury duty
Adam Roberts
And yet every single day women get lesser reduced or completely wiped sentences because "they were having a bad day".
Nah, in america the system IS fucked, its just not as BLACK (heh) and WHITE as we make it seem.
"jury of your peers" is really one of the bigger lies thats been perpetuated.
Also the shit that "if you miss a jurors notice, you go to jail" is fucking bullshit. Im waiting for the day I get fucked by that because I am listed as living in a different house because my dads been scamming the government for years claiming im a dependant on his taxes, and I dont want to cause him no trouble. We both joint own the house, I havent lived there for years, and he stopped getting the mail.
Fuck, one of these days im going to go buy a gun and the ATF are going to shoot my cat and rape me because a jury notice showed up and I didnt answer it......
Ian Kelly
You have no balls
Chase Sanders
>women Women get mixed in alot, sometimes majority. Terrible for cases you know they'll go for the bias on. Should have a 100% success rate for striking out women jurors for bias. That would be hilarious, defendants and prosecution striking out all the women jurors all the time. The whole strike out juror stuff sort of sounds like bullshit in the first place. Jury systems are hot shite.
Brayden Lopez
what balls?
Im legit saying if I EVER get called for JD, im just going to tell the judge, if its nigger, it gets the trigger, if its white, free flight.
Im just curious as to what the judge would do. I HAVE asked this MANY times in the last few years, and before this I would get told all the stories about how I would go to jail for wrongthink and get raped and shit.
Ive seen TV shows show people getting put in "contempt" of court for saying they didnt feel like they were "fit" to be a juror, and its always some bullshit ITS YOUR DUTY.
I want a real answer, because no, right now, I could NEVER give a woman or a black a fair trial. I just couldnt, especially knowing that about 80 percent of the country couldnt/WOULDNT do "THEIR DUTY" for me either.
Hudson Cruz
It is easy to get ejected. just show up dressed like shit. ask dumbass questions and just answer everything they say in a maneer you know they dont want to hear. when it comes to the part where they ask you if you have ever been the victim of a crime just tell them yes you got raped by someone that looked just like the defendant and you are getting wildly aroused by it.
that is sure to get them off your back
William Roberts
Thank you.
Is that from experience (learned or personal)?
Because I have heard so much shit to the contrary from people on here, other sites and IRL.
Everyone else is always like "NOOOOOO, DUTY! JAIL TIME! CONTEMPT OF COURT!"
Jack Sanchez
>I'm extra-super-special-derp
Jury duty (like voting) used to be relegated to white male landowners.
>white (as in part of the culture, and responsible for being educated and aware of laws, politics, and events) >male (the head of a household, concerned with more than his personal interests) >landowner (someone who has a stake in the community, AND pays net taxes)
Juries have since become a hodgepodge of vagrants, women, and niggers without jobs long before I was born; basically anyone who can read a postcard (or who can find someone capable) can be a juror now.
Like with everything else, it doesn't mean half what it used to.
Jayden Nguyen
all depends on if you want to just get out of it, or if you want to get out of it and make a point and hold true to your values etc.
if you just want to get out. just answer their questions in a manner that will show you are not impartial. say you trust cops words no matter what they say, or that you think the crime the defendant is accused of is a silly law. or if that all fails ask the judge about jury nullification since you arent sure what it meant when you were researching jury duty. if they still let you in after that... well that would be a fucking oddity.
if you want to make a point then litterally just say whats on your mind. the worst thing that will happen is you get the judge all butthurt and they have you detained for a few hours but qquite frankly they cant really do anything to you. they might try to scare you a bit but you will get out just fine and will have told the truth.
whatever you want.
Kayden Lopez
>Everyone else is always like "NOOOOOO, DUTY! JAIL TIME! CONTEMPT OF COURT!"
Stop being a nigger. If I ever get forced in front of a jury, I hope I get 13 of you fucktards who really care.
My last 3 jury summons have been for a faggot who bashed a cop’s face in with a rock (because he thought they were going to tow his car); A faggot who killed his business partner for paying taxes; and, a nigger who owed child support for 13 nigglets.
For some oddball reason, the kike lawyers let me go before lunch for the first two, but questioned me for 2 days on the third.
There was a titty bar 4 blocks away, so it wasn’t all bad.
John Russell
I didn't get picked but the last one they interviewed me for was over a nigger trying to rob a liquor store. It's like I couldn't have went for anything more stereotypical.
