Well Sup Forums?
Whitey be rayciss tho
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Starve to death probably.
Fucking run.
Run and don't stop.
Run until you get to Asia where you will be worshiped.
If I was a nigger, then start gang wars while begging gibs from Asians.
Kill myself.
The coloureds would do the same thing as always: sit on ass and do nothing. There would be no more whites to dole out welfare, either. Sheeeit.
Starve to death.
Rape murder and eat each other without using sage?
Wonder where the fuck I got taken to
(All other answers are suspect shitskins)
stand there with a blank look while drool runs down my face
Nothing. I'd be gone.
chimp out and then starve because literally all the farmers were white
I'm Caucasian so I would be gone. So nothing.
I'm not white so since there's nobody to stop me I'd be fucking up any and all nigger, jew, spic, chink and whatever other filth settlements assuming I get there before they destroy themselves anyways
Im gone nigger. what do I care?
well since I'm caucasian I imagine I'd be raptured with everyone else
Grab all the guns
I can't believe it took this many posts for somebody to realize this.
I won't do anything - I'll be gone.
Kill myself because the world would eat itself
I'm gone so....
I am a Caucasoid, therefore I am dead.
Who'll operate the nuclear plants? Obviously I'll watch them explode one after another and die while doing so.
nothing. I'd be "gone"
They'd be left with so much infrastructure, and it would all rot. Dumb niggers would waste everything that white people left them.
>die because no welfare
>die because gangs go completely unchecked
>die because extremely limited access to medicine and
>die because of old age, living in a cave where I belong with some wooden spears and hoping my great-great-great-grandchildren will have evolved a bit
well, im gone.
so i guess i would ask where they are taking all the white people to, and if they have anything to eat, oh and where is the nearest lavatory.
disappear with them
>be white
In the event it turns out slavs are not actually white
>move to poland
Assuming I am a nigger in this scenario.
>Desperately attempt to get to East Asia before I starve to death or get killed in the inevitable gang violence.
I'm pretty sure since the question is directed at you that you're excluded from the lucky ones that don't have to deal with all theother races.
Do mixed race people count as white?
Elon Musk sent out the memo looks like you were asleep at the wheel sport
look out onto the Martian landscape, I guess
hope I woke up in time to go outside and watch the forced collision of the moon with Earth
Be the whitest person Alive because all the full on inbreds are gone and start paying gangs of blacks to take over territory.
i was busy working and contributing to society, didn't have time to read those memos.
Panic! Who gonna pay fo muh keeyads n sheeeiiit!
I'm a small part prairie nigger. Do I still exist? Oh, also part Irish. How about now?
piss in the UN councill chambers before giving the word to my negroid militia of nervestapled saps the go ahead to deconstruct the building via remote control.
At least nothing will change at the DMV.
Not my fucking problem anymore.
wait, so am i the last caucasian? holy fuck i am so going to get laid. finally, just being white would be a substitute for actual real world success or attractiveness. real privledge, just for being white, i'd check that. if someone doesn't kill me first, as the last white man on earth everyone will blame all their problems on me. and after all that i would take the time to sage
I am being The Whitest God King Emperor of the Earf.
>gang violence
>not starvation
im not fully caucasoid so I'd still be around and I would have a Giant Automated farm and pay them in food to conquer other Warlords.
I'd impregnate as many women as possible. There is no longer a rule of law to make me pay child support.
If Op is asking "If only black people where left on earth"
Aids and Ebola would spread without any safeguards and the entire species would go extinct the jews would then starve to death.
chimp out and destroy shit, any country talking shit will get nuked if we can figure out how
Be gone as well?
Just do what I do everyday. Not hard to be honest.
You are welcome in my food kingdom if you check your metal at the door with the Robit.
>Everyone else dead
>Only Jews remain
>Refuse to do manual farm labor
>Starve to death
I'm going to sleep now with a smile on my face. Thank you, user.