Connor Morris
You talked about it. too l8 m8.
Lincoln Lopez
it turns out that niggers have legitimate gripes about the american justice system, this thread is proof
to make up for it america should release all the niggers from prison and pay them reparations
Robert Martin
>the last one they interviewed me for was over a nigger trying to rob a liquor store
Judges used to call bullshit on that crap, and save Jury trials for things that were questionable.
Now, courthouses are nigger zoos. Who could possibly question the honor of Treyvonicous after seeing that he'd been convicted of robbing only 26 other liquor stores before he was given an Affirmative Action diploma from George Washington King High School last year?
Sure, he may have done robbed that liqqa sto 27 times before, but THIS time he done only be on he way to church, getting he life back on track, loved to dance, jus going to skoo, built a computer an sheeit!
Xavier Ward
>to make up for it america should release all the niggers from prison and pay them reparations
Didn't we send enough Haitian refugees your way recently? >You fucking monsters only gave them 7 years and $100 billion dollars to deal with an earthquake!
We can send more. >The demand for nigger cock in Canada far outstrips the supply!! That sucks. Or, more likely, that's just your mom.
Here. Have all our niggers. Canada is our best Gay friend.
Jace Rogers
I have jury duty in a week. It'll be my 2nd time ever. I took my first time seriously because I was curious about the system and how it worked. But now that I know how it works, especially here in Niggerdelphia, I don't ever want to do it again.
I was picked for a civil case involving a nigger who wanted free gibs from a business. Almost half of my fellow jurors were double digit IQ shitskins and by god they were fucking stupid. Luckily, I had around 3 respectable whites and some Asians who could actually behave. But the shitskins, they would just yell and talk over others and get mad at me, the foreman. Luckily, niggers shut up quickly when a position of authority yells at them. I think it reminds them of their parents abusing them. Kek.
Anyway, being part of a jury can definitely be fun and exciting. Do it at least once and hope that you don't have to deal with nigger subhumans.
Jaxson Baker
>I took my first time seriously All White people do.
>I was picked for a civil case involving a nigger Sadly, that's most jury cases for the past 50 years. >6 weeks of Treyvonicus swearing he was jus on he way to church, he a good boy, turning he life around, about to go to skoo on an apehoop scholarship, love to dance later...
Oh, look. There's fucking video of Treyvonicus shooting the Vietnamese shopkeeper in the face that the defense kept hidden.
Your country thanks you for wasting two weeks of your life for typical niggershines. Watch your mailbox for future invites!!!
Elijah Ortiz
I was called once. Sat for a couple of hours, then got called into the court room - fuck, I was hoping to get some reading done that week. Was a murder trial. Multiple perps - all black teenagers. They were sitting there, glaring at us. Didn't expect that. We had to fill out a long questionaire, about the case - I hadn't heard about it, as I was away in college at the time. They killed a gay guy in a park at night - he probably asked if they wanted their dick sucked. Sounds interesting - this was before OJ, and I thought a murder trial could be cool to sit for. Then the judge talks to us - don't tell anyone what case it is, they'll review the questionaires - oh, and by the way, this case will probably go 6-8 months. Fuck. I already knew my boss wasn't gonna pay me for the time I was gone. That long? I'm fucked - he's gonna fire me. So I figured, I need to fill out a hardship form first thing tomorrow. Go in the next day, and the judge tells us too many of us knew about the case, they're taking it to another county, thank you for your service, you may go. Fucking PHEW. I looked up the case later - all of the niggers got life sentences. They're probably still rotting in prison. I've never been called since.
Brandon Robinson
Oh, forgot the best part - a month later, I got a check for $2.65. Didn't even cover what I paid for parking two days. Fuckers.
Thomas Green
>this case will probably go 6-8 months
Speedy trial indeed. Niggers and jews love wasting everyone else's time--as long as they're getting paid.
Say the words 'Pro Bono' in front of a kike, and watch him go whiter than a bleached sheet.
Your shoplifting trial could easily last 4-6 years, unless your credit is declined.
Evan Roberts
Have you ever thought about killing yourself?
Jason Garcia
surely op can't suck this much cock?
Charles Edwards
terrifying if true
Hudson Rivera
Are you underage? Be honest.
Hunter Allen
Hide your power level, and just make up a politically correct reason to say when you give anyone you dislike the guilty verdict
Carson Hill
Do your duty with truth, virtue,and with the functional principles of this republic in mind and heart.
Brandon Torres
I keep feeling the need to respond to each post because you are such an insufferable faggot. Again, please consider suicide. If you're too young to be here, disregard, but if you're actually an adult please look into how to tie a noose. Based on your posts your friends and family will not miss you so you should have no guilt.
Liam Fisher
Stop sperging.
Brody Sanchez
seems like you don't know how jury selection works senpai
Sebastian Lopez
wish this was 1st post so this thread couldve just ended
Jose Sullivan
>I keep feeling the need to respond to each post because I'm such an insufferable faggot.
Good luck wit getting your nigger Pookie off.
>Pookie done be going to de store. Jus needed dem bluntwraps, an sheeit.
Andrew Nelson
If it's a nigger it's guilty. That's all you need to know.
Jack Williams
fuck now im scared.
Benjamin Morales
>mfw the same people who think there's nobility in looking out for their race, but forget that the race needs morals to be worthy of saving in the first place
Tyler Sanchez
That's why the nigger is always guilty. This isn't their land and you shouldn't treat them like it is.
Aiden Perry
Not my fucking problem. They are invaders and they would do the same. Turnabout is fair play and all's fair in war.
Camden Phillips
this cannot be real.
Anthony Johnson
Two wrongs doesn't make a right user. This world needs justice. If the predictions about non-Europeans are true ITT, then you have nothing to worry about. Truth will prove you correct. If you are wrong, and the minority in question did nothing wrong, then wouldn't that be good news?
By the way, acting badly because you think someone else will doesn't make you any better than anyone else. It becomes a race to the bottom, and you've become a useless debased snow nigger.
Evan Cook
fair enough
Ryder Taylor
if its a nigger he gets the rope if its kike he gets the gas if its a roastie she gets the chair if its fembot she gets the firing squad
if its a white man hes free, plus expenses and damages
do not reveal your power level say only nice things do your best to get selected, do not lose this chance to influence the law, do not let any degenerates decide the fate of your brother
Xavier Carter
fuck off your not a canadian and never will be you have to go back, Tyrone, Jamal or panjeet, whatever you shitskin name is, dont ever think you are safe all real canadians despise you and want to see you drowned in your childrens blood
Grayson Gray
Justice is for people. Animals need to fuck off.
William Phillips
You're either my brother or you're not. We're not in this together with the other races. It's us or them. You're either helping us or hurting us. There is no in between.
Brandon Butler
Lincoln Cook
seriously, user, behave on a jufy in the exact same way you would expect a jury to behave if you were ever on trial. That is the only way the system can work.
Aiden Green
You're one of the good leafs. Canada needs more men like you.
Noah Sanchez
Luke Russell
>I'm a fucking natsoc and... Stopped reading there. This is literally the "my dad works at Nintendo" argument.
Samuel Russell
If you mention jury nullification you will not be on that jury, for sure. If you seem right wing, you will probably not be on that jury. If you seem like you browse Sup Forums or 4chinz, you will not be on that jury. t. lawyer
Jacob Murphy
In Australia they don't give a shit about any of those or would consider them an issue.
Too many Homer Simpson's out there who would do ANYTHING to get out of it.
So its basically all of Australians who pay tax. So.... the entire shitheap
Adam Edwards
You're not fit for jury duty, you gigantic faggot.
As soon as your Sup Forums power level seeps out, it will end extremely badly for you.
You can be held in contempt for being a piece a shit.
Dominic Morales
If you want to get on a jury tell them that you don't follow the news, read or keep up with current events, you like watching cartoons and dancing, you also Ike to sing at church. Appear to be as simple as possible, borderline retarded. You will be picked. If you don't want to be picked, ask the judge about jury Nullification, ask if any of the guilty people are Negro's, because you hate Niggers, ask if any of the lawyers belong to one of the Tribes of Israel, the killers of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, the Dirty Jews. Tell them you can have an open mind and listen to all the facts and then find them guilty, because you know what a guilty person looks like and they look guilty, stand, point at the defendant and shout Sinner, Repent, g_d commands you.
Been on State Grand Jury 3 times, 90 days each time, 3 days a week. Did 2 terms on Federal Grand Jury, 6 months, twice a week. Been on 9 criminal juries and 11 civil. I was unemployed for a while and enjoyed the experience and the money.