Start a cult, duh
are any race mixed with white considered white?
>the answer is no u fucking nigger scum
Become the king of nigs.
Hide underground before they try to put me in a museum for being endangered
Wouldn't do anything because I would be "gone"
I'd probably be better off though
Good thing the Irish are not considered white.
No african lineage within me and I would still be around.
I'll have a Garden of Eden defended by Robots we give them little meals if they bring back heads on our bounty board.
>You wake up and all the caucasians on Earth are gone. What's the first thing you do?
Try to figure out where I am, I guess.
If all Whites disappeared - except for myself, I'm assuming, since this question is being posed to me - I'd probably commandeer a ship and sail straight for the Pacific Islands or Japan. No other place on Earth has as much safety, luxury, and stability.
Jozi is a massive, sprawling shit hole that is to be avoided at all costs. But even that is a bit of a wank. It's like basing your opinion of the USA entirely on Detroit or Baltimore.
Really Sup Forums? no one posted this yet?
From there we will activate the breeding Program and flood the world and make it a white paradise.
Get the kikes off my land. HO'KA!!
Wait, why is everyone still here?
I assume the question implies I'm not white in this scenario?
Raid a store probably.
alternatively you are still on earth all the darkies are just waking up on another planet.
they're not big on the darkies
Enjoy the colony on Mars my fellow white people and I have just finished.
It's truly a utopia of automation and free markets.
They have safe guards for a situation where people can't get to them.
However, most of the powerplants would shut down, not all, because some asians and blacks do know how to run them. Not many, but some.
I feel as if there would be enough asian and black people in government positions to keep some semblance of order, at least for a while until it turns into another south africa.
Food won't be a problem, as theres enough nonperishable foods to keep us fed for a long time.
There would be a huge spike in crime, but some places would be safe. Japan, for example.
Probably start looting, well not probably they will start looting. They'll find any excuse in the world to loot. Then they'll let the infastructure go to shit while they regress back to running shitty farms and hunting. W.e is going on in africa will happen here
if we are going with this then yeah I'd loot stores then burn them down and grave rob and setup a witchdoctor practice.
Steal their shit them party and do drugs
name one city white people built and left and blacks kept it up or made it better.
this one was actually anti-zuma. But typical liberal scum.
zuma should be fired for being gay.
Hide from the negroes
Dindunaffin trap ;)
White founded or improved by whites?
Addis Ababa
Antananarivo (though they're half Malay)
Lagos (if you don't count the slums surrounding the city)
Malabo (bonus points - built entirely by the niggers)
The niggers that behave most like Whitey are the ones that do the best. Nigeria even has a budding tech sector, tons of properly exploited natural resources, a non-corrupt Government, if a bit ineffective, and a stable-ish economy. Their only real problem is that the Atheists, Christians, and Nativists keep getting niggered by the Muslims in the North.
You'd think the anti-Zuma officials would get more traction if they weren't insufferably liberal as well.
I'll be in heaven I dunno all I know is earth will be hellish
Blown from a gun
Asians take our place
ayoo hol up where tha free food an money. why da lights out. shiiitte who gonna feed these kids we be havin.
just kill myself
move to japan. no white people left to call me a weeaboo.
Probably be killed by a meteorite because the whites left you out of the evacuation plan.
I thought thats what I said.
Zuma should be fired out of a catapult or a cannon aimed at a cardinal direction.
No, I'm just an unironic fascist.
The 'anti-zuma' movement's problem is that it's not that at all. It's just the DA and EFF trying to win votes and weaken the ANC. DA are still seen as a white party and the EFF is to busy throwing itself at everything.
Zuma will only be removed by the ANC. Which is good, a weak ANC is dangerous.
I'd wake up wherever they put all the white people
When every nuclear power plant explodes and everything that's under high pressure explodes they will all die of cancer if they don't die in a flood from a burst dam first.
I like you
Would the US be any different?